16 research outputs found


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    Successful organizations depend on stakeholder perceptions to address changes in turbulent organizational environments, report on social and environmental impacts of activities, the prevalence of public activism, globalization, emerging issues and crises and the need to be good corporate citizens through ethical and socially responsible behaviour. Despite the current emphasis on stakeholder relations and management, a lack of research exists on how to build these relationships. This article aims to report and discuss the findings of a study that explored the lack of OSR building models to emphasize the elements and development of an organization-stakeholder relationship (OSR) and highlight the need for a generic, strategic, integrated approach for sustainable OSR to contribute towards organizational effectiveness. This will be done by an exploratory literature review to constitute a conceptual framework for OSR building of which the principles of the framework will be explored and measured among leading Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) listed, South African organizations, by means of a quantitative web-based survey and qualitative one-on-one interviews. The dominant focus on organizational stakeholders has also provided added impetus and importance to the role of corporate communication, and hence, this article will simultaneously endevour to highlight the importance of practicing corporate communication strategically by emphasizing the role thereof in OSR.Communication Scienc

    An exploratory study of corporate communication as a strategic organizational function: A proposed model for building organization-stakeholder partnerships.

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    A dominant focus on organizational stakeholders is evident in both the literature and practice as it is argued that the success of organizations is predominantly dependent on stakeholders’ perception of the organization. Since stakeholder relations is increasingly being seen as the heartbeat of corporate communication (Luoma-aho & Paloviita 2010:49), this paper is built on the preposition that the importance of corporate communication to the organization, especially on strategic level, should become more prevalent. However, despite this emphasis on stakeholder relations and management, there is a dearth in the literature indicating how to build these organization-stakeholder relationships (OSR). In order for corporate communication to obtain more credibility as a strategic organizational function, it is argued for the purpose of this paper that the lack of OSR building models to describe the OSR building process should be addressed. This will be done through the proposition of a conceptual framework for organization-stakeholder partnership (OSP) building based on existing literature. The principles of this framework will further be qualitatively explored among senior communication professionals at Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) listed South African organizations to present a new model to describe the OSR-building process which could contribute towards validating corporate communication as a strategic organizational function

    A strategic sequential, integrated, sustainable organisation-stakeholder relationship (SISOSR) model for building stakeholder partnerships : a corporate communication perspective

