114 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to clarify the characteristics of the settlements with the ""Machi"" district aroundthe Iwami silver mine. In the eastern Iwami province, there were a lot of settlements that have the district ofcommerce and transportation, named ""Machi"" or ""Ichi"". At such district, the houses of the trader or the craftsmanlined both sides of the street. Such form was similar to that of the market town or the post town at that time. The""Machi"" district prospered in the golden age of the Iwami silver mine in the late sixteenth century, and reducedafter the decline of that mine in the late seventeenth century. At some settlement where there has been the base ofpowerful local clan or the production base such as foundries before the period of Civil Wars, the decline of the""Machi"" was comparatively moderate. At the other settlement that grew rapidly with the development of the silvermine, the decline of it was intense

    江戸中後期における鉱山集落の存続に関する一考察 : 飛騨国茂住銀山を事例として

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    In this paper, it is examined how the mining settlement of Japan continued between the eighteenthcentury and the first half of the nineteenth century, through the case of the Mozumi silver mine. The Mozumi silvermine was exploited and its mining settlement, ""Mozumi ginzan"" flourished in the late sixteenth century andmany people had gathered from various area of central Japan. In late seventeenth century, the silver mine and itsmining settlement declined quickly. While they cultivated poor fields, most of the inhabitant gathered the lead orein the old adits or the old ore dressing site for living. A small number of wealthy inhabitants supplied them withfunds and goods for mining. They have accumulated the fortune by the trade. Mozumi ginzan located at the one ofthe important point on the main road which linked Takayama and Toyama.In many cases of Japanese mine in the florescence, the mining settlement was designed in consideration ofconvenience of the goods circulation and traffic in order to carry in a large quantity of various daily commodities forthe residents and goods for mining. While the management function or the wealthy resident had left the settlementand the population had reduced remarkably, the location of mining settlement that was superior in traffic and thecirculation could help the continuation of the mining and the mining settlement


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    本稿では,石見銀山御料の小規模な港町,宅野浦における廻船商売がどのように展開したかについて,ほぼ18 世紀を通じて廻船商売を営んだ商家,増屋の史料を用いて具体的に検討した.宅野浦は,江戸初期の石見銀山盛期に,そこで用いられる鉄道具の原料となる鉄の集荷と関わって形成されたとみられる.江戸中期における増屋の廻船商売は,出雲西部や石見銀山御料の日本海沿岸の港町を介して鉄を集荷し,大坂方面へ廻送することを中心としていた.これは,この港町が,鉄の集散との関連で発展したことをうかがわせるものであった.また,石見銀山御料の鉄の生産と流通においては,鉄生産地と港町を結ぶ者,御料内の各港町と大坂など遠隔地の市場とを結ぶ者の分業と連携が重要な役割を果たしていたことが明らかとなった

    Eukaryotic Components Remodeled Chloroplast Nucleoid Organization during the Green Plant Evolution.

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    Chloroplast (cp) DNA is thought to originate from the ancestral endosymbiont genome and is compacted to form nucleoprotein complexes, cp nucleoids. The structure of cp nucleoids is ubiquitously observed in diverse plants from unicellular algae to flowering plants and is believed to be a multifunctional platform for various processes, including cpDNA replication, repair/recombination, transcription, and inheritance. Despite its fundamental functions, the protein composition for cp nucleoids in flowering plants was suggested to be divergent from those of bacteria and algae, but the evolutionary process remains elusive. In this research, we aimed to reveal the evolutionary history of cp nucleoid organization by analyzing the key organisms representing the three evolutionary stages of eukaryotic phototrophs: the chlorophyte alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii , the charophyte alga Klebsormidium flaccidum , and the most basal land plant Marchantia polymorpha . To clarify the core cp nucleoid proteins in C. reinhardtii , we performed an LC-MS/MS analysis using highly purified cp nucleoid fractions and identified a novel SAP domain-containing protein with a eukaryotic origin as a constitutive core component. Then, homologous genes for cp nucleoid proteins were searched for in C. reinhardtii , K. flaccidum , and M. polymorpha using the genome databases, and their intracellular localizations and DNA binding activities were investigated by cell biological/biochemical analyses. Based on these results, we propose a model that recurrent modification of cp nucleoid organization by eukaryotic factors originally related to chromatin organization might have been the driving force for the diversification of cp nucleoids since the early stage of green plant evolution

