96 research outputs found

    Word order evolves at similar rates in main and subordinate clauses

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    In syntactic change, it remains an open issue whether word orders are more conservative or innovative in subordinate clauses compared with main clauses. Using 47 dependency-annotated corpora and Bayesian phylogenetic inference, we explore the evolution of S/V, V/O, and S/O orders across main and subordinate clauses in Indo-European. Our results reveal similar rates of change across clause types, with no evidence for any inherent conservatism of subordinate or main clauses. Our models also support evolutionary biases towards SV, VO, and SO orders, consistent with theories of dependency length minimization that favor verb-medial orders and with theories of a subject preference that favor SO orders. Finally, our results show that while the word order in the proto-language cannot be estimated with any reasonable degree of certainty, the early history of the family was dominated by a moderate preference for SVO orders, with substantial uncertainty between VO and OV orders in both main and subordinate clauses

    Self-Evaluation of Large Language Model based on Glass-box Features

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    The proliferation of open-source Large Language Models (LLMs) underscores the pressing need for evaluation methods. Existing works primarily rely on external evaluators, focusing on training and prompting strategies. However, a crucial aspect - model-aware glass-box features - is overlooked. In this study, we explore the utility of glass-box features under the scenario of self-evaluation, namely applying an LLM to evaluate its own output. We investigate various glass-box feature groups and discovered that the softmax distribution serves as a reliable indicator for quality evaluation. Furthermore, we propose two strategies to enhance the evaluation by incorporating features derived from references. Experimental results on public benchmarks validate the feasibility of self-evaluation of LLMs using glass-box features.Comment: work in progres

    BEVTrack: A Simple and Strong Baseline for 3D Single Object Tracking in Bird's-Eye View

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    3D Single Object Tracking (SOT) is a fundamental task of computer vision, proving essential for applications like autonomous driving. It remains challenging to localize the target from surroundings due to appearance variations, distractors, and the high sparsity of point clouds. The spatial information indicating objects' spatial adjacency across consecutive frames is crucial for effective object tracking. However, existing trackers typically employ point-wise representation with irregular formats, leading to insufficient use of this important spatial knowledge. As a result, these trackers usually require elaborate designs and solving multiple subtasks. In this paper, we propose BEVTrack, a simple yet effective baseline that performs tracking in Bird's-Eye View (BEV). This representation greatly retains spatial information owing to its ordered structure and inherently encodes the implicit motion relations of the target as well as distractors. To achieve accurate regression for targets with diverse attributes (\textit{e.g.}, sizes and motion patterns), BEVTrack constructs the likelihood function with the learned underlying distributions adapted to different targets, rather than making a fixed Laplace or Gaussian assumption as in previous works. This provides valuable priors for tracking and thus further boosts performance. While only using a single regression loss with a plain convolutional architecture, BEVTrack achieves state-of-the-art performance on three large-scale datasets, KITTI, NuScenes, and Waymo Open Dataset while maintaining a high inference speed of about 200 FPS. The code will be released at https://github.com/xmm-prio/BEVTrack.Comment: The code will be released at https://github.com/xmm-prio/BEVTrac

    Global Analysis of Almost Periodic Solution of a Discrete Multispecies Mutualism System

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    This paper discusses a discrete multispecies Lotka-Volterra mutualism system. We first obtain the permanence of the system. Assuming that the coefficients in the system are almost periodic sequences, we obtain the sufficient conditions for the existence of a unique almost periodic solution which is globally attractive. In particular, for the discrete two-species Lotka-Volterra mutualism system, the sufficient conditions for the existence of a unique uniformly asymptotically stable almost periodic solution are obtained. An example together with numerical simulation indicates the feasibility of the main result

    RocketQAv2: A Joint Training Method for Dense Passage Retrieval and Passage Re-ranking

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    In various natural language processing tasks, passage retrieval and passage re-ranking are two key procedures in finding and ranking relevant information. Since both the two procedures contribute to the final performance, it is important to jointly optimize them in order to achieve mutual improvement. In this paper, we propose a novel joint training approach for dense passage retrieval and passage re-ranking. A major contribution is that we introduce the dynamic listwise distillation, where we design a unified listwise training approach for both the retriever and the re-ranker. During the dynamic distillation, the retriever and the re-ranker can be adaptively improved according to each other's relevance information. We also propose a hybrid data augmentation strategy to construct diverse training instances for listwise training approach. Extensive experiments show the effectiveness of our approach on both MSMARCO and Natural Questions datasets. Our code is available at https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/RocketQA.Comment: EMNLP 202

    BASES: Large-scale Web Search User Simulation with Large Language Model based Agents

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    Due to the excellent capacities of large language models (LLMs), it becomes feasible to develop LLM-based agents for reliable user simulation. Considering the scarcity and limit (e.g., privacy issues) of real user data, in this paper, we conduct large-scale user simulation for web search, to improve the analysis and modeling of user search behavior. Specially, we propose BASES, a novel user simulation framework with LLM-based agents, designed to facilitate comprehensive simulations of web search user behaviors. Our simulation framework can generate unique user profiles at scale, which subsequently leads to diverse search behaviors. To demonstrate the effectiveness of BASES, we conduct evaluation experiments based on two human benchmarks in both Chinese and English, demonstrating that BASES can effectively simulate large-scale human-like search behaviors. To further accommodate the research on web search, we develop WARRIORS, a new large-scale dataset encompassing web search user behaviors, including both Chinese and English versions, which can greatly bolster research in the field of information retrieval. Our code and data will be publicly released soon

    Investigating the Factual Knowledge Boundary of Large Language Models with Retrieval Augmentation

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    Knowledge-intensive tasks (e.g., open-domain question answering (QA)) require a substantial amount of factual knowledge and often rely on external information for assistance. Recently, large language models (LLMs) (e.g., ChatGPT), have demonstrated impressive prowess in solving a wide range of tasks with world knowledge, including knowledge-intensive tasks. However, it remains unclear how well LLMs are able to perceive their factual knowledge boundaries, particularly how they behave when incorporating retrieval augmentation. In this study, we present an initial analysis of the factual knowledge boundaries of LLMs and how retrieval augmentation affects LLMs on open-domain QA. Specially, we focus on three primary research questions and analyze them by examining QA performance, priori judgement and posteriori judgement of LLMs. We show evidence that LLMs possess unwavering confidence in their capabilities to respond to questions and the accuracy of their responses. Furthermore, retrieval augmentation proves to be an effective approach in enhancing LLMs' awareness of knowledge boundaries, thereby improving their judgemental abilities. Additionally, we also find that LLMs have a propensity to rely on the provided retrieval results when formulating answers, while the quality of these results significantly impacts their reliance. The code to reproduce this work is available at https://github.com/RUCAIBox/LLM-Knowledge-Boundary