7 research outputs found

    Study of the opportunities of kinesitherapy to tackle obesity in school-age

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    Obesity is a disease associated with excessive accumulation of body fat. Obesity in children is not only aesthetic, but also one of the most serious medical and social problems of our time, which is constantly growing. Its great medical and social importance is determined by the fact that it favors the development of many diseases - type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and others. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) Bulgaria ranks fifth in Europe in obese children.Objective: This study examines the possibilities of kinesitherapy as a means to tackle obesity in school age.The study was conducted within three months at the Medical Center for Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine „Prostor` - Varna. It involves 32 children with overweight and obesity between the ages of 7 and 15 years. Before and after the kinesitherapeutic program every child goes through a clinical medical examination including measurements of height and weight, calculation of Body Mass Index (BMI) and laboratory tests.After analyzing the obtained data, we report reduction in weight, depending on to what extent the recommendations for balanced nutrition and physical activity are followed for the rest of the day.Nutrition and physical activity are crucial to the health and prerequisite for ensuring optimal growth and development of children and adolescents.tudy of the opportunities of kinesitherapy to tackle obesity in school-age

    Peloid therapy in Bulgaria

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    Пелоидотерапията (от гр. Пелос - кал, тиня) е ефективен метод на лечение, познат и използван от дълбока древност до наши дни. Лечебните свойства на калта са били известни на древните египтяни, римляни, гърци, индийци. За калолечение се споменава още през 30 век пр.н.е. в папируса „Кахун`.Основател на научното калолечение в България е проф. д-р Параскев Стоянов. Още през 1905г. той започва да прилага калолечение във варненския Морски санаториум. Проучва калонаходищата край Шабла, Балчишка Тузла, Варна и Поморие.В наши дни медицинските специалисти все повече се обръщат към природните средства и методи за лечение, доказали своята ефективност във времето. Естествените природни продукти притежават мощна лечебна сила и много по-малко странични, вредни за здравето ефекти. Цел на доклада: Да се представят възможностите на разнообразните по състав и произход калонаходища в България за профилактика и лечение на социално значими заболявания.The peloid therapy /from Greek Pelosi - mud, silt/ is an effective method of treatment, known and used since ancient times to present time. The healing properties of mud were known to the ancient Egyptians, Romans, Greeks and Indians. For the first time mud was mentioned in the 30 century BC in the „Kahuna` papyrus.Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov was the first to use peloid therapy as a scientific method of treatment. He began to use mud as a treatment in the Varna Sea Sanatorium as early as 1905. He explored mud deposits near Shabla, Balchishka Tuzla, Varna and Pomorie. These days, medical professionals are increasingly turning to natural remedies and treatments, which have proven their effectiveness over time. Natural products have a powerful healing power and fewer harmful side effects.Aim of the Report: To present the possibilities of various by content and origin mud deposits in Bulgaria for the prevention and treatment of socially significant diseases

