19 research outputs found

    Revealing Individual Neuroanatomical Heterogeneity in Alzheimer Disease Using Neuroanatomical Normative Modeling

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is highly heterogeneous, with marked individual differences in clinical presentation and neurobiology. To explore this, we employed neuroanatomical normative modelling to index regional patterns of variability in cortical thickness. We aimed to characterise individual differences and outliers in cortical thickness in patients with AD, people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and controls. Furthermore, we assessed the relationships between cortical thickness heterogeneity and cognitive function, amyloid-beta, phosphor-tau, ApoE genotype. Finally, we examined whether cortical thickness heterogeneity was predictive of conversion from MCI to AD. METHODS: Cortical thickness measurements across 148 brain regions were obtained from T1-weighted MRI scans from 62 sites of the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. AD was determined by clinical and neuropsychological examination with no comorbidities present. MCI participants had reported memory complaints, and controls were cognitively normal. A neuroanatomical normative model indexed cortical thickness distributions using a separate healthy reference dataset (n= 33,072), employing hierarchical Bayesian regression to predict cortical thickness per region using age and sex, whilst adjusting for site noise. Z-scores per region were calculated, resulting in a z-score 'brain map' per participant. Regions with z-scores <-1.96 were classified as outliers. RESULTS: Patients with AD (n=206) had a median of 12 outlier regions (out of a possible 148), with the highest proportion of outliers (47%) in the parahippocampal gyrus. For 62 regions, over 90% of these patients had cortical thicknesses within the normal range. Patients with AD had more outlier regions than people with MCI (n=662) or controls (n=159) [F(2, 1022) = 95.39), P = 2.0×10-16]. They were also more dissimilar to each other than people with MCI or controls [F(2, 1024) = 209.42, P = 2.2×10-16]. A greater number of outlier regions was associated with worse cognitive function, CSF protein concentrations and an increased risk of converting from MCI to AD within three years (HR = 1.028, 95% CI[1.016,1.039], P =1.8×10-16). DISCUSSION: Individualised normative maps of cortical thickness highlight the heterogeneous impact of AD on the brain. Regional outlier estimates have the potential to be a marker of disease and could be used to track an individual's disease progression or treatment response in clinical trials

    Effects of the visual environment on object localization in posterior cortical atrophy and typical Alzheimer's disease

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    Introduction: Visual processing deficits in Alzheimer's disease are associated with diminished functional independence. While environmental adaptations have been proposed to promote independence, recent guidance gives limited consideration to such deficits and offers conflicting recommendations for people with dementia. We evaluated the effects of clutter and color contrasts on performances of everyday actions in posterior cortical atrophy and memory-led typical Alzheimer's disease. Methods: 15 patients with posterior cortical atrophy, 11 with typical Alzheimer's disease and 16 healthy controls were asked to pick up a visible target object as part of two pilot repeated-measures investigations from a standing or seated position. Participants picked up the target within a controlled real-world setting under varying environmental conditions: with/without clutter, with/without color contrast cue and far/near target position. Task completion time was recorded using a target-mounted inertial measurement unit. Results: Across both experiments, difficulties locating a target object were apparent through patient groups taking an estimated 50–90% longer to pick up targets relative to controls. There was no evidence of effects of color contrast when locating objects from standing/seated positions and of any other environmental conditions from a standing position on completion time in any participant group. Locating objects, surrounded by five distractors rather than none, from a seated position was associated with a disproportionately greater effect on completion times in the posterior cortical atrophy group relative to the control or typical Alzheimer's disease groups. Smaller, not statistically significant but directionally consistent, ratios of relative effects were seen for two distractors compared with none. Discussion: Findings are consistent with inefficient object localization in posterior cortical atrophy relative to typical Alzheimer's disease and control groups, particularly with targets presented within reaching distance among visual clutter. Findings may carry implications for considering the adverse effects of visual clutter in developing and implementing environmental modifications to promote functional independence in Alzheimer's disease

    Eyetracking metrics reveal impaired spatial anticipation in behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia.

