38 research outputs found
L'ichtyofaune des herbiers de phanĂ©rogames marines des Antilles françaises : intĂ©rĂȘt de leur protection
The fish communities of the seagrass beds of Thalassia testudinum were studied in the
bay of Fort-de-France (Martinique) and the lagoon of the Grand Cul-de-sac Marin (Guadeloupe)
over a period of two years. Fishes were collected using a seine net in two stations in
Martinique and three stations in Guadeloupe. These stations were located near the coastal
mangroves and seawards. An overall total of 88 species of fishes was collected in both
islands, respectively 64 species in Martinique and 77 species in Guadeloupe. Furthermore,
fish abundance was found to be greater in Guadeloupe than in Martinique (2.6 times for
number of individuals and about 1.7 for biomass). Correspondence and cluster analyses
revealed a different fish community structure in the two types of seagrass beds in both islands:
one assemblage is settled near mangroves and another one in the seaward seagrass beds. In
number of species, fish abundance and biomass, the fish community was richer near the coast
than seawards. In the two types of seagrass fish community, juveniles characterized the
majority of the species, including those of commercial interest. These latter represent an
important part of the community with higher proportions near mangrove areas (75.5 % in
numbers and 69.3 % in biomass) than seawards (41.6 % in numbers and 43.3 % in biomass).
These results confirm the role of nursery played by Thalassia testudinum beds in the West
Indies and show the necessity to protect that habitat for a sustainable management of
resources for coastal fisheriesLes communautés de poissons des herbiers de Phanérogames marines à Thalassia testudinum ont été étudiées simultanément dans deux stations de la baie de Fort-de-France en Martinique et trois stations situées dans la réserve du
Grand Cul-de-sac Marin en Guadeloupe. Un total de 88 espĂšces a Ă©tĂ© observĂ© dans les deux Ăźles, avec respectivement 64 espĂšces en Martinique et 77 espĂšces en Guadeloupe. L'abondance globale des poissons s'est rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e ĂȘtre plus Ă©levĂ©e dans les zones de rĂ©serve en Guadeloupe qu'en Martinique
(2,6 fois en effectifs et 1,7 fois en biomasse). Des analyses factorielles des correspondances ainsi que des classifications hiérarchiques ont permis de mettre en évidence l'existence de deux types de communautés : une communauté installée en bordure de mangrove et une autre présente dans
les herbiers situĂ©s plus au large. La premiĂšre communautĂ© est plus riche en espĂšces, en effectifs et en biomasse. Dans ces deux types d'herbiers, la majoritĂ© des espĂšces est reprĂ©sentĂ©e par des poissons juvĂ©niles, espĂšces d'intĂ©rĂȘt commercial comprises. Ces derniĂšres reprĂ©sentent une
proportion importante de l'ichtyofaune, plus élevée en bordure de mangrove (75,5 % des effectifs et 69,3 % de la biomasse) qu'au large (41,6 % des effectifs et 43,3 % de la biomasse). Ces résultats confirment le rÎle de nurserie joué par les herbiers de Thalassia testudinum dans les Antilles
et montrent la nĂ©cessitĂ© de protĂ©ger cet habitat dans le cadre d'une gestion durable des ressources pour la pĂȘche cĂŽtiĂšre
The nutritional quality of non-calcified macroalgae in Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles) evaluated by their biochemical composition
Biochemical compositions of 15 species and 1 genus of macroalgae were studied. Concentrations of macronutrients were measured to evaluate their nutritional quality. High concentrations of proteins, lipids and soluble carbohydrates generally indicate a high nutritional quality because these compounds are readily metabolically available for consumers and provide a large proportion of energy. Insoluble carbohydrates are more difficult to digest and high concentrations indicate a low nutritional quality.
Three groups of macroalgae were identified according to their biochemical characteristics. The first group clusters Ceramium cf nitens, Ulva cf lactuca and Lobophora cf variegata due to their high concentrations of proteins and soluble carbohydrates, and low proportion of ashes. These species presented high nutritional qualities and, according to previous studies, are preferredby herbivorous fishes. A second group constituted by Dictyota cf pulchella, Caulerpa cupressoides, C. sertularioides and Sargassum cf polyceratium presented intermediate nutritional qualities due to higher concentrations of lipids and insoluble carbohydrates. Finally, the others species and genus are characterized by a high proportion of ashes and a low nutritional quality. However, some of these species (Acanthophora spicifera, Padina cf sanctae-crucis or Laurencia cf chondrioides) are cited as preferred macroalgae for some herbivorous fishes.
