16 research outputs found


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    International Congress of Management Economy And Policy, 26-27 Kasım 2016, İstanbulFinancial source alternatives for infrastructure projects, advantages and disadvantages of financial alternatives and different sources, the carefully selection of success subject and the fundamentals of outer financial sources are very important in terms of finance. It can be said that neither the EU countries have different experience for infrastructure investment of finance sector northefinancing of infrastructure investment supported by public sector. Approaching of nowdays, financing supported by privite sector are preferred. The used methods of privite sector financing are generally ordered as “public-privite coopeartion models”, “infrastructure banks”, “capitalmarkets”, and “the pension funds”. In this study, the related infrastructure Project financing, the development of financement supply models were examined in similarities and shareholder in EU countries. The situation in our country (efficiency, the increasing of alternatives source usage and new system alternatives) and EU countries were examined by the light of successful sample models

    Su Kirliliğinin Biyolojik İzleme Kategorilerinin Tartışılması ve Bu Modellerin Batı Marmara Kıyılarına Uygulanması

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    The usage rate of available water supply in Turkey is around 35-36 %; 7 billion m3 of this constitutes the 60 % of it and is used as drinking and tap water, and 5 billion m3 that is constituting the 40 % is used in industry. Within the context of the MEDPOL programme which is coordinated by the UNEP since the 1990s in Turkey, a marine pollution observation programme is practiced in the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas. Furthermore, a pollution observation system has also been established in the Black Sea since 2004. In order to determine the pollution that rivers carry, the estauries are observed in the framework of an observation system which is based on the measuring of 95 parameters on 82 observation points. Various institutions carry out water pollutiosn observation studies in Turkey and these pollution observation studies are usually carried out independently. An integrated pollution observation strategy is not applicable. This study highlights the importance of developing new strategies and projects.Türkiye’deki mevcut kullanılabilir su kaynağının kullanım oranı % 35-36 civarında olup bunun, 7 milyar m3’ü %60 içme ve kullanma suyu olarak, 5 milyar m3’ü %40’ı ise sanayide kullanılmaktadır. Türkiye’de 1990’lı yıllardan beri UNEP tarafından koordine edilen MEDPOL programı kapsamında, Akdeniz ve Ege Denizi’nde deniz kirlilik izleme programı uygulanmaktadır. Ayrıca, 2004 yılından itibaren Karadeniz’de de kirlilik izleme sistemi oluşturulmuştur. 82 izleme noktasında 95 parametrenin ölçümüne dayalı izleme sistemi kapsamında nehirlerin taşıdığı kirliliğin saptanması için nehir ağızlarında da izleme yapılmaktadır. Türkiye’de çeşitli kurumlar aracılığı ile su kirliliği izleme çalışmaları yürütülmekte, yapılan bu kirlilik izleme çalışmaları çoğu kez birbirinden bağımsız şekilde yürütülmektedir. Bu çalışmalara rağmen Türkiye’de Entegre bir kirlilik izleme stratejisi ise uygulanamamaktadır. Bu çalışma, yeni stratejiler ve projelerin geliştirilmesi hususlarını ortaya koymaktadır. Ayrıca bu stratejiler Batı Marmara Kıyıları için de uygulanmıştır


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    In addition to the environmental problems caused by urbanisation, drought, irregularity in precipitation regime, floods, landslides, storms and fires are experienced in the world due to global warming and climate change. This situation is also valid for our country. These events negatively affect the lives of all living things. Necessary arrangements are being made by the relevant authorities for the solution of the problems caused by urbanisation and global climate crisis, and central and local administrations assume duties in accordance with the updated legislation.  This process brings new approaches and administrative structures to the agenda for the planning of settlements, especially cities, in order to utilise natural resources effectively and efficiently. In the urban planning process, it is thought that there is a need for a comprehensive, visionary approach with physical, social, economic and cultural content regarding the use of natural resources in the context of urbanisation and environmental problems. In this article, the processes of re-planning urban areas are examined by reviewing the literature on global warming, climate change and environmental problems caused by urbanisation. In order to solve these problems, it is thought that a new administrative structure is needed in order to formulate urbanisation policies and in the process of planning and construction of cities. With this study, it is aimed to evaluate the issue within the framework of an approach based on the protection of water, air and soil components, which are the basic input of planning in the urbanisation process and are of vital importance, and to propose solutions for urbanisation and environmental problems