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    Eyetracking technology has had limited application in the dementia field to date, with most studies attempting to discriminate syndrome subgroups on the basis of basic oculomotor functions rather than higher-order cognitive abilities. Eyetracking-based tasks may also offer opportunities to reduce or ameliorate problems associated with standard paper-and-pencil cognitive tests such as the complexity and linguistic demands of verbal test instructions, and the problems of tiredness and attention associated with lengthy tasks that generate few data points at a slow rate. In the present paper we adapted the Brixton spatial anticipation test to a computerized instruction-less version where oculomotor metrics, rather than overt verbal responses, were taken into account as indicators of high level cognitive functions. Twelve bvFTD (in whom spatial anticipation deficits were expected), six SD patients (in whom deficits were predicted to be less frequent) and 38 healthy controls were presented with a 10 × 7 matrix of white circles. During each trial (N = 24) a black dot moved across seven positions on the screen, following 12 different patterns. Participants' eye movements were recorded. Frequentist statistical analysis of standard eye movement metrics were complemented by a Bayesian machine learning (ML) approach in which raw eyetracking time series datasets were examined to explore the ability to discriminate diagnostic group performance not only on the overall performance but also on individual trials. The original pen and paper Brixton test identified a spatial anticipation deficit in 7/12 (58%) of bvFTD and in 2/6 (33%) of SD patients. The eyetracking frequentist approach reported the deficit in 11/12 (92%) of bvFTD and in none (0%) of the SD patients. The machine learning approach had the main advantage of identifying significant differences from controls in 24/24 individual trials for bvFTD patients and in only 12/24 for SD patients. Results indicate that the fine grained rich datasets obtained from eyetracking metrics can inform us about high level cognitive functions in dementia, such as spatial anticipation. The ML approach can help identify conditions where subtle deficits are present and, potentially, contribute to test optimisation and the reduction of testing times. The absence of instructions also favoured a better distinction between different clinical groups of patients and can help provide valuable disease-specific markers

    Effects of the visual environment on object localization in posterior cortical atrophy and typical Alzheimer's disease.

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    INTRODUCTION: Visual processing deficits in Alzheimer's disease are associated with diminished functional independence. While environmental adaptations have been proposed to promote independence, recent guidance gives limited consideration to such deficits and offers conflicting recommendations for people with dementia. We evaluated the effects of clutter and color contrasts on performances of everyday actions in posterior cortical atrophy and memory-led typical Alzheimer's disease. METHODS: 15 patients with posterior cortical atrophy, 11 with typical Alzheimer's disease and 16 healthy controls were asked to pick up a visible target object as part of two pilot repeated-measures investigations from a standing or seated position. Participants picked up the target within a controlled real-world setting under varying environmental conditions: with/without clutter, with/without color contrast cue and far/near target position. Task completion time was recorded using a target-mounted inertial measurement unit. RESULTS: Across both experiments, difficulties locating a target object were apparent through patient groups taking an estimated 50-90% longer to pick up targets relative to controls. There was no evidence of effects of color contrast when locating objects from standing/seated positions and of any other environmental conditions from a standing position on completion time in any participant group. Locating objects, surrounded by five distractors rather than none, from a seated position was associated with a disproportionately greater effect on completion times in the posterior cortical atrophy group relative to the control or typical Alzheimer's disease groups. Smaller, not statistically significant but directionally consistent, ratios of relative effects were seen for two distractors compared with none. DISCUSSION: Findings are consistent with inefficient object localization in posterior cortical atrophy relative to typical Alzheimer's disease and control groups, particularly with targets presented within reaching distance among visual clutter. Findings may carry implications for considering the adverse effects of visual clutter in developing and implementing environmental modifications to promote functional independence in Alzheimer's disease

    Eye-tracking indices of impaired encoding of visual short-term memory in familial Alzheimer's disease.

