1,208 research outputs found

    Wavelet-based denoising by customized thresholding

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    The problem of estimating a signal that is corrupted by additive noise has been of interest to many researchers for practical as well as theoretical reasons. Many of the traditional denoising methods have been using linear methods such as the Wiener filtering. Recently, nonlinear methods, especially those based on wavelets have become increasingly popular, due to a number of advantages over the linear methods. It has been shown that wavelet-thresholding has near-optimal properties in the minimax sense, and guarantees better rate of convergence, despite its simplicity. Even though much work has been done in the field of wavelet-thresholding, most of it was focused on statistical modeling of the wavelet coefficients and the optimal choice of the thresholds. In this paper, we propose a custom thresholding function which can improve the denoised results significantly. Simulation results are given to demonstrate the advantage of the new thresholding function

    Discrete pdf estimation in the presence of noise

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    The problem of estimating a pdf from measurements has been widely studied by many researchers. However, most of the work was focused on estimating a probability density function of continuous random variables, especially in the absence of noise. In this paper, we consider a model for representing discrete probability density functions based on multirate dsp models. Using this model, we propose an efficient and stable scheme for pdf estimation when the measurements are corrupted by independent additive noise. This approach makes use of well-known results from multirate dsp theory, especially that of biorthogonal partners. Simulation results are given, which clearly show the advantage of the proposed method

    HMM with auxiliary memory: a new tool for modeling RNA structures

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    For a long time, proteins have been believed to perform most of the important functions in all cells. However, recent results in genomics have revealed that many RNAs that do not encode proteins play crucial roles in the cell machinery. The so-called ncRNA genes that are transcribed into RNAs but not translated into proteins, frequently conserve their secondary structures more than they conserve their primary sequences. Therefore, in order to identify ncRNA genes, we have to take the secondary structure of RNAs into consideration. Traditional approaches that are mainly based on base-composition statistics cannot be used for modeling and identifying such structures and models with more descriptive power are required. In this paper, we introduce the concept of context-sensitive HMMs, which is capable of describing pairwise interactions between distant symbols. It is demonstrated that the proposed model can efficiently model various RNA secondary structures that are frequently observed

    Modeling and identification of alternative folding in regulatory RNAs using context-sensitive HMMS

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    Recent research on gene regulation has revealed that many noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are actively involved in controlling various gene-regulatory networks. For such ncRNAs, their secondary structures play crucial roles in carrying out their functions. Interestingly enough, many regulatory RNAs can choose from two alternative structures based on external factors, which enables the RNAs to regulate the expression of certain genes in an environment-dependent manner. The existence of alternative structures give rise to complex correlations in the primary sequence of the RNA. In this paper, we propose an efficient method for modeling alternative secondary structures in regulatory RNAs. The proposed method can be applied to the prediction of novel regulatory RNAs in genome sequences

    A practical approach for the design of nonuniform lapped transforms

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    We propose a simple method for the design of lapped transforms with nonuniform frequency resolution and good time localization. The method is a generalization of an approach previously proposed by Princen, where the nonuniform filter bank is obtained by joining uniform cosine-modulated filter banks (CMFBs) using a transition filter. We use several transition filters to obtain a near perfect-reconstruction (PR) nonuniform lapped transform with significantly reduced overall distortion. The main advantage of the proposed method is in reducing the length of the transition filters, which leads to a reduction in processing delay that can be useful for applications such as real-time audio coding

    Profile Context-Sensitive HMMs for Probabilistic Modeling of Sequences With Complex Correlations

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    The profile hidden Markov model is a specific type of HMM that is well suited for describing the common features of a set of related sequences. It has been extensively used in computational biology, where it is still one of the most popular tools. In this paper, we propose a new model called the profile context-sensitive HMM. Unlike traditional profile-HMMs, the proposed model is capable of describing complex long-range correlations between distant symbols in a consensus sequence. We also introduce a general algorithm that can be used for finding the optimal state-sequence of an observed symbol sequence based on the given profile-csHMM. The proposed model has an important application in RNA sequence analysis, especially in modeling and analyzing RNA pseudoknots

