4 research outputs found

    Nutrition habits of PMTCT nursing mothers in the Dschang Health District, West Region Cameroon: a possible solution beside therapy

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    Background: Amongst the different at risk periods of transmission of the HIV virus from the mother to the child that is; during pregnancy, labor and delivery and breastfeeding, much care and attention needs to be given not only to the baby as concerns its feeding options but likewise to its mother. The aim of this study was to determine the nutritional habits and health outcomes of PMTCT nursing mothers in the Dschang Health District. Methods: An exhaustive cross sectional study involving 56 nursing mothers living with HIV was carried out at the Dschang District Day Care Hospital using a standard questionnaire of 04 pages, from September 2014 to February 2015. The questionnaire was administered on face to face mode during which anthropometrics parameters of the mothers were taken (weight and height), observation of their conjunctiva and palms (physical check-up) and lastly clinical status determined by anemia test using the Tallquist hemoglobin test. Data collected were analyzed using Epi Info version and Excel 2013. Results: Most women ate 3 times a day (53.6%, n=30/56) and 2 times a day (26.8%, n=15/56) with staples (27.27%) and fruits (33.68%) being the most consumed foods per week and green leafy and yellow vegetables the least consumed (13.74%). Using the BMI as means to evaluate the nutritional status of the women, 26.90% (n=14/52) were in the normal range of weight, slightly more than halve of them were overweight (51.90%, n=27/52) and 21.20% (n=11/52) of them were obese. All mothers were on ART treatment. About halve of the women (50%) had their last CD4 count results, their number being of a mode of 293 cells/mmc (range 97-798). During the physical checkup of the conjunctiva and palms 64.3% (n=36/56) and 67.9% (n=38/56) had moderately colored conjunctiva and palms respectively; 10.7% (n=6/56) and 12.5% (n=7/56) of the women had pale conjunctiva and palms as clinical sign of anemia. About 74.1% (n=40/54) of the women were border line anemic and 24.1% (n=13/54) had frank anemia and only 1.9% (n=1/54) were in the normal zone. Conclusion: Nutrition habits amongst nursing mothers of the Dschang Health District were not optimum and contributed a great deal to the poor health outcomes observed in the study. ART treatment alone is not enough, it should be enhanced with nutritional education for better choice of nutrition to meet up body needs and make the mothers healthier

    Youth awareness on sexually transmitted infections, HIV and AIDS in secondary schools in the Dschang Municipality (Cameroon): The mobile Caravan Project

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    Awareness is a preventive action to instill in individuals certain concepts to improve their health. It is an essential element in the prevention of sexually transmitted infection (STI)/HIV and early pregnancies among adolescents. In 2012, the prevalence of HIVin Cameroon was estimated at 4.3%. The young population appear to be the most affected (3.2%); very close to that of the Dschang Health District (Cameroon; 3.1%) in the 15-19 years age group. Theaimof this study was to evaluate the contribution of the Mobile Caravan project on the preventive aspect of STI/HIV/AIDS among youths of Dschang in 10 secondary schools within three years. 2029 students joined the project's activities and 58.55% of them belonged to the age group of 16-21 years. Most students attended private schools. Nearly 3/4 of students (1515/2029) had an acceptable level of knowledge regarding STI/HIV/AIDS, which increased in number each year (from 641 to 716 students between 2012 and 2014). The Level of knowledge was significantly determinedby the study cycle (P=0.0004), the type of school (P=0.0027) and the year ofimplementation of activities (P=0.0026). The caravan project has greatly contributed to improving young peoples' awareness on STI/HIV/AIDSin Dschang Municipality