11,386 research outputs found

    Asymptotic pairs, stable sets and chaos in positive entropy systems

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    We consider positive entropy GG-systems for certain countable, discrete, infinite left-orderable amenable groups GG. By undertaking local analysis, the existence of asymptotic pairs and chaotic sets will be studied in connecting with the stable sets. Examples are given for the case of integer lattice groups, the Heisenberg group, and the groups of integral unipotent upper triangular matrices

    A Connection Behind the Terwilliger Algebras of H(D,2)H(D,2) and 12H(D,2)\frac{1}{2} H(D,2)

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    The universal enveloping algebra U(sl2)U(\mathfrak{sl}_2) of sl2\mathfrak{sl}_2 is a unital associative algebra over C\mathbb C generated by E,F,HE,F,H subject to the relations \begin{align*} [H,E]=2E, \qquad [H,F]=-2F, \qquad [E,F]=H. \end{align*} The distinguished central element Λ=EF+FE+H22 \Lambda=EF+FE+\frac{H^2}{2} is called the Casimir element of U(sl2)U(\mathfrak{sl}_2). The universal Hahn algebra H\mathcal H is a unital associative algebra over C\mathbb C with generators A,B,CA,B,C and the relations assert that [A,B]=C[A,B]=C and each of \begin{align*} \alpha=[C,A]+2A^2+B, \qquad \beta=[B,C]+4BA+2C \end{align*} is central in H\mathcal H. The distinguished central element Ω=4ABA+B2−C2−2βA+2(1−α)B \Omega=4ABA+B^2-C^2-2\beta A+2(1-\alpha)B is called the Casimir element of H\mathcal H. By investigating the relationship between the Terwilliger algebras of the hypercube and its halved graph, we discover the algebra homomorphism ♮:H→U(sl2)\natural:\mathcal H\rightarrow U(\mathfrak{sl}_2) that sends \begin{eqnarray*} A &\mapsto & \frac{H}{4}, \\ B & \mapsto & \frac{E^2+F^2+\Lambda-1}{4}-\frac{H^2}{8}, \\ C & \mapsto & \frac{E^2-F^2}{4}. \end{eqnarray*} We determine the image of ♮\natural and show that the kernel of ♮\natural is the two-sided ideal of H\mathcal H generated by β\beta and 16Ω−24α+316 \Omega-24 \alpha+3. By pulling back via ♮\natural each U(sl2)U(\mathfrak{sl}_2)-module can be regarded as an H\mathcal H-module. For each integer n≥0n\geq 0 there exists a unique (n+1)(n+1)-dimensional irreducible U(sl2)U(\mathfrak{sl}_2)-module LnL_n up to isomorphism. We show that the H\mathcal H-module LnL_n (n≥1n\geq 1) is a direct sum of two non-isomorphic irreducible H\mathcal H-modules

    The Case ∣ Ascites with oliguric acute renal failure

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