    Relationships between activity of daily living, and oral cavity care and the number of oral cavity microorganisms in patients with cerebrovascular diseases

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    We examined the relationships among the activity of daily living (ADL), oral cavity care, and the number of oral cavity microorganisms in 40patients with cerebro-vascular diseases (CVD). The CVD patients were classified into 4groups, I, II, III and IV based on their ADL and the method used for oral cavity care. The ADL was highest in group I and lowest in group III. Only the patients of only group III could not eat by themselves and were receiving naso-esophageal feeding. Oral cavity care was performed by the patients themselves in groups I and IV, but was performed by caregivers in groups II and III. The group IV patients had no teeth, but could eat by themselves using full dentures. The numbers of microorganisms in the pharyngeal swabs from the 4groups were measured and expressed as colony-forming units (cfu). The numbers of both Staphylococci spp. and Candida spp. were significantly higher in group III than in the other groups. Moreover, Pseudomonas aeruginosa was isolated only from patients of group III (in about 66%). The oral cavity care by caregivers was almost the same in groups II and III, but the numbers of oral cavity microorganisms were significantly higher in group III than in group II. These results indicated that microorganisms grow more easily in the oral cavities of CVD patients with low ADL compared with CVD patients with higher ADL, and that eating is thought to be important for the prevention of an increase of microorganisms in the oral cavity


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    Purpose Several papers examined the vascular anatomy of the lumbosacral region using cadavers with angiography. However, few reports used CT angiography, and discussion on variations of fourth lumbar, fifth lumbar, and lumbar branch of iliolumbar arteries were limited. To clarify the vascular variations around the lower lumbar spine including the lumbosacral region, particularly at the posterior elements, we performed anatomical analysis using computed tomography (CT). Methods Extra-osseous arteries surrounding the lumbar spine including the lumbosacral region were evaluated by two orthopedic surgeons independently, using 323 consecutive abdominal contrast-enhanced multi-planner CT scans that were taken for surgical plans in colon cancer patients. Subjects were 204 men and 119 women, whose ages ranged from 15 to 89 years (mean: 66.5). Results Each segmental artery was visible at the L1-L4 spinal levels, running from the vertebra through the lamina in ˃90% patients (right: 91.0%;left: 90.7%), while it was visible in ˂10% patients at the L5 level (right: 4.6%; left: 8.7%). The extra-osseous arterial supply to the L5 lamina was basically provided by two vessels on each side. One was mostly derived from the L4 segmental artery (right: 92.6%; left: 92.0%) that was distributed around the superior articular process, the other was derived from the iliolumbar artery (right: 62.9%; left: 55.7%) that was distributed around the inferior articular process through the lamina. There were mainly four combination patterns of those arteries. These combinations, which had been considered as regular patterns in textbooks, were observed in approximately 50% (right: 55.7%; left: 48.6%) of patients. Conclusion Various distributions of arteries around the lower spine were identified

    Mass Spectra of Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories in 1+1 Dimensions

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    Physical mass spectra of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories in 1+1 dimensions are evaluated in the light-cone gauge with a compact spatial dimension. The supercharges are constructed and the infrared regularization is unambiguously prescribed for supercharges, instead of the light-cone Hamiltonian. This provides a manifestly supersymmetric infrared regularization for the discretized light-cone approach. By an exact diagonalization of the supercharge matrix between up to several hundred color singlet bound states, we find a rapidly increasing density of states as mass increases.Comment: LaTeX file, 32 page, 7 eps figure