    Use of Plants in Water Treatment: Models and Pilot Study Case in Kozan District

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    Günümüzde çeşitli yollarla kirletilmiş suyu arıtmak için birçok alternatif bulunmaktadır. Bu alternatifler en basit teknolojiden en ilerisine kadar değişmektedir. Arıtma sistemini seçerken maliyet ve diğer şartlar açısından en uygun teknolojiyi kullanmak ve doğal ortama en az kirletici vermektir. Sulak alan arıtma sistemlerinin tasarımı genel hidrolik parametrelerinden hidrolik yükleme ve kütlesel yükleme hızı gibi parametrelerle yapılır. Ancak madde çevrimleri ve kirletici giderme mekanizmaları tasarımı için arıtılmış su kalitesini artırmaya yönelik farklı kinetik modeller de geliştirilmekte ve daha sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Birçok faktörün etkin olduğu ve özellikle biyolojik ayrışabilirliği olan maddelerin temel izlemsel işlem maddesi olması modellemelerde önemli rol oynar. Ayrıca, sulak alan arıtma sistemindeki biyolojik aktivitenin derecesi, aktif ekosistemlerde farklı faktörleri etkileyebilmektedir. Yüzey altı akışlı sulak alanlar ve yüzey akışlı sulak alanlar temel işleyişi farklı, işlevsel fonksiyonu ise aynı olan sistemsel metotlardır. Burada özellikle bazı parametreler (sıcaklık v.b.) değişime karşı fazla duyarlı değildir. Buda işletmede dikkat edilmesi gereken unsurlardandır. Çalışmada hidrolik yük ve buna bağlı olarak değişik kütlesel yüklerdeki değerler (öncelikle BOİ5, Azot, Fosfor ve diğer organik maddeler) ile sistemin temel işleyişini oluşturan nitrifikasyon, denitrifikasyon incelemiştir. Çevresel ve işletme faktörleri de değerlendirilerek su kalitesi ve tasarım kriterlerinin uygulama sonuçlarının ülkemizin sıcak bölgelerindeki durumu ve uygulanabilirliği test edilmiştir.Today, there are many alternatives to treating polluted water. These alternatives range from the most basic to the most advanced technology. When selecting the most appropriate technology for the treatment system, the aim is to use the most convenient technology in terms of cost and other conditions, and to release the least possible pollutants to the natural environment. Wetlands treatment system designs are done by general hydraulic parameters such as hydraulic and mass loading speed. However, different kinetic models are being developed and are frequently used to improve the water quality of the matter cycles and pollutant removal mechanisms design. Many factors are influential in modelling and particularly the fact that biodegradable substances are the main formative process ingredient plays an important role in modelling. In addition, the degree of biological activity in the wetland treatment system may influence various factors in active ecosystems. Subsurface runoff wetlands and surface runoff wetlands are systematic methods which are different in terms of basic functioning, but are the same in terms of operational functioning. Here, especially some parameters (temperature, etc.) are not very sensitive to change. This is one of the factors to be taken into consideration during the operation. In this research, hydraulic load and values of different loads (primarily BOD5, nitrogen, phosphorus and other organic materials) and nitrification, denitrification which are the main constituents of the system are examined. The application results of water quality and design criteria in the hot regions of Turkey are tested and also environmental and operational factors are evaluated

    The element concentrations and enrichment factors of sediments in west marmara sea ports

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    In this study, the concentration of various elements in marine sediments from Western Marmara Sea Ports has been analyzed and evaluated as well as correlated with similar studies completed earlier in the Western Marmara Sea region by using all the available data. Enrichment factor calculations made according to world average values were also calculated according to Western Marmara background values. In enrichment factor (EF) calculations EF > 3 was found in Cu and Mn calculations in M.Ereğlisi. In M.Ereğlisi, Şarköy and Menekşe the enrichment factor is 1 3 in core 1–2, EfAs > 3 in core 10–13, core 14–16, core 18–19, and core 29 also EF > 3 in the enrichment factor analysis for As. In the analysis for Co is EFCo > 3 in core 8–29 samples. Ni enrichment was obtained as EFNi > 3 in core 16–29 samples and EF 3 in core 2 and 12, and EFMn > 3 is for core 1. In other enrichment factor calculations in ports and other locations, all elements were calculated as EF < 1 in some locations and 1 < EF < 3 in some locations. This means that there is little or moderate enrichment according to the latest data. This means that there is little or moderate enrichment in all locations. The reason for the more enrichment of Ni and Mn elements in some locations in the Western Marmara Sea is thought to be anthropogenic. © 2020 Desalination Publications. All rights reserved

