27 research outputs found

    Dynamical mean-field theory for the anisotropic Kondo semiconductor: Temperature and magnetic field dependence

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    We investigate the periodic Anderson model with k\bm{k}-dependent cc-ff mixing reproducing the point nodes of the hybridization gap by using the dynamical mean-field theory combined with the exact diagonalization method. At low temperature below a coherence temperature T0T_0, the imaginary part of the self-energy is found to be proportional to T2T^2 and the pseudogap with two characteristic energies Δ~1\tilde{\it \Delta}_1 and Δ~2\tilde{\it \Delta}_2 is clearly observed for T≪T0T\ll T_0, while the pseudogap is smeared with increasing TT and then disappears at high temperature T \simg T_0 due to the evolution of the imaginary self-energy. When the Coulomb interaction between ff electrons UU increases, Δ~1\tilde{\it \Delta}_1, Δ~2\tilde{\it \Delta}_2, and T0T_0 together with TmaxT_{\rm max} at which the magnetic susceptibility is maximum decrease in proportion to the renormalization factor ZZ resulting in a heavy-fermion semiconductor with a large mass enhancement m∗/m=Z−1m^*/m=Z^{-1} for large UU. We also examine the effect of the external magnetic field HH and find that the magnetization MM shows two metamagnetic anomalies H1H_1 and H2H_2 corresponding to Δ~1\tilde{\it \Delta}_1 and Δ~2\tilde{\it \Delta}_2 which are reduced due to the effect of HH together with ZZ. Remarkably, Z−1Z^{-1} is found to be largely enhanced due to HH especially for H_1 \siml H \siml H_2, where the field induced heavy-fermion state is realized. The obtained results seem to be consistent with the experimental results observed in the anisotropic Kondo semiconductors such as CeNiSn.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figure

    Critical Behaviour near the Mott Transition in a Two-Band Hubbard Model

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    The Mott metal-insulator transition in the two-band Hubbard model in infinite dimensions is studied by using the linearized dynamical mean-field theory. The discontinuity in the chemical potential for the change from hole to electron doping is calculated analytically as a function of the on-site Coulomb interaction UU, and the charge-transfer energy Δ\Delta between the dd- and pp-orbitals, transfer integrals tpdt_{pd}, tppt_{pp}, tddt_{dd} between pp-dd, pp-pp and dd-dd sites respectively. The critical behaviour of the quasiparticle weight is also obtained analytically.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Dynamical Mean-Field Study of Metamagnetism in Heavy Fermion Systems

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    We investigate the metamagnetism in the periodic Anderson model with the k\bm{k}-dependent c−fc-f mixing by using the dynamical mean-field theory combined with the exact diagonalization method. It is found that both effects of the k\bm{k}-dependent c−fc-f mixing and strong correlation due to the Coulomb interaction between ff electrons are significant for determining both the magnetization and the mass enhancement factor. For the case away from the half-filling, the results is consistent with the metamagnetic behavior observed in CeRu2_2Si2_2.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, accepted in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 (2011) Suppl. (Proc. ICHE2010

    Metal-insulator transition and superconductivity in the two-orbital Hubbard-Holstein model for iron-based superconductors

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    We investigate a two-orbital model for iron-based superconductors to elucidate the effect of interplay between electron correlation and Jahn-Teller electron-phonon coupling by using the dynamical mean-field theory combined with the exact diagonalization method. When the intra- and inter-orbital Coulomb interactions, UU and U′U', increase with U=U′U=U', both the local spin and orbital susceptibilities, χs\chi_{s} and χo\chi_{o}, increase with χs=χo\chi_{s}=\chi_{o} in the absence of the Hund's rule coupling JJ and the electron-phonon coupling gg. In the presence of JJ and gg, there are distinct two regimes: for J∼>2g2/ω0J \stackrel{>}{_\sim} 2g^2/\omega_0 with the phonon frequency ω0\omega_0, χs\chi_{s} is enhanced relative to χo\chi_{o} and shows a divergence at J=JcJ=J_c above which the system becomes Mott insulator, while for J∼<2g2/ω0J \stackrel{<}{_\sim} 2g^2/\omega_0, χo\chi_{o} is enhanced relative to χs\chi_{s} and shows a divergence at g=gcg=g_c above which the system becomes bipolaronic insulator. In the former regime, the superconductivity is mediated by antiferromagnetic fluctuations enhanced due to Fermi-surface nesting and is found to be largely dependent on carrier doping. On the other hand, in the latter regime, the superconductivity is mediated by ferro-orbital fluctuations and is observed for wide doping region including heavily doped case without the Fermi-surface nesting.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1209.495

    Two types of s-wave pairing due to magnetic and orbital fluctuations in the two-dimensional 16-band d-p model for iron-based superconductors

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    We study superconductivity in the two-dimensional 16-band d-p model extracted from a tight-binding fit to the band structure of LaFeAsO, using the random phase approximation. When the intraorbital repulsion U is larger than the interorbital one U', an extended s-wave (s+--wave) pairing with sign reversal of order parameter is mediated by antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations, while when U<U' another kind of s-wave (s++-wave) pairing without sign reversal is mediated by ferro-orbital fluctuations. The s++-wave pairing is enhanced due to the electron-phonon coupling and then can be expanded over the realistic parameter region with U>U'.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, added discussions and references, published in Phys. Rev.