150 research outputs found

    Anyon exclusions statistics on surfaces with gapped boundaries

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    An anyon exclusion statistics, which generalizes the Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics of bosons and fermions, was proposed by Haldane[1]. The relevant past studies had considered only anyon systems without any physical boundary but boundaries often appear in real-life materials. When fusion of anyons is involved, certain `pseudo-species' anyons appear in the exotic statistical weights of non-Abelian anyon systems; however, the meaning and significance of pseudo-species remains an open problem. In this paper, we propose an extended anyon exclusion statistics on surfaces with gapped boundaries, introducing mutual exclusion statistics between anyons as well as the boundary components. Motivated by Refs. [2, 3], we present a formula for the statistical weight of many-anyon states obeying the proposed statistics. We develop a systematic basis construction for non-Abelian anyons on any Riemann surfaces with gapped boundaries. From the basis construction, we have a standard way to read off a canonical set of statistics parameters and hence write down the extended statistical weight of the anyon system being studied. The basis construction reveals the meaning of pseudo-species. A pseudo-species has different `excitation' modes, each corresponding to an anyon species. The `excitation' modes of pseudo-species corresponds to good quantum numbers of subsystems of a non-Abelian anyon system. This is important because often (e.g., in topological quantum computing) we may be concerned about only the entanglement between such subsystems.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figure

    Focusing on what to decode and what to train: Efficient Training with HOI Split Decoders and Specific Target Guided DeNoising

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    Recent one-stage transformer-based methods achieve notable gains in the Human-object Interaction Detection (HOI) task by leveraging the detection of DETR. However, the current methods redirect the detection target of the object decoder, and the box target is not explicitly separated from the query embeddings, which leads to long and hard training. Furthermore, matching the predicted HOI instances with the ground-truth is more challenging than object detection, simply adapting training strategies from the object detection makes the training more difficult. To clear the ambiguity between human and object detection and share the prediction burden, we propose a novel one-stage framework (SOV), which consists of a subject decoder, an object decoder, and a verb decoder. Moreover, we propose a novel Specific Target Guided (STG) DeNoising training strategy, which leverages learnable object and verb label embeddings to guide the training and accelerate the training convergence. In addition, for the inference part, the label-specific information is directly fed into the decoders by initializing the query embeddings from the learnable label embeddings. Without additional features or prior language knowledge, our method (SOV-STG) achieves higher accuracy than the state-of-the-art method in one-third of training epochs. The code is available at this https://github.com/cjw2021/SOV-STG

    Gapped Boundary Theory of the Twisted Gauge Theory Model of Three-Dimensional Topological Orders

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    We extend the twisted gauge theory model of topological orders in three spatial dimensions to the case where the three spaces have two dimensional boundaries. We achieve this by systematically constructing the boundary Hamiltonians that are compatible with the bulk Hamoltonian. Given the bulk Hamiltonian defined by a gauge group GG and a four-cocycle ω\omega in the fourth cohomology group of GG over U(1)U(1), a boundary Hamiltonian can be defined by a subgroup KK of GG and a three-cochain α\alpha in the third cochain group of KK over U(1)U(1). The boundary Hamiltonian to be constructed must be gapped and invariant under the topological renormalization group flow (via Pachner moves), leading to a generalized Frobenius condition. Given KK, a solution to the generalized Frobenius condition specifies a gapped boundary condition. We derive a closed-form formula of the ground state degeneracy of the model on a three-cylinder, which can be naturally generalized to three-spaces with more boundaries. We also derive the explicit ground-state wavefunction of the model on a three-ball. The ground state degeneracy and ground-state wavefunction are both presented solely in terms of the input data of the model, namely, {G,ω,K,α}\{G,\omega,K,\alpha\}

    Sample-Specific Debiasing for Better Image-Text Models

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    Self-supervised representation learning on image-text data facilitates crucial medical applications, such as image classification, visual grounding, and cross-modal retrieval. One common approach involves contrasting semantically similar (positive) and dissimilar (negative) pairs of data points. Drawing negative samples uniformly from the training data set introduces false negatives, i.e., samples that are treated as dissimilar but belong to the same class. In healthcare data, the underlying class distribution is nonuniform, implying that false negatives occur at a highly variable rate. To improve the quality of learned representations, we develop a novel approach that corrects for false negatives. Our method can be viewed as a variant of debiased constrastive learning that uses estimated sample-specific class probabilities. We provide theoretical analysis of the objective function and demonstrate the proposed approach on both image and paired image-text data sets. Our experiments demonstrate empirical advantages of sample-specific debiasing

    Numerical simulation analysis for the effect of water content on the intelligent compaction quality of roadbed

