12 research outputs found

    Electric field-enhanced degradation of porous methylsilsesquioxane polymer as observed by in situ FTIRS

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    10.1149/1.1819891Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters712F99-F102ESLE

    Reliability improvement to copper damascene structures using buried capping layer

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    Advanced Metallization Conference (AMC)271-275MRSP

    Effect of porosity on electrical stability of hydrocarbon polymeric low-k dielectric

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    10.1109/TED.2005.856189IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices52102333-2339IETD

    Impact of buried capping layer on electrical stablity of advanced interconnects

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    10.1116/1.1978895Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures2341499-1503JVTB

    Impact of buried capping layer on TDDB physics of advanced interconnects

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    IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings490-49

    Study of leakage mechanisms of the copper/Black Diamond™ damascene process

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    10.1016/j.tsf.2004.05.051Thin Solid Films462-463SPEC. ISS.330-333THSF

    Reliability improvement using buried capping layer in advanced interconnects

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    Annual Proceedings - Reliability Physics (Symposium)333-337ARLP

    Investigation of electrical conduction in carbon-doped silicon oxide using a voltage ramp method

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    10.1063/1.1592618Applied Physics Letters833524-526APPL

    Reliability characterization of organic ultra low k film using ramp voltage breakdown

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    Proceedings - Electrochemical Society10232-23