    The use of diatometes for different water and wastewater treatment

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    Diatoms are living beings that have the ability to live in different aquatic and wastewater envi-ronments, with a shell and a special gel-like fat under this shell, and also can produce and refine oxygen. It is possible to use different kinds of diatoms to decontaminate the pollution in waste-water, dams, and lakes that provide drinking water; and to eliminate moss and intensive algae on sea coasts. This study uses these diatoms which are not harmful to water and human health, to eliminate/decontaminate pollution instead of various chemicals; and also investigates the changes in the aquatic ecosystem. The study examines particularly the decontamination of urban wastewater in Istanbul on a laboratory scale along with the possible cost and efficiency of decontamination of diatoms. However, the most significant part of the study is concerned with applications done for pol-luting algae and moss which are in the polluted lakes and rivers caused by household wastewater. The field of application is the Pınarbaşı Lake in Elbistan and the Ceyhan River that this lake feeds; we have added solutions that contain the right amount of diatoms for the mass of the lake on certain proportions, continuously for 4 d. We used natural light during the day and a number of lamps that give out 250 W of light at night. The special diatom mix is 1:2,000–1:5,000 ratio for urban wastewater and 1:10,000–1:50,000 dilution ratio for lake water. As a result of the decontamination application, we obtained 14 (94.2%) for suspended solid matter, 25 (93%) for chemical oxygen demand, 1.1 (97.6%) for N, and 0.3 (91.7%) for P. As a result, we have determined that this application can be successfully used in lakes and dams that provide water but with biological or algal contamination; however, even though the decontamination result for urban wastewater is good, the operating cost is relatively high compared to biological wastewater purification systems. © 2021 Desalination Publications. All rights reserved

    Investigating the effect of canal treatment on the wastewater refining facilities

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    In this study, all wastewater transport and treatment systems in Istanbul are discussed in detail. Collector Collecting (Storage) Capacity of the large wastewater canalization systems was investigated by considering the length and diameter of the collectors. The active capacity of the large-scale collectors that feed the whole refining facility was defined. The facilities and the feeding lines whose active capacity rates are more than 45% (active capacity/project capacity rate) are evaluated. Standby duration usage capacity of collectors for time-based situations when the standby exceeds 70% was subjected to the correlation. The collector lines and regions whose standby duration is over 5 h were determined. The gradient, gas generating status and current land status of the collectors that feed the facility were determined by considering the residential areas, and the Biological Wastewater Treatment Facilities on the collector lines and the collectors with appropriate ventilation systems (chimney, etc.) were taken into evaluation. In particular, one of the branches of Tuzla collector was used in our research and practice. The process of the impacts of the current flow conditions of the canal line on Tuzla wastewater treatment facility was examined. The results of the canal treatment on the wastewater in Istanbul were discussed in more detail

    Namık Kemal Üniversitesi'nde atık suyun arıtılması ve yeniden kullanılması konusunda farklı arıtma ve iletim sistemi uygulamalarının alternatifleri