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    The basis of visual short-term memory (VSTM) impairments in preclinical Alzheimer's disease (AD) remains unclear. Research suggests that eye movements may serve as indirect surrogates to investigate VSTM. Yet, investigations in preclinical populations are lacking. Fifty-two individuals from a familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD) cohort (9 symptomatic carriers, 17 presymptomatic carriers and 26 controls) completed the "Object-localisation" VSTM task while an eye-tracker recorded eye movements during the stimulus presentation. VSTM function and oculomotor performance were compared between groups and their association during encoding investigated. Compared to controls, symptomatic FAD carriers showed eye movement patterns suggestive of an ineffective encoding and presymptomatic FAD carriers within 6 years of their expected age at symptom onset, were more reliant on the stimuli fixation time to achieve accuracy in the localisation of the target. Consequently, for shorter fixation times on the stimuli, presymptomatic carriers were less accurate at localising the target than controls. By contrast, the only deficits detected on behavioural VSTM function was in symptomatic individuals. Our findings provide novel evidence that encoding processes may be vulnerable and weakened in presymptomatic FAD carriers, most prominently for spatial memory, suggesting a possible explanation for the subtle VSTM impairments observed in the preclinical stages of AD

    Prominent effects and neural correlates of visual crowding in a neurodegenerative disease population.

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    Crowding is a breakdown in the ability to identify objects in clutter, and is a major constraint on object recognition. Crowding particularly impairs object perception in peripheral, amblyopic and possibly developing vision. Here we argue that crowding is also a critical factor limiting object perception in central vision of individuals with neurodegeneration of the occipital cortices. In the current study, individuals with posterior cortical atrophy (n=26), typical Alzheimer's disease (n=17) and healthy control subjects (n=14) completed centrally-presented tests of letter identification under six different flanking conditions (unflanked, and with letter, shape, number, same polarity and reverse polarity flankers) with two different target-flanker spacings (condensed, spaced). Patients with posterior cortical atrophy were significantly less accurate and slower to identify targets in the condensed than spaced condition even when the target letters were surrounded by flankers of a different category. Importantly, this spacing effect was observed for same, but not reverse, polarity flankers. The difference in accuracy between spaced and condensed stimuli was significantly associated with lower grey matter volume in the right collateral sulcus, in a region lying between the fusiform and lingual gyri. Detailed error analysis also revealed that similarity between the error response and the averaged target and flanker stimuli (but not individual target or flanker stimuli) was a significant predictor of error rate, more consistent with averaging than substitution accounts of crowding. Our findings suggest that crowding in posterior cortical atrophy can be regarded as a pre-attentive process that uses averaging to regularize the pathologically noisy representation of letter feature position in central vision. These results also help to clarify the cortical localization of feature integration components of crowding. More broadly, we suggest that posterior cortical atrophy provides a neurodegenerative disease model for exploring the basis of crowding. These data have significant implications for patients with, or who will go on to develop, dementia-related visual impairment, in whom acquired excessive crowding likely contributes to deficits in word, object, face and scene perception

    Navigational cue effects in Alzheimer's disease and posterior cortical atrophy.

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    OBJECTIVE: Deficits in spatial navigation are characteristic and disabling features of typical Alzheimer's disease (tAD) and posterior cortical atrophy (PCA). Visual cues have been proposed to mitigate such deficits; however, there is currently little empirical evidence for their use. METHODS: The effect of visual cues on visually guided navigation was assessed within a simplified real-world setting in individuals with tAD (n = 10), PCA (n = 8), and healthy controls (n = 12). In a repeated-measures design comprising 36 trials, participants walked to a visible target destination (an open door within a built environment), with or without the presence of an obstacle. Contrast and motion-based cues were evaluated; both aimed to facilitate performance by applying perceptual changes to target destinations without carrying explicit information. The primary outcome was completion time; secondary outcomes were measures of fixation position and walking path directness during consecutive task phases, determined using mobile eyetracking and motion capture methods. RESULTS: Results illustrate marked deficits in patients' navigational ability, with patient groups taking an estimated two to three times longer to reach target destinations than controls and exhibiting tortuous walking paths. There were no significant differences between tAD and PCA task performance. Overall, patients took less time to reach target destinations under cue conditions (contrast-cue: 11.8%; 95% CI: [2.5, 20.3]) and were more likely initially to fixate on targets. INTERPRETATION: The study evaluated navigation to destinations within a real-world environment. There is evidence that introducing perceptual changes to the environment may improve patients' navigational ability

