23 research outputs found

    Portfolio Mapping, Innovation Potential and Strengthening Agricultural Entrepreneurship

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    Rural areas have abundant potential natural resources, especially in agriculture, which can be developed to strengthen the welfare of the community. The research aims to identify village conditions and business portfolios, analyze possible innovations and adoptions to improve agricultural performance, analyze factors that can strengthen innovation, and analyze processes to strengthen adoption and innovation. The research was conducted in Cipayung Village, Megamendung District, Bogor Regency in May - June 2023. The analysis was carried out through in-depth interviews with 6 (six) representatives of parties involved in the agricultural development process in Cipayung Village, namely farmer group leaders, MSME actors, village extension workers, village secretary, youth group head, and West Java P4S Chair. The data is processed qualitatively. The results of the study indicate that the condition of resources in Cipayung Village can be developed, the business portfolio also supports the existence of a collaborative process for agricultural development. Identification of innovation and adoption indicates that there are opportunities for innovation development in terms of products, processes, marketing, organizations and markets. Innovation is devoted to producing high-quality, unique, and highly potential market products in order to gain a higher profit, considering the limited land due to land conversion. Factors that can strengthen innovation are strengthening human resources, social resources, capital resources, and infrastructure. This research is expected to strengthen agricultural performance and encourage the youth to be part of the agriculture development program in Cipayung Village


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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis efisiensi saluran pemasaran dan risiko distribusi Melon yang dijual di pasar tradisional Kota Bogor. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Pasar Jambu Dua dan Pasar Baru Bogor, pemilihan lokasi ini dilakukan secara purposive karena kedua pasar tersebut merupakan pasar tradisional terbesar di Kota Bogor yang mendistribusikan buah dengan kuantitas terbanyak salah satunya yaitu Melon. Penentuan sampel dilakukan secara purposive untuk pedagang retail di pasar tradisional Kota Bogor dan snowball sampling untuk pelaku tataniaga yang menyuplai ke pedagang eceran. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat dua saluran pemasaran yang terbentuk. Saluran I Pedagang pengumpul di Klaten dan Kulonprogo - pedagang besar Pasar Induk Kramat Jati-pedagang pengecer Pasar Tradisional Kota Bogor - konsumen akhir, saluran II Pedagang pengumpul di Grobogan - pedagang besar Pasar Induk Kramat Jati - pedagang pengecer Pasar Tradisional Kota Bogor - konsumen akhir. Nilai marjin pemasaran dan farmer’s share pada analisis efisiensi saluran pemasaran menunjukan saluran pemasaran I dan II memiliki nilai marjin total yang sama yaitu Rp. 10.000 dan  farmer’s share paling tinggi yaitu pada saluran pemasaran II sebesar 23,08%. Hasil analisis risiko distribusi dengan pendekatan Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) menunjukan risiko paling tinggi adalah susut bobot tingkat pedagang pengumpul, rusak fisik di tingkat pedagang besar dan susut bobot di tingkat pedagang pengece


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    This study aims to determine the feasibility of avocado seed agribusiness farming and develop a strategy for developing avocado seed agribusiness in Sukahati Village, Cibinong District, Bogor Regency. Respondents for farming analysis are 20 and were selected using simple random sampling. The selection of respondents for strategy formulation used purposively, namely 13 experts. The analysis was used is descriptive analysis, farming feasibility analysis and SWOT analysis. Farming analysis on a land area of ​​3,138 m2 for 6 months shows that this business is feasible with a profit of Rp.343,841,358, - and an R/C value of 6.95. Environmental analysis through the IFE and EFE matrices obtained a weighted score of 2.87 on internal factors and 2.85 on external factors so that the position in the Internal External matrix is ​​in cell V (five) with Growth Strategy. The SWOT analysis resulted in 14 strategic steps: (1) Intensifying marketing through social media accounts with soft selling, (2) utilizing government facilities, (3) training to improve seed quality, (4) Creating demonstration plots and exhibitions to attract public interest, (5 ) Cooperation between farmers to meet consumer needs, (6) provide each other with avocado seed needs and information, (7) help each other convey information on farming techniques, (8) maximize strategic locations to capture markets, (9) Utilize training to improve institutional development, management finance, cultivation technology and marketing, (10) take advantage of government support for business development, (11) Conduct online meeting activities if time and distance are constrained, (12) Maximize the benefits of Network Culture, (13) often hold discussions on farming techniques, share market, and absorption of market information, (14) strengthen location branding and product quality by utilizing promotion media

    Agribusiness development strategy of papaya calina (carica papaya l.)