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    In the process of intelligent compaction of roadbeds, the water content of the roadbed is one of the important influencing factors of compaction quality. In order to analyze the effect of water content on the compaction quality of roadbeds, this paper is developed by secondary development of Abaqus finite element numerical simulation software. At the same time, the artificial viscous boundary was set to eliminate the influence of boundary conditions on the results in the finite element modeling process, so that the numerical simulation can be refined to model. On this basis, the dynamic response analysis of the roadbed compaction process is performed on the finite element numerical simulation results. This paper established the correlation between compaction degree and intelligent compaction index CMV (Compaction Meter Value) and then analyzed the effect of water content on the compaction quality for the roadbed. The results of this paper show that the amplitude of the vertical acceleration is almost independent of the moisture content, and the vertical displacement mainly occurs in the static compaction stage. The vertical displacement changes sharply in the first 0.5 s when the vibrating wheel is in contact with the roadbed. The main stage of roadbed compaction quality increase is before the end of the first compaction. At the end of the first compaction, the roadbed compaction degree increased rapidly from 80% to 91.68%, 95.34% and 97.41%, respectively. With the increase in water content, the CMV gradually increased. At the end of the second compaction, CMV increased slightly compared with that at the end of the first compaction and stabilized at the end of the second compaction. The water content of the roadbed should be considered to be set slightly higher than the optimal water content of the roadbed by about 1% during the construction of the roadbed within the assumptions of this paper

    Dynamic Neural Fields for Learning Atlases of 4D Fetal MRI Time-series

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    We present a method for fast biomedical image atlas construction using neural fields. Atlases are key to biomedical image analysis tasks, yet conventional and deep network estimation methods remain time-intensive. In this preliminary work, we frame subject-specific atlas building as learning a neural field of deformable spatiotemporal observations. We apply our method to learning subject-specific atlases and motion stabilization of dynamic BOLD MRI time-series of fetuses in utero. Our method yields high-quality atlases of fetal BOLD time-series with ∼\sim5-7×\times faster convergence compared to existing work. While our method slightly underperforms well-tuned baselines in terms of anatomical overlap, it estimates templates significantly faster, thus enabling rapid processing and stabilization of large databases of 4D dynamic MRI acquisitions. Code is available at https://github.com/Kidrauh/neural-atlasingComment: 6 pages, 2 figures. Accepted by Medical Imaging Meets NeurIPS 202

    The identification of gene signature and critical pathway associated with childhood-onset type 2 diabetes

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    In general, type 2 diabetes (T2D) usually occurs in middle-aged and elderly people. However, the incidence of childhood-onset T2D has increased all across the globe. Therefore, it is very important to determine the molecular and genetic mechanisms of childhood-onset T2D. In this study, the dataset GSE9006 was downloaded from the GEO (Gene Expression Omnibus database); it includes 24 healthy children, 43 children with newly diagnosed Type 1 diabetes (T1D), and 12 children with newly diagnosed T2D. These data were used for differentially expressed genes (DGEs) analysis and weighted co-expression network analysis (WGCNA). We identified 192 up-regulated genes and 329 down-regulated genes by performing DEGs analysis. By performing WGGNA, we found that blue module (539 genes) was highly correlated to cyan module (97 genes). Gene ontology (GO) and pathway enrichment analyses were performed to figure out the functions and related pathways of genes, which were identified in the results of DEGs and WGCNA. Genes with conspicuous logFC and in the high correlated modules were input into GeneMANIA, which is a plugin of Cytoscape application. Thus, we constructed the protein-protein interaction (PPI) network (92 nodes and 254 pairs). Eventually, we analyzed the transcription factors and references related to genes with conspicuous logFC or high-degree genes, which were present in both the modules of WGCNA and PPI network. Current research shows that EGR1 and NAMPT can be used as marker genes for childhood-onset T2D. Gestational diabetes and chronic inflammation are risk factors that lead to the development of childhood-onset T2D

    Evidence for an oncogenic role of HOXC6 in human non-small cell lung cancer

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    Background Identification of specific biomarkers is important for the diagnosis and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). HOXC6 is a homeodomain-containing transcription factor that is highly expressed in several human cancers; however, its role in NSCLC remains unknown. Methods The expression and protein levels of HOXC6 were assessed in NSCLC tissue samples by Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and immunohistochemistry, respectively. HOXC6 was transfected into the NSCLC cell lines A549 and PC9, and used to investigate its effect on proliferation, migration, and invasion using CFSE, wound healing, and Matrigel invasion assays. Next-generation sequencing was also used to identify downstream targets of HOXC6 and to gain insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying its biological function. Results HOXC6 expression was significantly increased in 66.6% (20/30) of NSCLC tumor samples in comparison to normal controls. HOXC6 promoted proliferation, migration, and invasion of NSCLC cells in vitro. RNA-seq analysis demonstrated the upregulation of 310 and 112 genes in A549-HOXC6 and PC9-HOXC6 cells, respectively, and the downregulation of 665 and 385 genes in A549-HOXC6 and PC9-HOXC6 cells, respectively. HOXC6 was also found to regulate the expression of genes such as CEACAM6, SPARC, WNT6, CST1, MMP2, and KRT13, which have documented pro-tumorigenic functions. Discussion HOXC6 is highly expressed in NSCLC, and it may enhance lung cancer progression by regulating the expression of pro-tumorigenic genes involved in proliferation, migration, and invasion. Our study highlighted the oncogenic potential of HOXC6, and suggests that it may be a novel biomarker for the diagnosis and treatment of NSCLC
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