55 research outputs found

    6-25-2003 ALS System Group Research Question Workshop

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    4 pages Provider Notes:Power Point file is the presentation. Word file is the list of research questions

    St. Vincent Surgery Department Reorganization

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    Help make the best choices while redesigning the instrument processing and case cart systems. Analyze current and future use of: Equipment – How many machines? Space – How best to use storage space? Staff – How to schedule staff hours? Cart / tray flow – Is there sufficient time and space? Volume – Can system handle expected growth

    Network Model Building (Process Mapping)

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    12 slides Provider Notes:See Project Planning Video (Windows Media) Posted at the bottom are Gary Blau\u27s slides. Before watching, please note that process mapping and modeling are mentioned in the video and notes. Here they are meant to refer to the NSCORT project pla

    Managing a patient waiting list with time-dependent priority and adverse events

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    This paper addresses the problem of managing a waiting list for elective surgery to decide the number of patients selected from the waiting list and to schedule them in accordance with the operating room capacity in the next period. The waiting list prioritizes patients not only by their initial urgency level but also by their waiting time. Selecting elective surgery patients requires a balance between the waiting time for urgent patients and that for less urgent patients. The problem is formulated as an infinite horizon Markov Decision Process. Further, the study proposes a scheduling procedure based on structural properties of an optimal policy by taking a sampling-based finite horizon approximation approach. Finally, we examine the performance of the policy under various conditions

    A simulation study of registration queue disciplines in an outpatient clinic: a two-stage patient flow model

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    The purpose of this study is to provide a guideline for designing a hospital's centralised registration process. This study examines the two-stage patient flow and how registration queue disciplines affect the performance of clinic idle time and patient waiting time. We first identify and evaluate six factors (no-show rates, the punctuality of patient arrivals, appointment schedule overlaps, block appointment, range of process variability among clinics and registration queue disciplines) that affect the process variability of patient flows. Second, we conduct a series of simulation experiments with three different queue disciplines: the Flow Rate (FR) rule (the proposed model), First-Come-First-Served (FCFS) and Earliest Due Date (EDD). The simulation results show that the proposed FR rule improves system performance significantly. [Received 22 December 2007; Revised 20 May 2008; Revised 21 July 2008; Accepted 2 August 2008]two-stage patient flow; process variability; centralised registration; queue disciplines; simulation; outpatients clinic; healthcare; hospital centralised registration.

    Ist Iteration Human Sub-System Model--Poster Presentation

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    The importance of understanding human body requirements can not be ignored in order to create a successfully working Advanced Life Support System. A generic model was created to capture these requirements at the primal levels. The model acounts for the main four elements listed as Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen. The activity level, as well as gender and body weight are considerd in the model to calculate the appropriate energy requierements for the crew members. Given the energy level for crew members, the model then generates daily Protein, Carbohydrate and Fat intake necessary to meet the energy requirement in units of Kg/CM-d. The drinking water at this point is independent of the activity level and is assumed to be constatnt at the leves dictated by the BVAD. The elemental compositions of Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat and water (inputs) are used to calculate the amount of solid and liquid waste (outputs ) generated by the body. Known elemental compositions allow for mass balance. Although the model is accountable to a certain degree, at this stage it fails to include factors such as age, sleep quality, sleep duration, psychology of the crew members and other environmental conditions due to lack of data. 1 slide Related Documents:WM1, WM2, WM3, WM
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