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    Papaya Calina (Carica papaya L.) is one of the main commodities in Cidolog Village, Cidolog District, Sukabumi Regency. Since 2020, Papaya plantation in Cidolog has remained static, and production has even decreased in 2020-2021 while national production increased. The research was conducted in December 2021 to identify the internal and external conditions in papaya agribusiness in Cidolog, and formulate strategies to develop the business. Internal and external environment mapping was obtained through observation and in-depth interviews with the farmer group. Assessment of the IFE and EFE matrices, and strategy formulation using SWOT Matrix, were obtained from interviews with five experts. Environment analysis shows that the papaya agribusiness in Cidolog Village has prospects for further development with an IFE value of 2.51 and an EFE of 2.64. The position of Calina's papaya agribusiness in IE matric is in cell 5 with a “guard and sustain” strategy. SWOT Matrix formulates 8 strategies namely 1) Expansion of land, 2) Increasing the role and dynamics of farmer groups, 3) Strengthening capabilities and access to networking, 4) Processing of inferior papaya into processed products, 5) Expansion of information and promotion of Papaya Calina Cidolog on the village website, District website, social media, and exhibitions, 6) Training on pest and plant disease control and cultivation practices in general, 7) Proposing road repairment to the relevant local government, and 8) opening the new market to supermarkets and a fruit shop


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    Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengetahui keragaan usaha, kelayakan finansial dan sensitivitas usahatani Pepaya California. Metode penentuan responden menggunakan Cluster Random Sampling. Jumlah petani responden yang digunakan yaitu 20 orang. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis NPV, IRR, Net B/C, PP, dan uji sensitivitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukan keragaan usaha Pepaya California di kelompok tani Lugina yaitu: sumber modal yang digunakan petani sebesar 100% modal sendiri. Kriteria luas lahan usaha tani dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu skala I dengan luas lahan 0,5 ha, sedangkan skala II dengan luas lahan 1 ha. Adapun status kepemilikan lahan yang dimanfaatkan petani 100% milik sendiri. Hasil yang diperoleh pada usaha tani skala I dengan luas lahan 0,5 ha, sedangkan skala II dengan luas lahan 1 ha, hasil analisa usaha taninya dinyatakan layak. Hasil analisis finansial dilakukan melalui perhitungan cashflow. Hasil perhitungan NPV lebih besar dari 0 yaitu skala I sebesar Rp.10.560.290 dan skala II sebesar Rp.35.869.202. Nilai Net B/C lebih dari 1 yaitu skala I sebesar 1,55 dan skala II sebesar 2,49. Nilai IRR yang dihasilkan pada skala I sebesar 46% dan skala II sebesar 108% lebih besar dari discount rate yang digunakan yaitu suku bunga Bank BRI sebesar 7%. Perhitungan payback period menghasilkan waktu pengembalian  usaha tani pada skala I yaitu 2 tahun 6 bulan dan skala II yaitu 2 tahun 8 bulan, hal ini dinyatakan layak secara finansial, sebab waktu pengembalian investasi dibawah umur bisnis yaitu 3 tahun. Adapun hasil  analisis sensitifitas menunjukkan bahwa usaha tani Pepaya California tidak sensitif terhadap perubahan kenaikan harga pupuk sebesar 3%., dan usaha tani ini baru sensitif pada perubahan penurunan harga produksi sebesar 5% dan penurunan jumlah produksi sebesar 10%


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    Pepaya California merupakan buah yang banyak disukai oleh masyarakat Kota Bogor sehingga keberlanjutan pasokannya sangat diperlukan. Kinerja pasokan diantaranya dilakukan melalui analisis Structure Conduct Performance pelaku pemasaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis stuktur, perilaku, kinerja pasar dan risiko  rantai pasok beserta mitigasinya. Data yang diambil adalah data primer melalui wawancara langsung dengan bantuan kuisioner dan observasi. Data sekunder diperoleh dari literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukan struktur pasar yang terbentuk ditingkat pedagang pengumpul desa dan pedagang besar adalah monopolistik dan ditingkat pedagang pengecer oligopoli. Lembaga pemasaran yang terlibat lemah dalam penentuan harga. Terdapat empat saluran pemasaran yang terbentuk. Saluran I Pedagang pengumpul desa Jember-pedagang besar Kramat Jati-pedagang pengecer Pasar Tradisional Kota Bogor - konsumen akhir, saluran II Pedagang pengumpul desa Malang - pedagang besar Kramat Jati - pedagang pengecer Pasar Tradisional Kota Bogor - konsumen akhir, saluran III Pedagang pengumpul desa Cianjur – pedagang besar kramat jati – pedagang pengecer Pasar Tradisional Kota Bogor – konsumen akhir dan saluran IV Pedagang pengumpul desa Sukabumi – pedagang pengecer Pasar Tradisional Kota Bogor – konsumen akhir. Nilai marjin pemasaran dan farmer’s share pada analisis kinerja pasar menunjukan saluran pemasaran III merupakan saluran yang memiliki marjin pemasaran terendah yaitu Rp. 5.500,00 dan  farmer’s share paling tinggi yaitu 45%. Kata Kunci : Farmer’s share, pepaya California, structure conduct performance, Pasar tradisional Bogo