    Research about parents awareness of prevention of flatfoot in children

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    Плоскостъпието на пръв поглед изглежда безобидно, но с напредване на възрастта създава редица проблеми на страдащите от него. При разгърната клинична картина лечението е доста трудно и понякога се стига до оперативна интервенция. Неоправдано е проблемът да се неглижира, тъй като съществуват сравнително прости мерки, стига да са взети навреме. Напълно е възможен консервативен контрол на състоянието, за да не се достигне до формиране на усложнения. Неоперативно лечение на плоскостъпие съществува на всички негови етапи. Когато то се осъществява своевременно, пациентът получава една надеждна протекция по отношение на прогресия на състоянието. Ето защо профилактиката в детска възраст е оправдана. За целта е необходимо родителите да бъдат информирани за проблема и за възможностите, които дават навременно проведената профилактика и диагностика. Имайки предвид отговорността, която носят родителите за опазване здравето на децата си, изследването на информираността им относно профилактиката на плоскостъпие при децата е необходимо и практически полезно. Целта на този доклад е да се проучи информираността на родителите относно профилактиката на плоскостъпието при децата и да се изготвят препоръки за домашна диагностика. При анализа на резултатите се установи, че всички анкетирани родители са запознати със състоянието плоскостъпие. Само една трета от тях са водили детето си на профилактичен преглед за плоскостъпие, въпреки че го определят като важно за здравето на децата си.At first, flatfoot does not seem like a very serious condition, but with time it causes a number of problems for those who suffer from it. The treatment is quite difficult and sometimes a surgery is necessary. It`s not good idea to ignore the problem, because there are simple measures which taken on time can help. A conservative method of controlling the condition and thus preventing complications is a possible option. Non-surgical methods of treatment can be used in all of the stages of flatfoot. When the treatment starts on time, there is a reliable protection in terms of the progression of the condition. This is why prophylaxis in children is important. For this purpose, it`s necessary for parents to be familiar with the problem and the opportunities that timely prevention and diagnostics present. Considering that parents have the responsibility of maintain their child`s health, the research on their awareness about the prevention of flatfoot is necessary and useful.The aim of the report is to research parents` awareness about the prevention of flatfoot and make recommendation for home diagnostics.When the result from the survey was analyzed, we found that all of the parents are familiar with flatfoot. Only a third of them said that they bring their child to be checked for the condition, still they find it important for their child health

    The therapeutic properties of essential rose oil

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    The highest quality rose essential oil is being produced in Bulgaria using the cultivated ‘Rosa damascena Mill. This particular variety grows in a region called ‘The Rose Valley` where the most favourable conditions for the species to thrive are available.Aim: To research and analyse the characteristics, application and therapeutical influence of essential rose oil and its application in massage techniques.There are techniques for influencing different pathologies being described. Recommendations for essential rose oil application. With regards to its numerous and highly valued therapeutic properties, essential rose oil is not being used nearly enough in prophylactics and healing

    The opportunities of kinesitherapy to keep elderly people independent

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    The opportunities of kinesitherapy to keep elderly people independent Recent social and demographic studies show considerable changes in the age structure of the population of our country. The percentage of the grown-up and elderly people is significantly increasing. Most important from health point of view is the high morbidity and pathology domination mostly of degenerative type, which necessitates diversity of health services and social care with the aim to improve quality of life. As the age goes on, chronic motive changes pile up and people need more and more support to keep adequate their motive activity.Aim: To study and analyze the opportunities of the active kinesitherapy and the rehabilitation therapist role in helping elderly people stay independent.Conclusion: it is essential for elderly people to maintain their abilities for doing the basic everyday activities like feeding, hygiene, getting dressed, moving, shopping. The kinesitherapy can contribute for bigger self-dependence and independence of the elderly

    Application of zone therapy for joint and muscular pain in the spine

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    Zone therapy is a therapeutic approach and scientifically- proven method of reflex relationship between different organs and reflex areas in the hands and feet. In these areas, there are receptors, the stimulation of which by pressure or point massage is achieved to improve the function of the nervous and circulatory systems.Aim: To present the main aspects and opportunities for inclusion of zone therapy in complex treatment of joint and muscle pain in the spine and independent and use in milder cases of back pain.The finding of the study issued on the topic literature allows the following conclusions:Zone therapy is scientifically-proven method with tradition and future applicable to the diagnosis and coping with mild back pain and helps deal with problems in the spine.It is a unique system that can complement any treatment prescribed by a doctor

    What we know about the flatfoot

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    The flatfoot is major problem, which is often neglected. The flatly step is congenital or acquired. Some of the forms of the congenital deformities are there since the born of human and others are acquired when we first start walking or even in the puberty. The acquired forms are secondary.Aim: To be pointed and analyzed the opportunities of physiotherapy and the role of the rehabilitator during the prevention, diagnostics and the therapy of deformities.If it isn`t diagnosed on time it could lead to changes of the body pose and pathological changes in the skeleton