The present study indicates that the biochemical composition in macronutrients only partially explains the food choice made by fishes. The consumption of macroalgae by herbivores depends also on the presence of deterrent molecules, the composition in micronutrients, and their palatability that often decreased with increasing size. Most of macroalgae are preferentially consumed when young and small
Recent evolution of the coral reefs of Guadeloupe and Saint-Barthelemy Islands
The Guadeloupe
Archipelago (with Guadeloupe, La DĂ©sirade, Marie-Galante, Les Saintes and Petite-Terre Islands), St.
BarthĂ©lemy and St. Martin are located in the Lesser Antilles between 15°50âand 18°00â N. Guadeloupe possesses
a barrier reef on its northern part, fringing reefs on the windward coast and highly diversified non-reef
building coral communities on the leeward coast. The other islands shelter fringing reefs and non-reef building
coral communities. The coral reefs of the French West Indies are faced with a common set of threats : high rate
of sedimentation, due to deforestation and bad land management, and algal proliferation due to an overload of
nutrients in the coastal waters coming from excessive use of fertilizers and poor waste waters treatment. Their
coral communities have exhibited a low progressive decline since the beginning of the eighties. Long-term
monitoring sites have been implemented in Guadeloupe and St. Barthélemy since 2001. Results indicated
the existence of a signifi cant tendency of the coral community to degrade over the study period. Moreover,
a severe bleaching event appeared in 2005, when the sea temperature overshoot 29°C from mid May to mid
November, with maximum values reaching 31°C. In 2006, in spite of normal seawater temperature conditions,
an important delayed mortality affected the corals previously weakened by bleaching. As a final result of the
2005 bleaching event, coral coverage on the reefs of Guadeloupe and St. Barthélemy dropped from 30 to 50 %
according to the sites. Fish communities did not exhibit immediate impact of the bleaching eventL'Archipel guadeloupéen (les ßles de la Guadeloupe, la Désirade, Marie-Galante, les Saintes et Petite-Terre), ainsi que Saint-Barthélemy et Saint-Martin sont situés dans les Petites Antilles entre 15° 50'N et 18°00' N. La
Guadeloupe abrite un récif barriÚre sur sa cÎte nord, des récifs frangeants sur les cÎtes au vent et des formations coralliennes non-bioconstructrices, riches et diversifiées, sur les cÎtes sous-le-vent. Les autres ßles possÚdent des récifs frangeants et des formations coralliennes
non-bioconstructrices. Les récifs coralliens des Antilles françaises subissent principalement deux types de perturbation: 1) une hypersédimentation liée à la déforestation des ßles et à des aménagements cÎtiers mal réfléchis ; 2) un enrichissement excessif des eaux cÎtiÚres en nutriments,
provenant d'un mauvais traitement des eaux usées et de fertilisants agricoles, qui favorisent le développement exubérant d'algues sur les récifs. Les récifs de ces ßles ont montré des signes de dégradation depuis le début des années 80. Depuis 2001, un réseau de stations de suivi de l'état
de santé des communautés récifales a été mis en place sur des récifs de Guadeloupe et de Saint-Barthélemy. Les résultats de cette étude mettent en évidence une tendance significative décroissante de l'état de santé des communautés coralliennes. Par ailleurs, en 2005, la température des eaux
cÎtiÚres dans les Antilles a dépassé 29°C de la mimai à la mi-novembre, avec des maxima atteignant 31 °C. Cet événement a provoqué le phénomÚne de blanchissement des coraux le plus important observé à ce jour dans ces ßles. Apparue dÚs octobre 2005, la mortalité des coraux s'est
particuliĂšrement dĂ©veloppĂ©e en 2006, oĂč elle a constituĂ©, malgrĂ© des conditions de tempĂ©rature normales, un phĂ©nomĂšne retardĂ©. Cet Ă©pisode de blanchissement s'est traduit par une diminution de 30 Ă 50 % du taux de recouvrement des fonds par les coraux en fonction des rĂ©cifs. Les peuplements
de poissons récifaux n'ont pas été affectés de façon immédiate par le blanchissement
Detection of Adsorbed Chlordecone on Microplastics in Marine Sediments in Guadeloupe: A Preliminary Study
