32 research outputs found

    Stage-Dependent Changes of Visual Function and Electrical Response of the Retina in the rd10 Mouse Model

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    One of the critical prerequisites for the successful development of retinal prostheses is understanding the physiological features of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in the different stages of retinal degeneration (RD). This study used our custom-made rd10 mice, C57BL/6-Pde6bem1(R560C)Dkl/Korl mutated on the Pde6b gene in C57BL/6J mouse with the CRISPR/Cas9-based gene-editing method. We selected the postnatal day (P) 45, P70, P140, and P238 as representative ages for RD stages. The optomotor response measured the visual acuity across degeneration stages. At P45, the rd10 mice exhibited lower visual acuity than wild-type (WT) mice. At P140 and older, no optomotor response was observed. We classified RGC responses to the flashed light into ON, OFF, and ON/OFF RGCs via in vitro multichannel recording. With degeneration, the number of RGCs responding to the light stimulation decreased in all three types of RGCs. The OFF response disappeared faster than the ON response with older postnatal ages. We elicited RGC spikes with electrical stimulation and analyzed the network-mediated RGC response in the rd10 mice. Across all postnatal ages, the spikes of rd10 RGCs were less elicited by pulse amplitude modulation than in WT RGCs. The ratio of RGCs showing multiple peaks of spike burst increased in older ages. The electrically evoked RGC spikes by the pulse amplitude modulation differ across postnatal ages. Therefore, degeneration stage-dependent stimulation strategies should be considered for developing retinal prosthesis and successful vision restoration

    Spontaneous Oscillatory Rhythm in Retinal Activities of Two Retinal Degeneration (rd1 and rd10) Mice

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    Previously, we reported that besides retinal ganglion cell (RGC) spike, there is ~ 10 Hz oscillatory rhythmic activity in local field potential (LFP) in retinal degeneration model, rd1 mice. The more recently identified rd10 mice have a later onset and slower rate of photoreceptor degeneration than the rd1 mice, providing more therapeutic potential. In this study, before adapting rd10 mice as a new animal model for our electrical stimulation study, we investigated electrical characteristics of rd10 mice. From the raw waveform of recording using 8×8 microelectrode array (MEA) from in vitro-whole mount retina, RGC spikes and LFP were isolated by using different filter setting. Fourier transform was performed for detection of frequency of bursting RGC spikes and oscillatory field potential (OFP). In rd1 mice, ~10 Hz rhythmic burst of spontaneous RGC spikes is always phase-locked with the OFP and this phase-locking property is preserved regardless of postnatal ages. However, in rd10 mice, there is a strong phase-locking tendency between the spectral peak of bursting RGC spikes (~5 Hz) and the first peak of OFP (~5 Hz) across different age groups. But this phase-locking property is not robust as in rd1 retina, but maintains for a few seconds. Since rd1 and rd10 retina show phase-locking property at different frequency (~10 Hz vs. ~5 Hz), we expect different response patterns to electrical stimulus between rd1 and rd10 retina. Therefore, to extract optimal stimulation parameters in rd10 retina, first we might define selection criteria for responding rd10 ganglion cells to electrical stimulus

    A Novel In Vitro Sensing Configuration for Retinal Physiology Analysis of a Sub-Retinal Prosthesis

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    This paper presents a novel sensing configuration for retinal physiology analysis, using two microelectrode arrays (MEAs). In order to investigate an optimized stimulation protocol for a sub-retinal prosthesis, retinal photoreceptor cells are stimulated, and the response of retinal ganglion cells is recorded in an in vitro environment. For photoreceptor cell stimulation, a polyimide-substrate MEA is developed, using the microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology. For ganglion cell response recording, a conventional glass-substrate MEA is utilized. This new sensing configuration is used to record the response of retinal ganglion cells with respect to three different stimulation methods (monopolar, bipolar, and dual-monopolar stimulation methods). Results show that the geometrical relation between the stimulation microelectrode locations and the response locations seems very low. The threshold charges of the bipolar stimulation and the monopolar stimulation are in the range of 10∼20 nC. The threshold charge of the dual-monopolar stimulation is not obvious. These results provide useful guidelines for developing a sub-retinal prosthesis

    Ca 2+

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    New Features of Receptive Fields in Mouse Retina through Spike-triggered Covariance