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    Sürdürülebilir hedeflere ulaşmada; Su, atıksu, elektrik ve fazla atık oluşumunu azaltan veya önleyen metotların belirlenip uygulanması, sosyal ve ekonomik hedefleri, ekolojik gereksinimlerle birleştirecek yönetim ve sistemlerin uygulanması ve elde edilen ürünlerin kullanılabilmesi büyük önem arz etmektedir. Artan çevresel talepler ve standartlar ise, farklı ve yenilikçi çözümlerin bulunarak verimli bir şekilde kullanılmasını zorunlu hale getirmiştir. Özellikle, yüksek ilk yatırım ve işletme masraflarına neden olan teknolojilere ihtiyaç duyan ülke ya da şehirlerde atık suyun tekrar kullanıma sunulması önem taşımaktadır. Zira; Su ihtiyacı artışı son 10 yılda, İstanbul da (Türkiye) %45, Sydney (Avustralya) %20, Monterrey (Meksiko) %14.8 oranındadır ( 2008, OECD araştırması).Turizmi gelişmiş bölgelerde gecelik yatak başına su tüketimi 600-1300 litre/ yatak ve enerji tüketimi 3-6 kWh mertebesini bulmaktadır. Su ve atıksu tarifeleri ve enerji tüketim maliyetleri özellikle de desalinizasyon sistemlerinin olduğu yerlerde çok daha yüksek olmaktadır. Üniversite kampüsünde kullanım amaçlı su bulunmamaktadır. Üniversite atıksuları evsel nitelikli atıksu olup toplam su kullanımının en az %60 kadarını oluşturmakta, bu sular tekrar kullanılabilecek grisu sulardır. Evsel atık sular öncelikle 2 farklı sistemle toplanacaktır. Bunlar yan yana 2 boru sistemi olabileceği gibi, aynı borunu içine daha küçük çaplı diğer bir boru geçirilerek elde edilecek farklı bir sistemden de oluşacaktır. Sistem de; Atık su biriktirme deposu "kesikli emme basma tulumba/pompa", negatif etki için farklı emme borusu ile mevcut atıksu arıtma tesisinin tüm ekipmanı kullanılacaktır. Bu çalışma; 1990'lı yıllardan sonra yeniden yapılandırılan ve kullanılmış suları arıtan kombine arıtma ve iletim teknolojisi (membran, UV, vakum, iletim vb.) nin kullanımının araştırılmasını içermektedir. Namık Kemal Üniversitesi Merkez Kampusünde, yaz aylarında günlük ihtiyaç için atıksuların arıtma sisteminden geçirilmesi ve bakterilerden arıtılarak arıtılmış suyun uygun yerlere transfer edilerek kullanımı amaçlanmaktadırIn order to achieve sustainable goals, the detection and application of methods, which could reduce or bar waste of water, wastewater and waste electricity, are very important in establishing techniques and systems which could be used to combine social and economic aims with ecological needs. The wastewater of university is a kind of domestic wastewater, and at least 60% of the total wastewater usage consists of grey water, and this water will be reused. Domestic wastewater will primarily be collected in 2 different systems. These could be two side by side piping systems, as well as a different system to be obtained by passing a smaller diameter pipe through the same pipe. As material in this system; Waste water storage tank, "discontinuous suction and force pump", A different suction pipe for negative purposes and all kinds of materials, All the equipment of the existing wastewater treatment plant will be used. The more the demands and standards of environment rise, the more necessary it has become to figure out and apply effectively different and innovative solutions. Particularly, it is really important for the countries or cities whose foundation of facilities or running those facilities cost a lot to be able to reuse wastewater. For example, the need for water increased by 45% in Istanbul (Turkey) and increased by 20 % in Sydney (Australia) and 14, 8 % in Monterrey (Mexico) in the last ten years (2008, OECD research). It is seen that, in the countries where tourism has developed, the usage of electricity overnight is between 3-6 kWh per bed and water 600-1300 liters per bed. Ultra-refining, combined purification and transmission technology (membrane, UV, transmission by vacuum etc.) which have been reconstructed and used after the 1990s, have been researched within the scope of the present study. Reactivating the existing water purification system at Namık Kemal University central campus, which is convenient for daily usage in the summer months, and ultra refining method purified from bacteria and utility of the systems that are determined to use in the transfer of wastewater, have been presented comparatively in the present researc

    A number of corrosion issues with regard to wastewater treatment plants

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    In order to protect the environment and public health of the communities, every city around the world, including Turkey, faces the problem of dealing with wastewater, and this is primarily dealt with by means of the services provided by the wastewater treatment plants. Wastewater is usually removed by the wastewater treatment system and sometimes by the non-sublimation process. The wastewater treatment plants can be carefully constructed and designed to prevent plants corrosion problems. It is very important to achieve high efficiency for the wastewater treatment centres. To this aim, construction of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system would help the treatment plants to be more efficient and work in a more economic way. The SCADA system is a combination of control panel and power of command components. This system entails water management and the efficiency of all systems as well as the corrosion control. When the wastewater transfer centres are examined, it can be easily observed that there are many corrosion effects in these centres. To deal with this aspect, in this study we show how the biological mass kinetic values affect the corrosion problems in wastewater treatment systems

    Two different purification systems at Istanbul-Tuzla and Adana-Kozan, their characterizations

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    In most developed countries, wastewater treatment plants are presently utilizing efficient purification technology meeting the sufficiency requirements of quality and quantity. However, in developing countries, the number of wastewater treatment plants is limited. As a result, the establishment of a connection between the wastewater collection system and wastewater purification plants is increasingly becoming a top priority for researchers. The aim of this article is to analyze wastewater collection and purification systems and establish the links between these two processes. In the present study, the efficiency of the present purification system at the Istanbul-Tuzla and Adana-Kozan plants was investigated with the aim of enhancing their performance. The findings pertaining to the model sewage system revealed a decrease in NH3-N by 20-70%, total nitrogen (T-N) by 25-75%, biological oxygen demand (BOD5) by 50-60%, chemical oxygen demand (COD) by 35-55% and suspended solids (SS) by 55-85%. As a result of studies performed in the Tuzla sewage treatment system, we can confirm that T-N decreased by 50-75%, suspended solid particles by 24-57%, and BOD5 by 34-57%, while 35-55% of COD was removed. Similarly, in the canal exit at K.zan, BOD5 decreased by 40-55%, COD by 30-50%, SS by 25-45% and T-N by 5-40%