Plastic pollution in the oceans is recognized as a worldwide problem. Since the 1950s, the production of plastics has been increasing and the first reports of microplastics (particles \u3c 500 ÎŒm) in the marine environment began to appear in the 1970s. These particles represent a growing environmental problem due to their dispersion in seawater and marine organisms. Additionally, microparticles in general can adsorb pollutants that will then become bioavailable to organisms by being desorbed during digestion, which could be an important pathway for the contamination of organisms. In Guadeloupe and Martinique, an organochlorine pesticide called âchlordeconeâ was used from 1972 to 1993 in banana plantations and this very persistent pollutant contaminates soils, rivers, and coastal marine areas and accumulates in marine foodwebs. To examine these issues, we had two goals: 1) to assess the contamination of marine sediments by microplastics surrounding Guadeloupe; and 2) to determine the ability of microplastics to adsorb chlordecone, as has been demonstrated for other organochlorine pollutants. To do so, marine sediments were collected in triplicate from 12 sites in coral reef environments around the island. Microplastics from each sample were then enumerated by size, color and shape under a binocular microscope. The results indicate that microplastics are found in all the studied sites and that their distribution could be linked to marine currents or proximity to areas of significant human activities (port activities, agglomeration, etc.). Finally, our preliminary results indicated that chlordecone could be adsorbed onto microplastics, with a concentration ranging from 0.00036â0.00173 ”g/”g of microfilter
Distribution quantitative des principaux poissons herbivores (Acanthuridae et Scaridae) de l'atoll de Takapoto (Polynésie française).
Quantitative data are given on the distribution of the main herbivorous reef fishes (Acanthundae and Scaridae) of the enclosed atoll of Takapoto (Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia). Visual counts were carried out by diving along transects (200 m long and 5 m wide) at 11 stations located inside the lagoon and on the outer reef to 30 m deep.
The highest density of herbivorous fishes was recorded in shallow waters (5 m) around the lagoon pinnacles and between 10 m and 20 m on outer reef areas. The population structure of herbivorous fishes varied much according to biota. Parrotfishes were numerically dominant in the lagoon and formed plurispecific groups composed of many juveniles whereas Surgeonfishes dominated on outer reef areas. Species of Acanthuridae occupied specific zones of the atoll and a change in their population structure was noted and related to a change in the health conditions of the reef.Nous avons étudié la distribution quantitative des principaux poissons herbivores (Acanthuridae et Scaridae) de l'atoll fermé de Takapoto (Archipel des Tuamotu en Polynésie française). Pour les 11 stations situées à l'intérieur du lagon et sur les récifs extérieurs jusqu'à 30 m de profondeur, nous comptabilisons les poissons observés en plongée le long de transects de 1 000 m2.
La plus forte densitĂ© de poissons herbivores est observĂ©e dans les eaux peu profondes (infĂ©rieures Ă 5 m) tout autour des pinacles du lagon et entre 10 et 20 m sur les pentes externes. La structure des populations des poissons herbivores varie beaucoup en fonction des biotopes. Les poissons perroquets sont dominants en nombre d'individus dans le lagon et forment des groupes plurispĂ©cifiques comprenant beaucoup de juvĂ©niles, tandis que les poissons chirurgiens sont dominants sur les rĂ©cifs extĂ©rieurs. Les diffĂ©rentes espĂšces d'Acanthuridae occupent des zones particuliĂšres de l'atoll et des variations dans la structure des peuplements sont observĂ©es et peuvent ĂȘtre reliĂ©es Ă des Ă©volutions Ă©cologiques du rĂ©cif.Bouchon-Navaro Yolande. Distribution quantitative des principaux poissons herbivores (Acanthuridae et Scaridae) de l'atoll de Takapoto (PolynĂ©sie française).. In: Journal de la SociĂ©tĂ© des ocĂ©anistes, n°77, tome 39, 1983. RĂ©cifs et lagons de PolynĂ©sie française. pp. 43-54
Les Ă©cosystĂšmes marins cĂŽtiers des Antilles
© Ifremer/A. Guillou Introduction Dans la CaraĂŻbe, les Ă©cosystĂšmes marins les plus florissants, situĂ©s en bordure des cĂŽtes, supportent des peuplements originaux. En effet, depuis la fermeture progressive de lâisthme de Panama, commencĂ©e durant lâĂšre tertiaire et achevĂ©e il y a environ 3,5 millions dâannĂ©es, les espĂšces ont Ă©voluĂ© sĂ©parĂ©ment et la faune actuelle de la CaraĂŻbe est diffĂ©rente de celle de lâIndo-Pacifique. Avec prĂšs de 70 espĂšces de coraux, 1 200 de mollusques et 600 de poissons..