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    English with abstract in English and AfrikaansA dominant focus on organisational stakeholders is currently evident in both the literature and in practice since it is argued that the success of organisations is predominantly dependent on stakeholders’ perception of the organisation. This stakeholder emphasis is evident in the inclusion of a chapter on governing stakeholder relations in the King III report and the development of various stakeholder standards in South Africa, including corporate social investment, corporate governance, corporate citizenship, corporate sustainability and the triple bottom line. Despite the recognition of the importance and necessity of building and maintaining stakeholder relations in the literature, there is a dearth of research on how to actually build these relationships. The aim of this study was to address this shortcoming by proposing a generic, integrated approach to sustainable organisation-stakeholder relationship (OSR) building with strategic stakeholders whereby strategic stakeholder identification, OSR development and OSR maintenance, which are often studied independently, would be integrated in order to constitute a new unified model. This model will promote a sustainable OSR-building process for organisation-stakeholder partnership (OSP) development.The following three building blocks for such a model were proposed: a strategic communication foundation that promotes the integration of specific corporate communication functions that is practised from a two-way symmetrical communication perspective as the basis for effective OSR building; a theoretical foundation, which is an integration of Freeman’s stakeholder concept (1984) from a normative, relational viewpoint, Ferguson’s relational paradigm for public relations (1984) and Ledingham’s (2003) theory of relationship management, encapsulated by Grunig’s (1984) excellence theory, of which the proposed OSR-building model would be a pragmatic representation; and a conceptualisation of the OSR-building model where the actual phases of the OSR-building process would be proposed to provide step-by-step guidance for OSR building. This model promotes a partnership approach with strategic stakeholders, which is based on the proposition of an OSR development continuum, which implies that an OSR could grow in intensity over time, from a foundational OSR, mutually-beneficial OSR, sustainable OSR, to ultimate organisational-stakeholder partnerships (OSPs). This model was built from a corporate communication perspective, and subsequently highlighted the contribution of corporate communication in the organisation as an OSR-building function to ensure organisational effectiveness. This study provided an exploratory literature review to constitute a conceptual framework for OSR-building of which the principles of the framework would be further explored and measured in leading listed South African organisations, by means of a quantitative web-based survey and qualitative one-on-one interviews to compose an OSR-building model that provides guidance on the process of OSR building on the basis of insights from theory and practice.Ingevolge die argument dat die sukses van organisasies hoofsaaklik afhanklik is van die persepsies wat belangegroepe oor organisasies het, word ‘n dominante fokus tans op organisatoriese belangegroepe in die literatuur en praktyk geplaas. Die fokus op belangegroepe is sigbaar in die insluiting van ‘n hoofstuk oor die bou van belangegroepverhoudings in die King III verslag asook die ontwikkeling van verskeie belangegroepstandaarde in Suid Afrika, wat korporatiewe sosiale verantwoordelikheid, korporatiewe burgerskap, korporatiewe volhoubaarheid en drievoudige eindresultaat insluit. Ten spyte daarvan dat die belangrikheid en noodsaaklikheid van die bou en behoud van belangegroepverhoudings erken word in die literatuur, is daar ‘n tekort aan navorsing oor hoe om die verhoudings te bou. Die studie poog om dié tekortkoming aan te spreek deur middel van ‘n generiese, geϊntegreerde benadering vir volhoubare organisatoriese-belangegroepvershoudings (OBV) met strategiese belangegroepe voor te stel, waar strategiese belangegroep identifikasie, OBV ontwikkeling en OBV instandhouding, aspekte wat dikwels afsonderlik bestudeer word, geintegreer word in ‘n nuwe, verenigde model. Hierdie model sal ’n volhoubare OBV verbouiingsproses voorstel vir die ontwikkeling van organisatoriese-belangegroepvennootskappe. Drie boustene word vir die model voorgestel naamlik; ‘n strategiese kommunkasie fondasie wat die integrasie van spesifieke korporatiewe kommunikasie funksies vanuit ‘n twee-rigting simmetriese kommunikasie perspektief as basis vir die effektiewe bou van OBV insluit; ‘n teoretiese fondasie wat ‘n integrasie van Freeman (1984) se belangegroepkonsep van ‘n normatiewe, verhoudingsstandpunt, Ferguson (1984) se verhoudingsparadigma vir openbare skakelwerk en Ledingham (2003) se verhoudingsbestuursteorie insluit, omhul deur Grunig (1984) se uitnemendheidsteorie, waarvan die voorgestelde OBV model ‘n praktiese voorstelling sal wees; en ‘n konseptualisering van OBV-verbouing wat die fases van die OBV proses sal stipuleer om stap-vir-stap riglyne vir die bou van OBV voor te stel. ‘n Vennootskapsbenadering met strategiese belangegroepe word voorgestel deur die model, wat gebaseer is op die proposisie van ‘n OBV ontwikkelingskontinuum, wat impliseer dat ‘n OBV oor tyd in intensiteit kan groei van ‘n basiese OBV, wedersydse voordelige OBV, volhoubare OBV tot ‘n uiteindelike organisatoriese-belangegroepvennootskap. Die model is gebou uit ‘n korporatiewe kommunikasiestandpunt, wat gevolglik die bydrae van korporatiewe kommunikasie in die organisasie as ’n OBV-verbouingsfunksie om organisatoriese effektiwiteit te verseker, beklemtoon. Die studie bied ‘n verkennende literatuurstudie om ’n konseptuele raamwerk vir OBV-verbouing daar te stel, waarvan die beginsels van die raamwerk verder verken en gemeet is in gelysde Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies deur middel van ‘n kwantitatiewe web-gebaseerde opname en een-tot-een onderhoude om ’n OBV-verbouingsmodel te ontwikkel wat riglyne vir die proses van OBV-verbouing bied, gebaseer op beide teoretiese en praktiese insigte.Communication ScienceD. Litt. et Phil. (Communication

    Towards a new stakeholder-inclusive conceptual framework to strengthen internal corporate image

