657 research outputs found

    Squeezing Limit of the Josephson Ring Modulator as a Non-Degenerate Parametric Amplifier

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    Two-mode squeezed vacuum states are a crucial component of quantum technologies. In the microwave domain, they can be produced by Josephson ring modulator which acts as a three-wave mixing non-degenerate parametric amplifier. Here, we solve the master equation of three bosonic modes describing the Josephson ring modulator with a novel numerical method to compute squeezing of output fields and gain at low signal power. We show that the third-order interaction from the three-wave mixing process intrinsically limits squeezing and reduces gain. Since our results are related to other general cavity-based three-wave mixing processes, these imply that any non-degenerate parametric amplifier will have an intrinsic squeezing limit in the output fields.Comment: 6+6 pages, 4 figure

    Bound for Gaussian-state Quantum illumination using direct photon measurement

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    We present bound for quantum illumination with Gaussian state when using on-off detector or photon number resolving detector, where its performance is evaluated with signal-to-noise ratio. First, in the case of coincidence counting, the best performance is given by two-mode squeezed vacuum (TMSV) state which outperforms coherent state and classically correlated thermal (CCT) state. However coherent state can beat the TMSV state with increasing signal mean photon number when using the on-off detector. Second, the performance is enhanced by taking Fisher information approach of all counting probabilities including non-detection events. In the Fisher information approach, the TMSV state still presents the best performance but the CCT state can beat the TMSV state with increasing signal mean photon number when using the on-off detector. We also show that displaced squeezed state exhibits the best performance in the single-mode Gaussian state.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, comments welcom

    Vertically integrated visible and near-infrared metasurfaces enabling an ultra-broadband and highly angle-resolved anomalous reflection

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    An optical device with minimized dimensions, which is capable of efficiently resolving an ultra-broad spectrum into a wide splitting angle but incurring no spectrum overlap, is of importance in advancing the development of spectroscopy. Unfortunately, this challenging task cannot be easily addressed through conventional geometrical or diffractive optical elements. Herein, we propose and demonstrate vertically integrated visible and near-infrared metasurfaces which render an ultra-broadband and highly angle-resolved anomalous reflection. The proposed metasurface capitalizes on a supercell that comprises two vertically concatenated trapezoid-shaped aluminum antennae, which are paired with a metallic ground plane via a dielectric layer. Under normal incidence, reflected light within a spectral bandwidth of 1000 nm ranging from = 456 nm to 1456 nm is efficiently angle-resolved to a single diffraction order with no spectrum overlap via the anomalous reflection, exhibiting an average reflection efficiency over 70% and a substantial angular splitting of 58 degrees. In light of a supercell pitch of 1500 nm, to the best of our knowledge, the micron-scale bandwidth is the largest ever reported. It is noted that the substantially wide bandwidth has been accomplished by taking advantage of spectral selective vertical coupling effects between antennae and ground plane. In the visible regime, the upper antenna primarily renders an anomalous reflection by cooperating with the lower antenna, which in turn cooperates with the ground plane and produces phase variations leading to an anomalous reflection in the near-infrared regime. Misalignments between the two antennae have been particularly inspected to not adversely affect the anomalous reflection, thus guaranteeing enhanced structural tolerance of the proposed metasurface.This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grants funded by the Korean government (MSIP) (No. 2016R1A2B2010170 and 2011-0030079) and by a Research Grant of Kwangwoon University in 2018. The work was partly supported by the Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT110100853, Dr Duk-Yong Choi), and was performed in part at the ACT node of the Australian National Fabrication Facility. The authors thank Prof. L. Shi, Prof. J. Zi and Y. Zhang from Fudan University and Dr H. Yin from Ideaoptics Inc., for their help with the Fourier-transformbased angle-resolved spectroscopy (FT-ARS) measurements

    Formation of plasma induced surface damage in silica glass etching for optical waveguides