CritĂšres dâĂ©valuation de la dĂ©gradation des communautĂ©s coralliennes dans la rĂ©gion caraĂŻbe
Almost all the coral reefs of the Caribbean region present important signs of alteration. In the French Antilles, about 80 % of the coral communities are more or less damaged. A study has been undertaken in order to describe and understand the dynamics of this recent evolution. The aim of this study was also to detect the ecological descriptors able to characterize the state of health of coral communities by remote sensing. The species richness of coral communities, the most simple indicator of the biodiversity of the studied area, as well as diversity indices, revealed to be descriptors particularly stable and very little reactive to the degradation of the reef community. The coverage rate of the bottom by corals may be very different from one reef to another one or from one area to another one on the same reef. This does not necessarily imply the existence of a difference in the state of health between the communities. The most relevant criteria revealed to be associated with the state of health of coral colonies and the abundance of juvenile recruits. For the other components of the reef benthic community, the most pertinent descriptor was the ratio of the bottom covered with algal turf (healthy reefs) to that occupied by macro-algae (damaged reefs). These ecological descriptors revealed to be easy to estimate in a reproducible manner by observers who are not specialists of reef ecology. This extends the possibilities of monitoring the health of coral reefs through the assistance of non-scientific personnel (staff of the marine reserves, volunteers, etc.).Les rĂ©cifs coralliens de la rĂ©gion CaraĂŻbe prĂ©sentent pratiquement tous des signes dâaltĂ©ration. Dans les Antilles françaises, prĂšs de 80 % des communautĂ©s coralliennes rĂ©cifales prĂ©sentent des signes de dĂ©gradation plus ou moins importants. Une Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© entreprise afin de dĂ©crire la dynamique de cette Ă©volution et dâen dĂ©duire les descripteurs les mieux Ă mĂȘme de servir dâindicateurs biologiques de FĂ©tat de santĂ© des communautĂ©s coralliennes de ces rĂ©cifs lors dâĂ©tudes spatiales. La richesse spĂ©cifique en coraux, indicateur de la biodiversitĂ© de la zone Ă©tudiĂ©e, ainsi que les indices de diversitĂ© synthĂ©tiques, se sont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s ĂȘtre des descripteurs particuliĂšrement stables et peu sensibles Ă lâĂ©tat de dĂ©gradation du rĂ©cif. Le taux de recouvrement des fonds par les coraux peut ĂȘtre trĂšs diffĂ©rent dâun rĂ©cif Ă un autre ou dâune zone rĂ©cifale Ă lâautre sur un mĂȘme rĂ©cif, sans que cela implique forcĂ©ment une diffĂ©rence dâĂ©tat de santĂ©. Les critĂšres les plus pertinents se sont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s ĂȘtre associĂ©s Ă lâĂ©tat de santĂ© des colonies coralliennes elles-mĂȘmes, Ă lâabondance du recrutement en jeunes coraux et, pour ce qui concerne les autres composantes de la communautĂ© benthique rĂ©cifale, au rapport entre la surface des fonds occupĂ©e par le «gazon algal» (rĂ©cif en bon Ă©tat) et celle colonisĂ©e par des macro-algues (rĂ©cifs dĂ©gradĂ©s). Ces descripteurs se sont rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©s ĂȘtre faciles Ă estimer de façon reproductible par des observateurs qui ne sont pas des scientifiques spĂ©cialistes des rĂ©cifs, ce qui facilite leur surveillance par les gestionnaires des zones marines protĂ©gĂ©es.Bouchon Claude, Bouchon-Navaro Yolande, Louis Max. CritĂšres dâĂ©valuation de la dĂ©gradation des communautĂ©s coralliennes dans la rĂ©gion caraĂŻbe . In: Revue d'Ăcologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 59, n°1-2, 2004. pp. 112-121