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    It is widely reported in the literature that employees’ image of the organisation has a direct influence on external stakeholders’ image of the organisation. This research attempted to address the need for an approach that facilitates employee engagement coupled with a leadership approach that allows collaboration, inclusion and co-operation within the organisation, to strengthen the internal corporate image. A synthesis of the literature from a unique stakeholder-inclusive perspective, depicted in the King III Report on corporate governance was conducted to identify the theoretical principles for a preliminary conceptual framework explored through a case study approach. Parsec Technologies Pty Ltd was purposively selected as case study because it was the 2012 and 2013 winner in the manufacturing sector of the Deloitte Best Company to Work For (BCTWF) survey, and served as a best practice organisation in the context of this research. Data triangulation by means of one-on-one interviews, focus groups and an open-ended survey was conducted with employees to determine the pragmatic relevance of the proposed framework. The findings culminated into a new generic stakeholder-inclusive conceptual framework to strengthen the internal corporate image by means of the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard elements and responsible leadership. Although a single case study is limited this framework contributed to the body of knowledge on corporate image to provide organisations with guidelines for strengthening their internal corporate image.Communication Scienc

    A new framework for strengthening internal corporate image: A stakeholder-inclusive perspective

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    The potential influence that internal stakeholders’ image of the organisation could have on external stakeholders’ image of the organisation, is strongly supported in the literature. This research project attempted to address the need for an approach that facilitates employee engagement coupled with a leadership approach that allows collaboration, inclusion and co-operation within the organisation, to strengthen the internal corporate image. This article reports on the results of the second phase of this research project where a proposed stakeholder-inclusive conceptual framework for strengthening the internal corporate image, built from a stakeholder-inclusive perspective as depicted in the King III report on corporate governance, was explored in practice. A quantitative, self-administered web-based survey was conducted with the 2014 winners of the Deloitte Best Company to Work For (BCTWF) survey. The results not only indicated that these organisations’ practices resonate with the proposed stakeholder-inclusive framework, but also that the principles of the framework, namely; stakeholder theory; integrated internal communication; peace arena; stakeholder engagement by means of the AA1000 Stakeholder Engagement Standard (AA1000SES) and responsible leadership; and stewardship correlate with one another. The stakeholder-inclusive conceptual framework expands on the body of knowledge on corporate image and provides corporate communication professionals with a guide for strengthening their organisation’s internal corporate image which could serve as starting point for strengthening the external corporate image and eventual corporate reputation.Communication Scienc

    Towards shared meaning: Inline communication media as change agent for sustainable strategic stakeholder relationships

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    The accelerated capacity of the media can be to the advantage or disadvantage of individuals. From an organisational communication perspective, it is argued that shared knowledge through inline communication media could contribute towards sustainable strategic stakeholder relationships. To achieve this, this article is addressed from the Communicate Constitution of Organisations (CCO) school of thought as foundation with a specific focus on the knowledge management perspective as multidisciplinary approach to create shared knowledge and meaning. From a knowledge management perspective, it is argued that inline communication media could be used as change agent to create this meaning and awareness. For the purpose of this article, inline communication media refers to the integration of online and offline interactive communication between the organisation and stakeholders and the move towards shared meaning through cross-mediality for sustainable stakeholder relationship building. According to Larghi, Lemus, Moguillansky and Welschinger (2015:22), ‘inline’ actions and behaviour are valuable to understand strategic stakeholders and it could be used as a manner to systematically change how they add meaning to reality. This underlines the need for an approach to combine online and offline interactive media to strengthen strategic stakeholder relationships. In line with the CCO school of thought, it is argued that connectivity, which creates perceptions over time, space and relationships, allows individuals to move from the digital to the physical envrionment and back (Larghi et al 2015:28). Inline communication media therefore creates various cross-channel touch points to strenghten communication to apply relationship management with strategic stakeholders to the advantage of the organisation. An important aspect is the movement towards shared knowledge which, from an organisational communication perspective, differ from the mere transfer of information through the media. The continious change in the new and social media context creates the opportunity for open participation and a continious process where stakeholder characteristics could encourage and strengthen democratic activities. This article addresses this gap to move from information transfer through the media towards shared information where inline communication media is used as change agent to create shared knowledge, meaning, innovative collaboration and problem-solving to contriute towards sustainable relationship building with strategic stakeholders. This article provides a two-fold contribution: Firstly, from an organisational communication viewpoint, this article proposes a new perspective where inline communication media could be used as change agent for the transfer of shared meanding; and secondly, that this shared meaning, made possible through knowledge management, could contribute towards strengthening the organisation’s relationships with strategic stakeholders.Communication Scienc


