11 research outputs found

    Nosocomial infections - registration, nosological and etiological structure

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    Nosocomial infections (NI) gain importance in medical practice due to the increase of the invasive remedial and diagnostic handling, raise in the rate of survival of patients, increase in the average age of the population in the coun try (2,4). In our practice, we have experienced how costly a treatment of a patient with added NI could be (3). The situation has further complicated by the adaptation of new nosocomial pathogens and their increase resistance of antibiotics. The absence of preferred policy from Health ministry and Health-ensure cash in regards to NI and the lack of clinical paths lead to decline in the interest of the medical personnel and their anticipation in the anti-epidemi cal battle.Scripta Scientifica Medica 2009; 41(2): 183-185

    GC-MS analysis and antibacterial activity of some fractions from Lagochilus ilicifolius Bge. grown in Mongolia

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    3-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline (1), 4-hydroxyisoquinoline (2), 4-(1E)-hydroxy-1-prophenyl)-2-methoxyphenol (3), 4-acetoxycinnamic acid (4), Songoramine (5), and Songorine (6) have been determined by GC-MS analysis from the crude alkaloid mixtures (G1) obtained from the aerial parts of Lagochilus ilicifolius Bge. grown in Mongolia and comparison of the measured data with those from the literature. The compounds 1-6 are described for the first time from L.ilicifolius. From these 3-methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline (1) was determined for the first time from natural plants.In addition, the antibacterial activity of fractions and total alkaloids were evaluated against Staphylococcus aurous, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli strains, respectively. The growth inhibition zones against gram-positive S.aureus, B.subtilis, B.cereus and gram negative E.coli, strains were observed. Positive results were achieved on 500 μg/disc concentration, but lower results or no active on 100 μg/disc concentration were for the plant extracts, fractions and total alkaloids.Mongolian Journal of Chemistry 16 (42), 2015, 39-4

    Case Report of Advanced Childhood Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma: Is Radiotherapy Dose Deescalation the Right Way in Good Responders to Induction Chemotherapy

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    Objectives:. Treatment of childhood NPC similar to adults consists of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, but distant failure is often observed, which led to introducing the induction chemotherapy followed by radiation or chemoradiation. The improved survival rates raised the question of late toxicity. The options for lowering the toxicity rate is the application of advanced radiotherapy techniques like IMRT and VMAT, and deescalation of the radiation dose in good responders and early NPC.Case report: We report a case of13-years old male patient with a high-risk childhood undifferentiated NPC, stage cT4 cN2b M0. He presented with unilateral swallowing at the middle third of left muscle sterenocleidomastoideus, and headache, fever, sore throat and intermittent nasal bleeding for an year. Diagnostic MRI and PET/CT showed good concordance for primary tumor extension and lymph node involvement. Three coursesinduction chemotherapy were applied according to NPC2003-GPOH protocolwith good treatment response. The restaging PET/CT found no distant metastasis. Deescalated protocol of radiotherapy alone was delivered to 50.4 Gy total dose with IGRT, VMAT irradiation technique. At three month PET/CT follow up a solitary bone lesion was detected.Conclusion: The present case proved that in high risk patients more aggressive treatment strategies should be recommended with no omission of concurrent chemotherapy even after full response. Deescalation of radiotherapy dose probably is not appropriate in this group of patients. MRI and PET CT should be used as complementary imaging modalities for early detection of locoregional or distant metastasis

    The role of MRI in staging and radiotherapy treatment planning in locally advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma – case report

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    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a rare disease. The “Golden imaging standard” for primary tumor and regional lymph nodes staging in NPC is MRI- magnetic resonance imaging. Radiotherapy is the main treatment modality in both early and locoregional advanced NPC. Radiotherapy alone is recommended only in T1N0M0 stage NPC, while in higher stages for best treatment results contributes radiotherapy with concomitant chemotherapy. The aim is to report a case of a patients with NPC presented to our department with clinical and MRI data for scull base and brain invasion. Tumor staging included PET/CT scan and MRI, which were used also for treatmentplanning. The patient was treated with definitive radiotherapy to 64 Gy, concomitantly with weekly Cisplatin. VMAT and IGRT treatment techniques were used. One year later a complete response is observed without late toxicity and grade 2 dry mouth. Using of MRI for initial staging and radiotherapy planning in NPC is very important due to precise findings of the tumor invasion and a correct definition of the treatment volume. MRI staging should be part of the initial staging and follow up algorithm in all patients with NPC

    Treatment of Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Bulgaria

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    Background: During the last four decades the prognosis of childhood acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has been substantially improved due to an increase in complete remission (CR) rates, event-free survival (EFS) and reduced early mortality. The relapsed AML still remains a therapeutic challenge

    Abstracts Of The Proceedings And The Posters From The Third Scientific Session Of The Medical College Of Varna

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    October 2-3, 201