Lâichtyofaune des herbiers de phanĂ©rogames marines des Antilles françaises : intĂ©rĂȘt de leur protection
The fish communities of the seagrass beds of Thalassia testudinum were studied in the bay of Fort-de-France (Martinique) and the lagoon of the Grand Cul-de-sac Marin (Guadeloupe) over a period of two years. Fishes were collected using a seine net in two stations in Martinique and three stations in Guadeloupe. These stations were located near the coastal mangroves and seawards. An overall total of 88 species of fishes was collected in both islands, respectively 64 species in Martinique and 77 species in Guadeloupe. Furthermore, fish abundance was found to be greater in Guadeloupe than in Martinique (2.6 times for number of individuals and about 1.7 for biomass). Correspondence and cluster analyses revealed a different fish community structure in the two types of seagrass beds in both islands : one assemblage is settled near mangroves and another one in the seaward seagrass beds. In number of species, fish abundance and biomass, the fish community was richer near the coast than seawards. In the two types of seagrass fish community, juveniles characterized the majority of the species, including those of commercial interest. These latter represent an important part of the community with higher proportions near mangrove areas (75.5 % in numbers and 69.3 % in biomass) than seawards (41.6 % in numbers and 43.3 % in biomass). These results confirm the role of nursery played by Thalassia testudinum beds in the West Indies and show the necessity to protect that habitat for a sustainable management of resources for coastal fisheries.Les communautĂ©s de poissons des herbiers de PhanĂ©rogames marines Ă Thalassia testudinum ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es simultanĂ©ment dans deux stations de la baie de Fort-de-France en Martinique et trois stations situĂ©es dans la rĂ©serve du Grand Cul-de-sac Marin en Guadeloupe. Un total de 88 espĂšces a Ă©tĂ© observĂ© dans les deux Ăźles, avec respectivement 64 espĂšces en Martinique et 77 espĂšces en Guadeloupe. Lâabondance globale des poissons sâest rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©e ĂȘtre plus Ă©levĂ©e dans les zones de rĂ©serve en Guadeloupe quâen Martinique (2,6 fois en effectifs et 1,7 fois en biomasse). Des analyses factorielles des correspondances ainsi que des classifications hiĂ©rarchiques ont permis de mettre en Ă©vidence lâexistence de deux types de communautĂ©s : une communautĂ© installĂ©e en bordure de mangrove et une autre prĂ©sente dans les herbiers situĂ©s plus au large. La premiĂšre communautĂ© est plus riche en espĂšces, en effectifs et en biomasse. Dans ces deux types dâherbiers, la majoritĂ© des espĂšces est reprĂ©sentĂ©e par des poissons juvĂ©niles, espĂšces dâintĂ©rĂȘt commercial comprises. Ces derniĂšres reprĂ©sentent une proportion importante de lâichtyofaune, plus Ă©levĂ©e en bordure de mangrove (75,5 % des effectifs et 69,3 % de la biomasse) quâau large (41,6 % des effectifs et 43,3 % de la biomasse). Ces rĂ©sultats confirment le rĂŽle de nurserie jouĂ© par les herbiers de Thalassia testudinum dans les Antilles et montrent la nĂ©cessitĂ© de protĂ©ger cet habitat dans le cadre dâune gestion durable des ressources pour la pĂȘche cĂŽtiĂšre.Bouchon-Navaro Yolande, Bouchon Claude, Louis Max. Lâichtyofaune des herbiers de phanĂ©rogames marines des Antilles françaises : intĂ©rĂȘt de leur protection . In: Revue d'Ăcologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 59, n°1-2, 2004. pp. 253-272