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    Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) encode various spatiotemporal features of visual information into spiking patterns. The receptive field (RF) of each RGC is usually calculated by spike-triggered average (STA), which is fast and easy to understand, but limited to simple and unimodal RFs. As an alternative, spike-triggered covariance (STC) has been proposed to characterize more complex patterns in RFs. This study compares STA and STC for the characterization of RFs and demonstrates that STC has an advantage over STA for identifying novel spatiotemporal features of RFs in mouse RGCs. We first classified mouse RGCs into ON, OFF, and ON/OFF cells according to their response to full-field light stimulus, and then investigated the spatiotemporal patterns of RFs with random checkerboard stimulation, using both STA and STC analysis. We propose five sub-types (T1-T5) in the STC of mouse RGCs together with their physiological implications. In particular, the relatively slow biphasic pattern (T1) could be related to excitatory inputs from bipolar cells. The transient biphasic pattern (T2) allows one to characterize complex patterns in RFs of ON/OFF cells. The other patterns (T3-T5), which are contrasting, alternating, and monophasic patterns, could be related to inhibitory inputs from amacrine cells. Thus, combining STA and STC and considering the proposed sub-types unveil novel characteristics of RFs in the mouse retina and offer a more holistic understanding of the neural coding mechanisms of mouse RGCs.ISSN:2093-8144ISSN:1226-256

    A 3D flexible microelectrode array for subretinal stimulation

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    Objective. Various retinal prostheses have been developed to restore the vision for blind patients, and some of them are already in clinical use. In this paper, we present a three-dimensional (3D) microelectrode array for a subretinal device that can effectively stimulate retinal cells. Approach. To investigate the effect of electrode designs on the electric field distribution, we simulated various electrode shapes and sizes using finite element analysis. Based on the simulation results, the 3D microelectrode array was fabricated and evaluated in in vitro condition. Main results. Through the simulation, we verified that an electrode design of square frustum was effective to stimulate with high contrast. Also, the 3D flexible and transparent microelectrode array based on silicon and polydimethylsiloxane was fabricated using micro-electro-mechanical system technologies. In in vitro experiments, the subretinally positioned 3D microelectrodes properly evoked spikes in retinal ganglion cells. The mean threshold current was 7.4 mu A and the threshold charge density was 33.64 mu C.cm(-2) per phase. Significance. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the fabricated 3D microelectrodes as the subretinal prosthesis. The developed microelectrode array would be integrated with the stimulation circuitry and implanted in animals for further in vivo experiments.1

    Neuron Stimulation Device Integrated with Silicon Nanowire-Based Photodetection Circuit on a Flexible Substrate

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    This paper proposes a neural stimulation device integrated with a silicon nanowire (SiNW)-based photodetection circuit for the activation of neurons with light. The proposed device is comprised of a voltage divider and a current driver in which SiNWs are used as photodetector and field-effect transistors; it has the functions of detecting light, generating a stimulation signal in proportion to the light intensity, and transmitting the signal to a micro electrode. To show the applicability of the proposed neural stimulation device as a high-resolution retinal prosthesis system, a high-density neural stimulation device with a unit cell size of 110 × 110 μ m and a resolution of 32 × 32 was fabricated on a flexible film with a thickness of approximately 50 μm. Its effectiveness as a retinal stimulation device was then evaluated using a unit cell in an in vitro animal experiment involving the retinal tissue of retinal Degeneration 1 (rd1) mice. Experiments wherein stimulation pulses were applied to the retinal tissues successfully demonstrate that the number of spikes in neural response signals increases in proportion to light intensity

    The Inhibition Activity of Natural Methoxyflavonoid from <i>Inula britannica</i> on Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase and NO Production in RAW264.7 Cells

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    Soluble epoxide hydrolase (sEH) is an enzyme targeted for the treatment of inflammation and cardiovascular diseases. Activated inflammatory cells produce nitric oxide (NO), which induces oxidative stress and exacerbates inflammation. We identify an inhibitor able to suppress sEH and thus NO production. Five flavonoids 1–5 isolated from Inula britannica flowers were evaluated for their abilities to inhibit sEH with IC50 values of 12.1 ± 0.1 to 62.8 ± 1.8 µM and for their effects on enzyme kinetics. A simulation study using computational chemistry was conducted as well. Furthermore, five inhibitors (1–5) were confirmed to suppress NO levels at 10 µM. The results showed that flavonoids 1–5 exhibited inhibitory activity in all tests, with compound 3 exhibiting the most significant efficacy. Thus, in the development of anti-inflammatory inhibitors, compound 3 is a promising natural candidate