74 research outputs found

    Unified Quantification of Quantum Defects in Small-Diameter Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Raman Spectroscopy

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    The covalent functionalization of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) with luminescent quantum defects enables their application as near-infrared single-photon sources, as optical sensors, and for in-vivo tissue imaging. Tuning the emission wavelength and defect density are crucial for these applications. While the former can be controlled by different synthetic protocols and is easily measured, defect densities are still determined as relative rather than absolute values, limiting the comparability between different nanotube batches and chiralities. Here, we present an absolute and unified quantification metric for the defect density in SWCNT samples based on Raman spectroscopy. It is applicable to a range of small-diameter nanotubes and for arbitrary laser wavelengths. We observe a clear inverse correlation of the D/G+^{+} ratio increase with nanotube diameter, indicating that curvature effects contribute significantly to the defect-activation of Raman modes. Correlation of intermediate frequency modes with defect densities further corroborates their activation by defects and provides additional quantitative metrics for the characterization of functionalized SWCNTs

    Massively parallel single-cell genomics of microbiomes in rice paddies

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    世界初のイネ根圏微生物叢の網羅的1細胞ゲノム解析に成功 --コメ生産現場が抱える問題のデータベース化に向けて--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-11-09.Plant growth-promoting microbes (PGPMs) have attracted increasing attention because they may be useful in increasing crop yield in a low-input and sustainable manner to ensure food security. Previous studies have attempted to understand the principles underlying the rhizosphere ecology and interactions between plants and PGPMs using ribosomal RNA sequencing, metagenomic sequencing, and genome-resolved metagenomics; however, these approaches do not provide comprehensive genomic information for individual species and do not facilitate detailed analyses of plant–microbe interactions. In the present study, we developed a pipeline to analyze the genomic diversity of the rice rhizosphere microbiome at single-cell resolution. We isolated microbial cells from paddy soil and determined their genomic sequences by using massively parallel whole-genome amplification in microfluidic-generated gel capsules. We successfully obtained 3, 237 single-amplified genomes in a single experiment, and these genomic sequences provided insights into microbial functions in the paddy ecosystem. Our approach offers a promising platform for gaining novel insights into the roles of microbes in the rice rhizomicrobiome and to develop microbial technologies for improved and sustainable rice production

    ジンソクナ バイスタンダー シンパイ ソセイホウ ニヨリ トツゼンシ オ マヌガレ シャカイ フッキ デキタ コウコウセイ ノ 2 ショウレイ

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    Bystander CPR means that people who find cardiopulmonary arrest perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the spot. Quick CPR contributes to increase in the rate of returning to the society as well as one-month survival rate and neurological prognosis. We report our experience with two high school students who underwent quick Bystander CPR, avoided sudden death, and returned to the society. [Case 1] Eighteen-year-old man : He collapsed suddenly in his home. Bystander CPR was performed by his family until emergency crews arrived there. Automated external defibrillator (AED) worked twice and his heartbeat started again. In electrocardiogram, coved type ST elevation in lead V1 was observed, and he was diagnosed as Brugada syndrome. We implanted an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. Since his condition was stable, he was discharged on the 19th day. [Case 2] Seventeen-year-old woman : She collapsed suddenly walking with her family. Her father confirmed that she had no response, and started Bystander CPR. Her father got AED quickly and AED worked once, and she started to breathe again. She was admitted to our hospital for a work-up. Torsades de pointes (TdP) was observed in monitor electrocardiogram, and her QTc time was 513 msec in 12‐lead electrocardiogram. She was diagnosed as congenital long QT syndrome because genetic test showed that she had LQT2. Her QTc time was improved (approximately 350 msec) by medication, and she was discharged on the 25th day. Utstein-style statistics in Japan shows that the rate of returning to the society can be doubled by performing Bystander CPR on patients with cardiopulmonary arrest. However, performing rate of Bystander CPR is less than 50% in Japan. In order to increase survival rate of patients with cardiopulmonary arrest for the future, it is important to inform people about CPR and to promote CPR, and in fact, we have been promoting CPR


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    高硬度粉末の結合特性に関する研究: 可視化による結合メカニズムの解明

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    金沢大学理工研究域機械工学系In this study, laser irradiation state is visualized by a high-speed camera. The influence of laser condition, such as power and laser scanning speed, on the consolidation of metal powder was investigated. In addition, the aspect of sputtered particles from the melt pool were evaluated. As results, consolidated state was found to be different in spite of same energy density. Scattering direction of sputteringwas found to be related to the scanning speed. Counts of sputtered particles was found to be reduced when the scanning speed increase.粉末結合積層法では、従来の加工法と比べ製品が望ましい品質に達していないといった問題がある。造形条件の各パラメータによる品質への影響を調査した内容は数多く存在するが、粉末が溶融・固化する際の詳細なメカニズムは深く調査されていない。本研究では、高速度カメラを使用して粉末にレーザを照射する様子を観察し、撮影した動画並びに画像を基に結合メカニズムの解明を試みた内容について報告する。出版者照会後に全文公


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    積層造形物の変形抑止法に関する研究: 熱構造連成解析による変形挙動の考察

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    A case of VEXAS syndrome (vacuoles, E1 enzyme, X-linked, autoinflammatory, somatic) with decreased oxidative stress levels after oral prednisone and tocilizumab treatment

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    VEXAS (vacuoles, E1 enzyme, X-linked, autoinflammatory, somatic) syndrome has recently been described as an autoinflammatory disease associated with severe adult-onset inflammatory manifestations. The various clinical manifestations include recurrent high-grade fever, neutrophilic dermatoses, cutaneous vasculitis, chondritis of the ear and nose, pulmonary infiltrates, cytopenia, uveitis, gastrointestinal pain or inflammation, aortitis, hepatosplenomegaly, and hematological disorders. VEXAS syndrome is caused by somatic mutations of the ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 1 (UBA1) gene in myeloid-lineage cells. It is characterized by vacuolated myeloid and erythroid progenitor cells seen by bone marrow biopsy. We report the case of a 64-year-old Japanese man with VEXAS syndrome. At age 63, he was referred to us with a recurrent erythema on the hands associated with a general fever of 38–40°C that had persisted for 4 or 5 days and had recurred about once a month for a year. The skin rash appeared 2 or 3 days after the onset of each fever episode. Computed tomography (CT) of the chest revealed bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy (BHL), and the mediastinal lymph nodes were swollen. Sarcoidosis was suspected but was ruled out by several tests. Laboratory examinations showed elevated inflammatory markers. Bone marrow examination showed the vacuolization of myeloid precursor cells. A skin biopsy revealed dense dermal, predominantly perivascular, infiltrates. These consisted of mature neutrophils admixed with myeloperoxidase-positive CD163-positive myeloid cells, lymphoid cells and eosinophils. Sequencing analysis identified the somatic UBA1 variant c.122T > C, which results in p.Met41Thr. Treatment with oral prednisone (15 mg/day) and monthly intravenous tocilizumab injections (400 mg) completely resolved the symptoms. Neutrophils are a major source of reactive oxygen species, and the present case demonstrated numerous neutrophilic infiltrates. We hypothesize that the patient might have had elevated derivatives of reactive oxygen metabolites (d-ROMs). d-ROM quantification is a simple method for detecting hydroperoxide levels, and clinical trials have proven it useful for evaluating oxidative stress. In this study, we measured serum d-ROM before and after oral prednisone and tocilizumab treatment. The levels decreased significantly during treatment