999 research outputs found

    Thermal activation energy of 3D vortex matter in NaFe1-xCoxAs (x=0.01, 0.03 and 0.07) single crystals

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    We report on the thermally activated flux flow dependency on the doping dependent mixed state in NaFe1-xCoxAs (x=0.01, 0.03, and 0.07) crystals using the magnetoresistivity in the case of B//c-axis and B//ab-plane. It was found clearly that irrespective of the doping ratio, magnetoresistivity showed a distinct tail just above the Tc, offset associated with the thermally activated flux flow (TAFF) in our crystals. Furthermore, in TAFF region the temperature dependence of the activation energy follows the relation U(T, B)=U_0 (B) (1-T/T_c )^q with q=1.5 in all studied crystals. The magnetic field dependence of the activation energy follows a power law of U_0 (B)~B^(-{\alpha}) where the exponent {\alpha} is changed from a low value to a high value at a crossover field of B=~2T, indicating the transition from collective to plastic pinning in the crystals. Finally, it is suggested that the 3D vortex phase is the dominant phase in the low-temperature region as compared to the TAFF region in our series samples

    Evidence for a preformed Cooper pair model in the pseudogap spectra of a Ca10(Pt4As8)(Fe2As2)5 single crystal with a nodal superconducting gap

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    For high-Tc superconductors, clarifying the role and origin of the pseudogap is essential for understanding the pairing mechanism. Among the various models describing the pseudogap, the preformed Cooper pair model is a potential candidate. Therefore, we present experimental evidence for the preformed Cooper pair model by studying the pseudogap spectrum observed in the optical conductivity of a Ca10(Pt4As8)(Fe2As2)5 (Tc = 34.6 K) single crystal. We observed a clear pseudogap structure in the optical conductivity and observed its temperature dependence. In the superconducting (SC) state, one SC gap with a gap size of {\Delta} = 26 cm-1, a scattering rate of 1/{\tau} = 360 cm-1 and a low-frequency extra Drude component were observed. Spectral weight analysis revealed that the SC gap and pseudogap are formed from the same Drude band. This means that the pseudogap is a gap structure observed as a result of a continuous temperature evolution of the SC gap observed below Tc. This provides clear experimental evidence for the preformed Cooper pair model.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Optical Evidence of Itinerant-Localized Crossover of 4f4f Electrons in Cerium Compounds

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    Cerium (Ce)-based heavy-fermion materials have a characteristic double-peak structure (mid-IR peak) in the optical conductivity [σ(ω)\sigma(\omega)] spectra originating from the strong conduction (cc)--ff electron hybridization. To clarify the behavior of the mid-IR peak at a low cc-ff hybridization strength, we compared the σ(ω)\sigma(\omega) spectra of the isostructural antiferromagnetic and heavy-fermion Ce compounds with the calculated unoccupied density of states and the spectra obtained from the impurity Anderson model. With decreasing cc-ff hybridization intensity, the mid-IR peak shifts to the low-energy side owing to the renormalization of the unoccupied 4f4f state, but suddenly shifts to the high-energy side owing to the ff-ff on-site Coulomb interaction at a slight localized side from the quantum critical point (QCP). This finding gives us information on the change in the electronic structure across QCP.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures. To appear in JPSJ (Letters

    Optical properties of iron-based superconductor LiFeAs single crystal

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    We have measured the reflectivity spectra of the iron based superconductor LiFeAs (Tc = 17.6 K) in the temperature range from 4 to 300 K. In the superconducting state (T < Tc), the clear opening of the optical absorption gap was observed below 25 cm-1, indicating an isotropic full gap formation. In the normal state (T > Tc), the optical conductivity spectra display a typical metallic behavior with the Drude type spectra at low frequencies, but we found that the introduction of the two Drude components best fits the data, indicating the multiband nature of this superconductor. A theoretical analysis of the low temperature data (T=4K < Tc) also suggests that two superconducting gaps best fit the data and their values were estimated as {\Delta}1 = 1.59 meV and {\Delta}2 = 3.15 meV, respectively. Using the Ferrell-Glover-Tinkham (FGT) sum rule and dielectric function {\epsilon}1({\omega}), the superconducting plasma frequency ({\omega}ps) is consistently estimated to be 6,665 cm-1, implying that about 59 % of the free carriers in the normal state condenses into the SC condensate. To investigate the various interband transition processes (for {\omega} > 200 cm-1), we have also performed the local-density approximation (LDA) band calculation and calculated the optical spectra of the interband transitions. The theoretical results provided a qualitative agreement with the experimental data below 4000 cm-1Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures. This paper has been accepted for publication in New Journal of Physic