9 research outputs found

    Comparison of experimentally measured and computational fluid dynamic predicted deposition and deposition uniformity of monodisperse solid particles in the Vitrocell® AMES 48 air-liquid-interface in-vitro exposure system

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    Accurately determining the delivered dose is critical to understanding biological response due to cell exposure to chemical constituents in aerosols. Deposition efficiency and uniformity of deposition was measured experimentally using monodisperse solid fluorescent particles with mass median aerodynamic diameters (MMAD) of 0.51, 1.1, 2.2 and 3.3 μm in the Vitrocell® AMES 48 air-liquid-interface (ALI) in vitro exposure system. Experimental results were compared with computational fluid dynamic, (CFD; using both Lagrangian and Eulerian approaches) predicted deposition efficiency and uniformity for a single row (N = 6) of petri dishes in the Vitrocell® AMES 48 system. The average experimentally measured deposition efficiency ranged from 0.007% to 0.43% for 0.51–3.3 μm MMAD particles, respectively. There was good agreement between average experimentally measured and the CFD predicted particle deposition efficiency, regardless of approach. Experimentally measured and CFD predicted average uniformity of deposition was greater than 45% of the mean for all particle diameters. During this work a new design was introduced by the manufacturer and evaluated using Lagragian CFD. Lagragian CFD predictions showed better uniformity of deposition, but reduced deposition efficiency with the new design. Deposition efficiency and variability in particle deposition across petri dishes for solid particles should be considered when designing exposure regimens using the Vitrocell® AMES 48 ALI in vitro exposure system

    A Well-Mixed Computational Model for Estimating Room Air Levels of Selected Constituents from E-Vapor Product Use

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    Concerns have been raised in the literature for the potential of secondhand exposure from e-vapor product (EVP) use. It would be difficult to experimentally determine the impact of various factors on secondhand exposure including, but not limited to, room characteristics (indoor space size, ventilation rate), device specifications (aerosol mass delivery, e-liquid composition), and use behavior (number of users and usage frequency). Therefore, a well-mixed computational model was developed to estimate the indoor levels of constituents from EVPs under a variety of conditions. The model is based on physical and thermodynamic interactions between aerosol, vapor, and air, similar to indoor air models referred to by the Environmental Protection Agency. The model results agree well with measured indoor air levels of nicotine from two sources: smoking machine-generated aerosol and aerosol exhaled from EVP use. Sensitivity analysis indicated that increasing air exchange rate reduces room air level of constituents, as more material is carried away. The effect of the amount of aerosol released into the space due to variability in exhalation was also evaluated. The model can estimate the room air level of constituents as a function of time, which may be used to assess the level of non-user exposure over time

    An Approach for Predicting Mainstream Cigarette Smoke Harmful and Potentially Harmful Constituent (HPHC) Yields

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    To ensure quality, consistency, and supply of cigarette products, a manufacturer may change materials, which can affect its product portfolio. Rather than testing each product individually to determine the effect of a change, designed experiments can be conducted using a subset of products, and statistical modeling can be performed to determine the harmful and potentially harmful constituent (HPHC) yields for the remaining products. To demonstrate this, we selected 30 representative cigarette products covering a wide range of tobacco blends, ingredients, and design parameters from a manufacturer's portfolio. Sets of cigarette products used papers produced with one type of manufacturing technology (control products) and two additional cigarette papers (changed products). The physical characteristics of the changed products' papers were similar to the control products but were manufactured using alternative methods, which could lead to differences in their chemical composition. The experiment was controlled to minimize variations among products, manufacturing, and testing. Linear regression was used to model the relationship between HPHC yields of the tested products. Twelve randomly selected products were used for validation by comparing predicted to measured yields. Model predictions were robust; differences between measured and predicted values were within standard repeatability limits, demonstrating the feasibility of this approach.https://doi.org/10.21423/jrs-v07hanne

    Deposition efficiency and uniformity of monodisperse solid particle deposition in the Vitrocell (R) 24/48 Air-Liquid-Interface in vitro exposure system

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    A key to understanding biological response due to cell exposure to chemical constituents in aerosols is to accurately be able to determine the delivered dose. Deposition efficiency and uniformity of deposition was measured experimentally in the Vitrocell ® 24/48 air–liquid-interface (ALI) in vitro exposure system using monodisperse solid fluorescent particles with mass median aerodynamic diameters (MMAD) of 0.51, 1.1, 2.2 and 3.3 µm. Experimental results were compared with computational fluid dynamics (CFD; using both Lagrangian and Eulerian approaches) predicted deposition efficiency and uniformity for a single row (N = 6) of cell culture inserts in the Vitrocell ® 24/48 system. Deposited fluorescent monodisperse particles were quantified using fluorescent microscopy and Image J software. Experiments were conducted using a suspension of two particle MMADs with each experiment being conducted a total of three times on different days. The average experimentally measured deposition efficiency ranged from a low of 0.013% for 0.51 µm MMAD particles to a maximum 0.86% for 3.3 µm MMAD particles. There was good agreement between the average experimentally measured and the CFD predicted particle deposition efficiency (regardless of approach) with agreement being slightly better at the smaller MMADs. Experimentally measured and CFD predicted average uniformity of deposition was >45% of the mean and within 15% of the mean for 0.51 µm and 2.2 MMAD µm particles, respectively. Experimentally measured average uniformity of deposition was between 15 and 45% of the mean while CFD predictions were within 15% of the mean for 1.1 and 3.3 µm MMAD particles. The deposition efficiency and uniformity across the cell culture inserts for solid particles should be considered when designing exposure regimens using the Vitrocell ® 24/48 ALI in vitro exposure system

    A Computational Model for Assessing the Population Health Impact of Introducing a Modified Risk Claim on an Existing Smokeless Tobacco Product

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    Computational models are valuable tools for predicting the population effects prior to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) authorization of a modified risk claim on a tobacco product. We have developed and validated a population model using best modeling practices. Our model consists of a Markov compartmental model based on cohorts starting at a defined age and followed up to a specific age accounting for 29 tobacco-use states based on a cohort members transition pathway. The Markov model is coupled with statistical mortality models and excess relative risk ratio estimates to determine survival probabilities from use of smokeless tobacco. Our model estimates the difference in premature deaths prevented by comparing Base Case (“world-as-is„) and Modified Case (the most likely outcome given that a modified risk claim is authorized) scenarios. Nationally representative transition probabilities were used for the Base Case. Probabilities of key transitions for the Modified Case were estimated based on a behavioral intentions study in users and nonusers. Our model predicts an estimated 93,000 premature deaths would be avoided over a 60-year period upon authorization of a modified risk claim. Our sensitivity analyses using various reasonable ranges of input parameters do not indicate any scenario under which the net benefit could be offset entirely