    Differences in hippocampal subfield volume are seen in phenotypic variants of early onset Alzheimer's disease.

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    The most common presentation of early onset Alzheimer's disease (EOAD - defined as symptom onset <65 years) is with progressive episodic memory impairment - amnestic or typical Alzheimer's disease (tAD). However, EOAD is notable for its phenotypic heterogeneity, with posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) - characterised by prominent higher-order visual processing deficits and relative sparing of episodic memory - the second most common canonical phenotype. The hippocampus, which comprises a number of interconnected anatomically and functionally distinct subfields, is centrally involved in Alzheimer's disease and is a crucial mediator of episodic memory. The extent to which volumes of individual hippocampal subfields differ between different phenotypes in EOAD is unclear. The aim of this analysis was to investigate the hypothesis that patients with a PCA phenotype will exhibit differences in specific hippocampal subfield volumes compared to tAD. We studied 63 participants with volumetric T1-weighted MRI performed on the same 3T scanner: 39 EOAD patients [27 with tAD and 12 with PCA] and 24 age-matched controls. Volumetric estimates of the following hippocampal subfields for each participant were obtained using Freesurfer version 6.0: CA1, CA2/3, CA4, presubiculum, subiculum, hippocampal tail, parasubiculum, the molecular and granule cell layers of the dentate gryus (GCMLDG), the molecular layer, and the hippocampal amygdala transition area (HATA). Linear regression analyses comparing mean hippocampal subfield volumes between groups, adjusting for age, sex and head size, were performed. Using a Bonferonni-corrected p-value of p < 0.0025, compared to controls, tAD was associated with atrophy in all hippocampal regions, except the parasubiculum. In PCA patients compared to controls, the strongest evidence for volume loss was in the left presubiclum, right subiculum, right GCMLDG, right molecular layer and the right HATA. Compared to PCA, patients with tAD had strong evidence for smaller volumes in left CA1 and left hippocampal tail. In conclusion, these data provide evidence that hippocampal subfield volumes differ in different phenotypes of EOAD

    Symptom-led staging for semantic and non-fluent/agrammatic variants of primary progressive aphasia

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    INTRODUCTION: Here we set out to create a symptom-led staging system for the canonical semantic and non-fluent/agrammatic variants of primary progressive aphasia (PPA), which present unique diagnostic and management challenges not well captured by functional scales developed for Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. METHODS: An international PPA caregiver cohort was surveyed on symptom development under six provisional clinical stages and feedback was analyzed using a mixed-methods sequential explanatory design. RESULTS: Both PPA syndromes were characterized by initial communication dysfunction and non-verbal behavioral changes, with increasing syndromic convergence and functional dependency at later stages. Milestone symptoms were distilled to create a prototypical progression and severity scale of functional impairment: the PPA Progression Planning Aid ("PPA-Squared"). DISCUSSION: This work introduces a symptom-led staging scheme and functional scale for semantic and non-fluent/agrammatic variants of PPA. Our findings have implications for diagnostic and care pathway guidelines, trial design, and personalized prognosis and treatment for PPA. HIGHLIGHTS: We introduce new symptom-led perspectives on primary progressive aphasia (PPA). The focus is on non-fluent/agrammatic (nfvPPA) and semantic (svPPA) variants. Foregrounding of early and non-verbal features of PPA and clinical trajectories is featured. We introduce a symptom-led staging scheme for PPA. We propose a prototype for a functional impairment scale, the PPA Progression Planning Aid