60 research outputs found


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    金沢大学附属病院【研究目的】治験中に発生する副作用は重篤な転帰を辿ることもあり、被験者の安全性を確保するために、特に迅速で適切な対応が求められる。また、副作用発生時の一次対応が適切でないと、補償のみならず訴訟問題にまで発展しかねない。本研究では、治験依頼者間・施設毎で治験実施中の被験者に対する補償対応の差異が生じている問題点を解決するために、補償対応において最低限実施すべき業務手順を構築する。【研究方法】治験依頼者に対して補償に係る調査を実施し、過去に調査したデータ(2004年)と比較し、過去と現在における補償対応の変化を把握する。また、補償対応の現状を踏まえ、医療機関で実施すべき業務内容を検討する。【研究成果】補償対応開始の契機が医療機関側85%(うちCRCは約50%)との事実よりCRCの対応次第で補償の有無が左右される可能性は否定できない。一方、依頼者が医療機関に対して「自発的な対応」を行っているのは過去と現在も僅か10%弱で変化がなく、因果関係判明時からの依頼者の積極的な対応が望まれる。また、過去の調査と同様に現在も医療機関側から依頼者に対して補償範囲を超えた要求も見受けられた。CRCの資質で被験者に対する補償対応に差異が生じるのは好ましくなく、補償対応の有無を検討する院内体制構築、及び医療機関/治験依頼者間相互で補償対応の有無をチェックできる体制整備が必要と考える。本調査結果を基に、補償に対して医療機関側が必要最低限実施すべき事項を高額補償と低額補償とで分けて手順書を作成した。しかしながら、本業務手順が妥当であるか再評価には至らなかったため、今後継続して研究を行う予定である。研究課題/領域番号:22929020, 研究期間(年度):2010出典:研究課題「治験実施時に発生した副作用に対する補償業務手順標準化の構築」課題番号22929020(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-22929020/)を加工して作

    Risk of bleeding and repeated bleeding events in prasugrel-treated patients: a review of data from the Japanese PRASFIT studies

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    Prasugrel is a third-generation thienopyridine that achieves potent platelet inhibition with less pharmacological variability than other thienopyridines. However, clinical experience suggests that prasugrel may be associated with a higher risk of de novo and recurrent bleeding events compared with clopidogrel in Japanese patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). In this review, we evaluate the risk of bleeding in Japanese patients treated with prasugrel at the doses (loading/maintenance doses: 20/3.75 mg) adjusted for Japanese patients, evaluate the risk factors for bleeding in Japanese patients, and examine whether patients with a bleeding event are at increased risk of recurrent bleeding. This review covers published data and new analyses of the PRASFIT (PRASugrel compared with clopidogrel For Japanese patIenTs) trials of patients undergoing PCI for acute coronary syndrome or elective reasons. The bleeding risk with prasugrel was similar to that observed with the standard dose of clopidogrel (300/75 mg), including when bleeding events were re-classified using the Bleeding Academic Research Consortium criteria. The pharmacodynamics of prasugrel was not associated with the risk of bleeding events. The main risk factors for bleeding events were female sex, low body weight, advanced age, and presence of diabetes mellitus. Use of a radial puncture site was associated with a lower risk of bleeding during PCI than a femoral puncture site. Finally, the frequency and severity of recurrent bleeding events during continued treatment were similar between prasugrel and clopidogrel. In summary, this review provides important insights into the risk and types of bleeding events in prasugrel-treated patients. Trial registration numbers: JapicCTI-101339 and JapicCTI-111550

    Identification of a 1.6 kb genome locus of guinea pig cytomegalovirus required for efficient viral growth in animals but not in cell culture

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    AbstractGuinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) provides a useful model for studies of congenital CMV infection. During characterization of the GPCMV genome sequence, we identified two types of strains in a virus stock purchased from ATCC. One of them, GPCMV/del, lacks a 1.6 kb locus that positionally corresponds to murine CMV (MCMV) M129–M133. Growth of GPCMV/del in cell culture was marginally better than that of the other strain, GPCMV/full, which harbors the 1.6 kb locus. However, in animals infected intraperitoneally with virus stocks containing both strains, GPCMV/full disseminated more efficiently than GPCMV/del, including 200-fold greater viral load in salivary glands. Viral DNA, transcripts of the immediate-early 2 gene homolog, and viral antigens were more abundant in animals infected with GPCMV/full than in those infected with GPCMV/del. Although the observed phenomena have some similarity with the growth properties of MCMV strains defective in mck-1/mck-2(M129/131) and those defective in sgg(M132), no M129–M132 homologs were found in the 1.6 kb locus. Since one of the ORFs in the locus has a weak sequence similarity with HCMV UL130, which relates to cell tropism, further studies will be required to learn the mechanism for efficient GPCMV growth in animal

    14-3-3 proteins stabilize LGI1-ADAM22 levels to regulate seizure thresholds in mice