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    Ge, B, P-doped silicaglass films are widely used as optical waveguides because of their low losses and inherent compatibility with silica optical fibers. These films were etched by ICP(inductively coupled plasma) with chrome etch masks, which were patterned by reactive ion etching (RIE) using chlorine-based gases. In some cases, the etched surfaces of silicaglass were very rough (root-mean square roughness greater than 100 nm) and we call this phenomenon plasma induced surface damage (PISD). Rough surface cannot be used as a platform for hybrid integration because of difficulty in alignment and bonding of active devices. PISD reduces the etch rate of glass and it is very difficult to remove residues on a rough surface. The objective of this study is to elucidate the mechanism of PISD formation. To achieve this goal, PISD formation during different etching conditions of chrome etch mask and silicaglass was investigated. In most cases, PISD sources are formed on a glass surface after chrome etching, and metal compounds are identified in theses sources. Water rinse after chrome etching reduces the PISD, due to the water solubility of metal chlorides. PISD is decreased or even disappeared at high power and/or low pressure in glassetching, even if PISD sources were present on the glass surface before etching. In conclusion, PISD sources come from the chrome etching process, and polymer deposition on these sources during the silicaetching cause the PISD sources to grow. In the area close to the PISD source there is a higher ion flux, which causes an increase in the etch rate, and results in the formation of a pit

    Gaussian Quantum Illumination via Monotone Metrics

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    Quantum illumination is to discern the presence or absence of a low reflectivity target, where the error probability decays exponentially in the number of copies used. When the target reflectivity is small so that it is hard to distinguish target presence or absence, the exponential decay constant falls into a class of objects called monotone metrics. We evaluate monotone metrics restricted to Gaussian states in terms of first-order moments and covariance matrix. Under the assumption of a low reflectivity target, we explicitly derive analytic formulae for decay constant of an arbitrary Gaussian input state. Especially, in the limit of large background noise and low reflectivity, there is no need of symplectic diagonalization which usually complicates the computation of decay constants. First, we show that two-mode squeezed vacuum (TMSV) states are the optimal probe among pure Gaussian states with fixed signal mean photon number. Second, as an alternative to preparing TMSV states with high mean photon number, we show that preparing a TMSV state with low mean photon number and displacing the signal mode is a more experimentally feasible setup without degrading the performance that much. Third, we show that it is of utmost importance to prepare an efficient idler memory to beat coherent states and provide analytic bounds on the idler memory transmittivity in terms of signal power, background noise, and idler memory noise. Finally, we identify the region of physically possible correlations between the signal and idler modes that can beat coherent states.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Omnidirectional color filters capitalizing on a nano-resonator of Ag-TiO2-Ag integrated with a phase compensating dielectric overlay

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    We present a highly efficient omnidirectional color filter that takes advantage of an Ag-TiO2-Ag nano-resonator integrated with a phase-compensating TiO2 overlay. The dielectric overlay substantially improves the angular sensitivity by appropriately compensating for the phase pertaining to the structure and suppresses unwanted optical reflection so as to elevate the transmission efficiency. The filter is thoroughly designed, and it is analyzed in terms of its reflection, optical admittance, and phase shift, thereby highlighting the origin of the omnidirectional resonance leading to angle-invariant characteristics. The polarization dependence of the filter is explored, specifically with respect to the incident angle, by performing experiments as well as by providing the relevant theoretical explanation. We could succeed in demonstrating the omnidirectional resonance for the incident angles ranging to up to 70°, over which the center wavelength is shifted by below 3.5% and the peak transmission efficiency is slightly degraded from 69%. The proposed filters incorporate a simple multi-layered structure and are expected to be utilized as tri-color pixels for applications that include image sensors and display devices. These devices are expected to allow good scalability, not requiring complex lithographic processes.This work was supported by a National Research Foundation of Korea grant funded by the Korean government (MEST) (No. 2013-008672 and 2013-067321), and also by a research grant from Kwangwoon University in 2014. The work was partly supported by the Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT110100853, Dr. Duk-Yong Choi) and was performed in part at the ACT node of the Australian National Fabrication Facilit

    Long-term recurrence-free survival in a patient with stage IVB uterine carcinosarcoma

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    Uterine carcinosarcomas are rare and highly aggressive tumors with a poor prognosis. Due to early metastasis and disease progression, it is known to be far more aggressive than matched grade 3 endometroid endometrial carcinomas. Five-year survival for stage IV is reported to be 10% and overall survival for stage IVB is expected to be very poor. The authors report one case after experiencing long-term survival (over 5 years) for stage IVB carcinosarcoma of uterus. Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy was performed to 56 year old patient for uterine myoma. On pathology report, uterine carcinosarcoma was diagnosed and image studies were performed. With the impression of stage IVB uterine carcinosarcoma, 6 cycles of chemotherapy (ifosfamide and cisplatin) was conducted as adjuvant. Up to recently (over 5 years), she maintains good performance scale without evidence of tumor recurrence or disease progression