3 research outputs found

    Morbilidad de la enfermedad renal oculta en senescentes de un área de salud

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    Introduction: chronic renal disease is one of the main causes of death, within the group of chronic non-communicable diseases, its prevalence in developed countries is approximately 500 to 1400 patients per million inhabitants, while in Latin America, is 447 patients per million population.Objective: to determine the prevalence of chronic renal disease and predisposing risk factors in older adults from a medical office at “Jimmy Hirzel” University Polyclinic in Bayamo municipality, Granma province, between June 2016 and June 2017.Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional observational study was carried out with 120 older adults with a health history of type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension.Results: the diagnosis of occult renal disease was established in 113 out of the 120 patients studied, the group of 60-69 years old was the most affected by chronic nephropathy, while male sex and mixed race individuals were the most prevalent. The main predisposing risk factors for occult renal disease were chronic ischemic heart disease, dyslipidemia and smoking.Conclusions: there was a high prevalence of occult renal disease in the older adults examined, where the age group corresponding to 60-69 years, male sex and mixed race individuals were the most affected.Introducción: la enfermedad renal crónica forma parte de las principales causas de muerte, dentro del grupo de enfermedades crónicas no comunicables, su prevalencia en países desarrollados es alrededor de 500 a 1 400 pacientes por millón de habitantes, mientras que en Latinoamérica, es de 447 pacientes por millón de población.Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de la enfermedad renal crónica y factores de riesgos predisponentes en gerontes de un consultorio médico del Policlínico Universitario “Jimmy Hirzel”, municipio Bayamo, Granma entre junio 2016 y junio 2017.Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo, de corte transversal en el que se incluyeron 120 gerontes con antecedentes patológicos personales de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e hipertensión arterial.Resultados: se estableció el diagnóstico de enfermedad renal oculta en 113 individuos de 120 sujetos estudiados, el grupo de 60-69 años de edad fue el más afectado por la nefropatía crónica, mientras que el sexo masculino y los sujetos mestizos fueron los de mayor prevalencia. Los principales factores de riesgo predisponentes de enfermedad renal oculta fueron la cardiopatía isquémica crónica, la dislipidemias y el tabaquismo.Conclusiones: existió una elevada prevalencia de la enfermedad renal oculta en los adultos mayores examinados, donde el grupo etario correspondiente a 60-69 años de edad, el sexo masculino y los individuos mestizos fueron los más afectados

    Phenotype of Hypertension-altered Waist and its Association with the Components of Metabolic Changes in Gerontics

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    Foundation: abdominal obesity lis a specific phenotype of obesity and is characterized by affecting the upper half of the body, which associated to a group of metabolic factors increase cardiovascular risks. Objective: to determine the prevalence of hypetension phenotype – altered waist and its association with various components of the metabolic syndrome of gerontics admitted at the geriatric service of the Clinical Surgical Teaching Provincial Hospital Celia Sánchez Manduley of Manzanillo, Granma in the period from November 2017 – November 2018. Method: a cross descriptive study was conducted which included 180 aging patients admitted at the geriatric service who had personal history of hypertension. Results: phenotype hypertension diagnosis was established – altered waist in 157 subjects out of 180 studied, while in the age group of 70 to 79 and male sex were the most affected. The components of the metabolic syndrome with higher association with senescents affected by the endocrinopathy were dyslipidemia followed by glycaemia disturbances. In the group from 60 to 70 abdominal obesity- hypertension phenotype in individuals with overweight or normalbody mass index; while among nonagerians and the centenarian the association was more for normal weight. Hypertension – altered waist prevailed among overweight and normal weight of both sexes. Conclusion: there is a high prevalence of altered waist – hypertension in the studied older adults