    Discrete probability density estimation using multirate DSP models

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    We propose a model based approach for estimation of probability mass functions for discrete random variables. The model is based on tools from multirate signal processing. Similar in principle to the kernel based methods, the approach takes advantage of well-known results from multirate signal processing theory. Similarities to and differences from wavelet based approaches is also indicated where appropriate. In the final form, the probability estimates are obtained by filtering the square root of the histogram through a multirate system whose components are biorthogonal partners of each other

    Identification of CpG islands using a bank of IIR lowpass filters

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    It has been known that biological sequences such as the DNA sequence display different kinds of patterns depending on their biological functions. This statistical difference can be exploited for identifying the region of interest, such as the protein coding regions or CpG islands, in a new biological sequence that has not been annotated yet. A region of particular interest is the CpG island, which is a region in a DNA sequence that is rich in the dinucleotide CpG, since it is known that they can be used as gene markers. There have been several computational methods for identifying CpG islands, each with its own strength and weakness. In this paper, we propose a novel scheme for detecting CpG islands in a genomic sequence, which is based on a bank of IIR lowpass filters. The proposed method is capable of identifying CpG islands efficiently at a low computational expense. Simulation results are included where appropriate to demonstrate the idea

    Computational identification and analysis of noncoding RNAs - Unearthing the buried treasures in the genome

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    The central dogma of molecular biology states that the genetic information flows from DNA to RNA to protein. This dogma has exerted a substantial influence on our understanding of the genetic activities in the cells. Under this influence, the prevailing assumption until the recent past was that genes are basically repositories for protein coding information, and proteins are responsible for most of the important biological functions in all cells. In the meanwhile, the importance of RNAs has remained rather obscure, and RNA was mainly viewed as a passive intermediary that bridges the gap between DNA and protein. Except for classic examples such as tRNAs (transfer RNAs) and rRNAs (ribosomal RNAs), functional noncoding RNAs were considered to be rare. However, this view has experienced a dramatic change during the last decade, as systematic screening of various genomes identified myriads of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), which are RNA molecules that function without being translated into proteins [11], [40]. It has been realized that many ncRNAs play important roles in various biological processes. As RNAs can interact with other RNAs and DNAs in a sequence-specific manner, they are especially useful in tasks that require highly specific nucleotide recognition [11]. Good examples are the miRNAs (microRNAs) that regulate gene expression by targeting mRNAs (messenger RNAs) [4], [20], and the siRNAs (small interfering RNAs) that take part in the RNAi (RNA interference) pathways for gene silencing [29], [30]. Recent developments show that ncRNAs are extensively involved in many gene regulatory mechanisms [14], [17]. The roles of ncRNAs known to this day are truly diverse. These include transcription and translation control, chromosome replication, RNA processing and modification, and protein degradation and translocation [40], just to name a few. These days, it is even claimed that ncRNAs dominate the genomic output of the higher organisms such as mammals, and it is being suggested that the greater portion of their genome (which does not encode proteins) is dedicated to the control and regulation of cell development [27]. As more and more evidence piles up, greater attention is paid to ncRNAs, which have been neglected for a long time. Researchers began to realize that the vast majority of the genome that was regarded as “junk,” mainly because it was not well understood, may indeed hold the key for the best kept secrets in life, such as the mechanism of alternative splicing, the control of epigenetic variations and so forth [27]. The complete range and extent of the role of ncRNAs are not so obvious at this point, but it is certain that a comprehensive understanding of cellular processes is not possible without understanding the functions of ncRNAs [47]

    Coding overcomplete representations of audio using the MCLT

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    We propose a system for audio coding using the modulated complex lapped transform (MCLT). In general, it is difficult to encode signals using overcomplete representations without avoiding a penalty in rate-distortion performance. We show that the penalty can be significantly reduced for MCLT-based representations, without the need for iterative methods of sparsity reduction. We achieve that via a magnitude-phase polar quantization and the use of magnitude and phase prediction. Compared to systems based on quantization of orthogonal representations such as the modulated lapped transform (MLT), the new system allows for reduced warbling artifacts and more precise computation of frequency-domain auditory masking functions