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    Kopi Bogor memiliki prospek yang sangat baik mengingat tingginya minat masyarakat terhadap kopi dan gaya hidup untuk menikmati kopi di kafe. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pengambilan keputusan konsumen, mengetahui tingkat kepentingan konsumen terhadap atribut Kopi Bogor serta bagaimana preferensi konsumen terhadap Kopi Bogor. Data diambil dari 62 responden di Kedai Mad Coffee, Kesan Siloka Coffee & Eatery dan Transit Coffee. Metode analisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif, Multiatribut Fishbein, dan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa konsumen membeli Kopi Bogor karena memiliki citarasa yang khas. Rekomendasi teman merupakan sumber informasi pembelian Kopi Bogor. Pembelian Kopi Bogor dilakukan mendadak ketika diinginkan dan apabila tidak tersedia Kopi Bogor konsumen lebih memilih membeli kopi lain. Konsumen akan kembali membeli Kopi Bogor. Preferensi Kopi Bogor adalah jenis kopi robusta, rasa kopi pahit, aroma kopi khas, penyajian panas, ampas kopi tidak ada, dan efek setelah minum kopi terasa. Atribut yang dianggap penting dalam Kopi Bogor robusta adalah citarasa dan penyajian. Atribut yang dinilai kurang penting adalah kondisi ampas dan keasaman. Citarasa dan kondisi ampas dianggap memiliki kinerja yang sangat baik, atribut dengan kinerja kurang baik adalah kepahitan dan keasaman. Atribut yang dianggap penting dalam Kopi Bogor arabika adalah citarasa dan aroma. Atribut yang dinilai kurang penting adalah kondisi ampas dan keasaman. Citarasa dan kondisi ampas memiliki nilai kinerja yang sangat baik, atribut dengan kinerja kurang baik adalah keasaman dan kepahitan

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Keputusan Pembelian Ikan Hias Air Tawar di Wilayah Bogor

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    This study aims to determine the characteristics of freshwater ornamental fish consumers, determine the decision-making process of freshwater ornamental fish consumers, and determine the correlation between consumer behavior and purchasing decisions of freshwater ornamental fish in Bogor. The research held from October to November 2021 at three ornamental fish stores in Bogor (Terang Aquarium, Laladon Ornamental Fish Exchange, Bogor Ornamental Fish Marketing Depot). 50 respondents chosen by accidental sampling technique. The results showed that the consumer characteristics of freshwater ornamental fish varied which were known from the factors of gender, age, education, profession, family of responsibility, monthly income, monthly expenses for freshwater ornamental fish and when they start to buy/keep freshwater ornamental fish. Consumer’s considerations in buying/maintaining freshwater ornamental fish are in terms of how to care, price, ornamental fish’s behavior, size, color, shape, type of ornamental fish and where to buy. The results of the Spearman Rank Correlation analysis show that the cultural variable (X1) has a weak but significant correlation with the purchase decision (Y). The social variable (X2) has a very weak and insignificant correlation. The personal variable (X3) has a weak but significant correlation and the psychological variable (X4) has a strong and significant correlation with a correlation coefficient value is 0.642 and significant value less than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05).   Keywords: freshwater ornamental fish, consumer behavior, purchasing decisions, correlation


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    Vegetables can be in the form of plants or parts of plants that are consumed fresh or ripe as part of the diet. There are very diverse types of vegetables in the form of tubers, fruit, flowers or leaves. Leaf vegetables are the type most consumed. 97.29% of the Indonesian population consumes vegetables, the types of vegetables consumed by the Indonesian population are leaf vegetables such as kale, chicory and caisim. The purpose of this research is to analyze the efficiency of trading channels and marketing functions carried out by each marketing actor in the Bogor City Traditional Market by using trading margin, farmer share, profit ratio and R / C cost. This research was conducted on the trading channel actors in the Traditional Market in Bogor City. The number of respondents in the study were 15 farmer respondents and 42 merchant respondents from both markets. The data analysis used purposive method for lapak traders and snowball sampling from retailers to farmers. The results of this study were four leaf vegetable trading channels in the Traditional Market of Bogor City with the efficiency level of the three vegetables considered to be the most efficient, namely channel IV on kale vegetables, channel II on chicory and channel IV on caisim, with each having a margin of yield of 3500, 800, 700 and the highest farmer's share was 82.93%, 81.40% and 59.52%. Thus it is necessary to do more analysis related to the strategy of developing vegetable commodities of kale, chicory and caisim in traditional markets related to marketing activities


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    This study aims to analyze consumer characteristics, determine the process of making purchasing decisions and determine consumer preferences for local papaya attributes in traditional markets in Bogor City. 30 respondents were determined by using accidental sampling. The method of analysis used are descriptive analysis, Multi-attribute Fishbein and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The results showed that the characteristics of local Papaya consumers were quite varied, namely gender, age, education, occupation, number of dependents and monthly income. Purchasing decisions are influenced by five factors, namely need recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchases and outcomes. Consumer preferences can be identified through the attributes found in local papaya fruit such as taste, skin color, size, shape, water content (juiciness), flesh color, flesh thickness, flesh texture and papaya skin texture. The result of Fishbein's Multi-attribute analysis shows that the most influencing attributes for consumer in making purchasing decisions are the color of the meat and the taste attribute of the local Papaya fruit. IPA Matrix Analysis shows that the attributes that must be maintained are taste and color of the meat, and the attributes that need to be developed are the thickness of the meat and the texture of the meat. Keywords: Local Papaya attribute, Fishbein Multi-attribute, IPA Matrix, Consumer Preference, traditional marke