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    新たなてんかん治療戦略を提案 --脳の過剰興奮を阻止するタンパク質ADAM22の量が鍵--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2021-12-15.What percentage of the protein function is required to prevent disease symptoms is a fundamental question in genetic disorders. Decreased transsynaptic LGI1-ADAM22 protein complexes, because of their mutations or autoantibodies, cause epilepsy and amnesia. However, it remains unclear how LGI1-ADAM22 levels are regulated and how much LGI1-ADAM22 function is required. Here, by genetic and structural analysis, we demonstrate that quantitative dual phosphorylation of ADAM22 by protein kinase A (PKA) mediates high-affinity binding of ADAM22 to dimerized 14-3-3. This interaction protects LGI1-ADAM22 from endocytosis-dependent degradation. Accordingly, forskolin-induced PKA activation increases ADAM22 levels. Leveraging a series of ADAM22 and LGI1 hypomorphic mice, we find that ∼50% of LGI1 and ∼10% of ADAM22 levels are sufficient to prevent lethal epilepsy. Furthermore, ADAM22 function is required in excitatory and inhibitory neurons. These results suggest strategies to increase LGI1-ADAM22 complexes over the required levels by targeting PKA or 14-3-3 for epilepsy treatment

    Resectable hepatoblastoma with tumor thrombus extending into the right atrium after chemotherapy: A case report

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    AbstractHepatoblastoma with intraatrial tumor thrombus is relatively rare. We report a case of hepatoblastoma with tumor thrombus extending into the right atrium, which responded well to chemotherapy and was resected using extracorporeal circulation. A 4-year-old girl was referred to our hospital because of abdominal distention and tenderness. A computed tomography (CT) scan showed a large tumor occupying the left 3 segments of the liver with tumor thrombus extending into the right atrium. There was also a small intrahepatic metastasis in the right lobe of the liver. She was diagnosed with hepatoblastoma on the basis of the results of open biopsy. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy with an intense CDDP-based regimen was performed. The tumor responded well to chemotherapy, and intrahepatic metastasis became undetectable on CT scan, although the tumor thrombus remained in the right atrium. After 7 courses of chemotherapy, we performed resection using extracorporeal circulation. The postoperative course was uneventful, and adjuvant chemotherapy was started 10 days after the operation. Her serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level decreased to the normal range, and she was free of disease for 1 year after the operation. Tumor resection using extracorporeal circulation can be performed safely and is justified in patients with intraatrial tumor thrombus

    Establishment of Functioning Human Corneal Endothelial Cell Line with High Growth Potential

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    Hexagonal-shaped human corneal endothelial cells (HCEC) form a monolayer by adhering tightly through their intercellular adhesion molecules. Located at the posterior corneal surface, they maintain corneal translucency by dehydrating the corneal stroma, mainly through the Na+- and K+-dependent ATPase (Na+/K+-ATPase). Because HCEC proliferative activity is low in vivo, once HCEC are damaged and their numbers decrease, the cornea begins to show opacity due to overhydration, resulting in loss of vision. HCEC cell cycle arrest occurs at the G1 phase and is partly regulated by cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors (CKIs) in the Rb pathway (p16-CDK4/CyclinD1-pRb). In this study, we tried to activate proliferation of HCEC by inhibiting CKIs. Retroviral transduction was used to generate two new HCEC lines: transduced human corneal endothelial cell by human papillomavirus type E6/E7 (THCEC (E6/E7)) and transduced human corneal endothelial cell by Cdk4R24C/CyclinD1 (THCEH (Cyclin)). Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analysis of gene expression revealed little difference between THCEC (E6/E7), THCEH (Cyclin) and non-transduced HCEC, but cell cycle-related genes were up-regulated in THCEC (E6/E7) and THCEH (Cyclin). THCEH (Cyclin) expressed intercellular molecules including ZO-1 and N-cadherin and showed similar Na+/K+-ATPase pump function to HCEC, which was not demonstrated in THCEC (E6/E7). This study shows that HCEC cell cycle activation can be achieved by inhibiting CKIs even while maintaining critical pump function and morphology

    Early and long?term outcomes of endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric cancer in a large patient series

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    Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) enables the curative resection of early gastric cancer (EGC); however, little information is available on the long-term outcomes of ESD. This study was conducted to clarify the clinical outcomes of a large number of patients with EGC who underwent ESD. The early outcomes were assessed in 1,209 patients and the long-term outcomes were assessed in 300 patients at a follow-up >5 years after the ESD procedure. The overall survival rates were compared between indication and expanded-indication groups, and between the patients who did or did not undergo additional surgery in an out-of-indication group. Overall survival rates were also compared among different age groups. In total, 617 lesions were classed as the indication group, 507 as the expanded-indication group and 208 as the out-of-indication group. Curative resection rates were 96.6% and 91.5% in the indication and expanded-indication groups, respectively. In terms of the long-term outcomes, 20 of the 146 patients in the indication group, 15 of the 105 patients in the expanded-indication group and one of the 23 patients who underwent additional surgery in the out-of-indication group succumbed due to causes other than gastric cancer. Among the 26 patients who did not undergo additional surgery in the out-of-indication group, 10 mortalities occurred, including one due to gastric cancer. The five-year survival rates were not significantly different between the indication and expanded-indication groups. In the out-of-indication group, the five-year survival rate for the patients who did not undergo additional surgery (65.0%) was significantly lower than that for those who did undergo additional surgery (100%) (P80 years (67.1%) was significantly lower than that of the younger patients (<60 years, 91.6%; sixties, 93.0%; seventies, 84.5%) (P<0.0001). In conclusion, although expanded-indication of ESD for EGC is appropriate, comorbidities require consideration in elderly patients