800 research outputs found

    Students' Social and Emotional Competence Promoting Positive Social Relationships and Skills

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    The current study examined causal relationships between social and emotional competence and social relationships and skills in the classroom. Participants were 2,410 third- to ninth-grade students and they responded to the scales of social and emotional competence (SEC), self-esteem, and normative behavior. The classroom teachers rated their normative behavior in the classes. The results indicated that perceived SEC has influences on children's actual normative behavior through self-esteem and perceived normative behavior, and that self-esteem partly mediates the cause-and-effect process between perceived SEC and perceived normative behavior. The same causal structure was found among both elementary school students (third to sixth grades) and junior high school students (seventh to ninth grades), with age-related differences in some path coefficients. The findings support that SEC enhancement by social and emotional learning brings positive outcomes in students' perception and social relationships and skills

    Verbal Noun -gʧ in Mongolian

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    A Description of Predicate Complex in Hiral Dagur

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    The Person System of Ainu Hokkaido Dialects: with a Special Focus on the Gods in Kamuyyukar Texts

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    “Negative + =lee” formation in the Mongolian spoken in Inner Mongolia A Comparison to “le” in Mandarin Chinese

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    Research on the Effects of Nursery Teacher Training for Freshman on Practice Teachers’ Changes in the Image of Children and Practical Childcare Skills Subtitle: Their Pre-School-Teacher Efficacy Before Practice Teaching

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    本研究の目的は,1 年次における保育実習前後の実習生の子どもイメージ並びに保育実践力の変容について,実習前の保育者効力感に着目しつつ検討することであった。そのため保育実習に参加した実習生を対象に調査を行い最終的に36 名を分析対象とした。主な結果として,(1)子どもイメージについて,実習前の保育者効力感が低かった実習生は実習後に「自己中心性・二面性」「創造性」「悲観的・不信」の3 因子の得点が実習後に高くなること,(2)保育実践力について,3 因子とも実習前の保育者効力感の高低に関わらず実習後に得点が高くなることなどが示された。The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of nursery teacher training for freshman on practice teachers’ change in the image of children and practical childcare skills, focusing on the practice teacher’s pre-school-teacher efficacy before practice teaching. In total, 36 practice teachers participated in a questionnaire. Major findings were as follows. (a)Practice teachers who were low scores in pre-school-teacher efficacy before practice teaching increased the score of “egocentric and dual nature”, “creativity” , and “pessimistic and distrust” images of children after nursery teacher training. (b)Practice teachers increased the scores of all factor of practical childcare skills after nursery teacher training

    Exploratory Research on the Effects of Nursery Teacher Training for Freshman on Practice Teachersʼ Changes in the Image of Children and Sustainable Volition for Learning

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    本研究の目的は,1 年次における保育実習前後の実習生の子どもイメージ並びに学習の継続意志の変容について,進路希望に着目しつつ検討することであった。そのため保育実習に参加した実習生を対象に調査を行い最終的に 31 名を分析対象とした。主な結果として,(1)子どもイメージについて,進路希望に関わらず 8 因子のうち「批判性」の得点が実習後に高くなること,(2)学習の継続意志について,4 カテゴリーのうち,「教育・保育を行う」「学級担任としての仕事」について交互作用が見られ,「保育士または幼稚園教諭」を志望する学生は実習後に得点を低下させること,(3)学習の継続意志の「園組織の一員としての仕事」について交互作用が見られ,「保育士または幼稚園教諭」を志望する実習生は実習後に得点を低め,その他の進路希望の実習生は実習後に得点を高めること,が示された。The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of nursery teacher training for freshman on practice teachers’ change in the image of children and sustainable volition for learning, focusing on the practice teacher’s career planning. In total, 31 practice teachers participated in a questionnaire. Major findings were as follows. (a)Practice teachers increased the score of “critic” image of children after nursery teacher training. (b)Practice teachers who want to be nursery/kindergarten teacher decreased the scores of “practice education and childcare” and “work as a classroom teacher” of sustainable volition for learning after nursery teacher training. (c) Practice teachers who want to be nursery/kindergarten teacher decreased the score of “work as a member of a school organization” of sustainable volition for learning after nursery teacher training. Practice teachers who want to be non nursery/kindergarten teacher increased the score of “work as a member of a school organization” of sustainable volition for learning after nursery teacher training