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    Successful organizations depend on stakeholder perceptions to address changes in turbulent organizational environments, report on social and environmental impacts of activities, the prevalence of public activism, globalization, emerging issues and crises and the need to be good corporate citizens through ethical and socially responsible behaviour. Despite the current emphasis on stakeholder relations and management, a lack of research exists on how to build these relationships. This article aims to report and discuss the findings of a study that explored the lack of OSR building models to emphasize the elements and development of an organization-stakeholder relationship (OSR) and highlight the need for a generic, strategic, integrated approach for sustainable OSR to contribute towards organizational effectiveness. This will be done by an exploratory literature review to constitute a conceptual framework for OSR building of which the principles of the framework will be explored and measured among leading Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) listed, South African organizations, by means of a quantitative web-based survey and qualitative one-on-one interviews. The dominant focus on organizational stakeholders has also provided added impetus and importance to the role of corporate communication, and hence, this article will simultaneously endevour to highlight the importance of practicing corporate communication strategically by emphasizing the role thereof in OSR

    A sequential intergrated sustainable organisation-stakeholder relationship (SISOSR) process for building organisation-stakeholder partnerships: a conceptual framework

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    Although the concept ‘organisation-stakeholder relationship (OSR)’ is not new and has been researched extensively in the literature, limited attempts have been made to critically analyse existing viewpoints and propose a unified conceptual framework. The main research problem of this paper is to address this lack of a commonly accepted conceptual framework for organisational stakeholder relationships. This is done through a critical analysis of the different perspectives and existing conceptual frameworks by using a qualitative method whereby strategic stakeholder identification, OSR development and OSR maintenance are integrated to propose a conceptual framework, subsequently termed SISOSR to build organisation-stakeholder partnerships (OSP) with strategic stakeholders. This article is structured as follows: Firstly, the key concepts are defined; secondly the building blocks of the framework is presented based on sound theoretical constructs; and thirdly the SISOSR framework is graphically presented and discussed to elaborate on the proposed process of OSR building; followed by concluding arguments.Communication Scienc

    An integrated crisis communication framework for strategic crisis communication with the media: A case study on a financial services provider

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    In order for organisations to survive in an ever-changing milieu in the current business environment, sufficient crisis communication and management practices need to be in place to ensure organisational survival. Despite the latter, organisational crises are often inefficiently managed which could be ascribed to the lack of managing crises strategically (Kash & Darling 1998:180). This article explores the lack of strategic crisis communication processes to ensure effective crisis communication with the media as stakeholder group. It is argued that the media is one of the main influences of public opinion (Pollard & Hotho 2006:725), thereby emphasising the need for accurate distribution of information. Furthermore, the study will focus specifically on the financial industry, as it is believed that this industry is more sensitive and thus more prone towards media reporting as financial services providers manage people’s money (Squier 2009). A strategic crisis communication process with the media is therefore proposed, facilitated through an integrated crisis communication framework, which focuses on a combination of Integrated Communication (IC) literature with emphasis on Grunig’s theory of communication excellence to build sustainable media relationships through two-way communication; and proposing a crisis communication process that has proactive, reactive and post-evaluative crisis communication stages, thereby moving away from crisis communication as a predominant reactive function.Communication Scienc

    Accepting change as part of organisational life : does this resonate with high-change organisations in South Africa?

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    This article proposes a new concept, co-change-orientated communication (co-COC), which encapsulates the daily social and communication processes of organisational members in making sense of change from a critical strategic communication perspective. Guided by an evolutionary approach to concept development, this article aims to quantitatively measure the pragmatic relevance of identified attributes and antecedents of co-COC to the development of a fully-fledged concept at six high change South African organisations. An exploratory factor analysis confirmed that co-COC is attributed by meaningful dialogue, employee engagement, collaboration and co-creation and the encouragement of dissent. It is bottom-up in nature and enabled by the antecedents of organisational agility, leadership agility, a change-able culture and stakeholder engagement. co-COC further extends theoretical development on the need for change communication approaches that support ongoing organisational change and has potential to assist communication professionals to recognise the need and pragmatic relevance of contemporary developments in strategic communication. The various antecedents and attributes of co-COC could also provide organisations with guidance on the implementation of change-orientated communication approaches in support of ongoing organisational change.Communication Scienc