3,098 research outputs found

    Spinodal Decomposition and the Tomita Sum Rule

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    The scaling properties of a phase-ordering system with a conserved order parameter are studied. The theory developed leads to scaling functions satisfying certain general properties including the Tomita sum rule. The theory also gives good agreement with numerical results for the order parameter scaling function in three dimensions. The values of the associated nonequilibrium decay exponents are given by the known lower bounds.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Bilayer Membrane in Confined Geometry: Interlayer Slide and Steric Repulsion

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    We derived free energy functional of a bilayer lipid membrane from the first principles of elasticity theory. The model explicitly includes position-dependent mutual slide of monolayers and bending deformation. Our free energy functional of liquid-crystalline membrane allows for incompressibility of the membrane and vanishing of the in-plane shear modulus and obeys reflectional and rotational symmetries of the flat bilayer. Interlayer slide at the mid-plane of the membrane results in local difference of surface densities of the monolayers. The slide amplitude directly enters free energy via the strain tensor. For small bending deformations the ratio between bending modulus and area compression coefficient, Kb/KA, is proportional to the square of monolayer thickness, h. Using the functional we performed self-consistent calculation of steric potential acting on bilayer between parallel confining walls separated by distance 2d. We found that temperature-dependent curvature at the minimum of confining potential is enhanced four times for a bilayer with slide as compared with a unit bilayer. We also calculate viscous modes of bilayer membrane between confining walls. Pure bending of the membrane is investigated, which is decoupled from area dilation at small amplitudes. Three sources of viscous dissipation are considered: water and membrane viscosities and interlayer drag. Dispersion has two branches. Confinement between the walls modifies the bending mode with respect to membrane in bulk solution. Simultaneously, inter-layer slipping mode, damped by viscous drag, remains unchanged by confinement.Comment: 23 pages,3 figures, pd

    Domain Growth in a 1-D Driven Diffusive System

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    The low-temperature coarsening dynamics of a one-dimensional Ising model, with conserved magnetisation and subject to a small external driving force, is studied analytically in the limit where the volume fraction \mu of the minority phase is small, and numerically for general \mu. The mean domain size L(t) grows as t^{1/2} in all cases, and the domain-size distribution for domains of one sign is very well described by the form P_l(l) \propto (l/L^3)\exp[-\lambda(\mu)(l^2/L^2)], which is exact for small \mu (and possibly for all \mu). The persistence exponent for the minority phase has the value 3/2 for \mu \to 0.Comment: 8 pages, REVTeX, 7 Postscript figures, uses multicol.sty and epsf.sty. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Information capacity in the weak-signal approximation

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    We derive an approximate expression for mutual information in a broad class of discrete-time stationary channels with continuous input, under the constraint of vanishing input amplitude or power. The approximation describes the input by its covariance matrix, while the channel properties are described by the Fisher information matrix. This separation of input and channel properties allows us to analyze the optimality conditions in a convenient way. We show that input correlations in memoryless channels do not affect channel capacity since their effect decreases fast with vanishing input amplitude or power. On the other hand, for channels with memory, properly matching the input covariances to the dependence structure of the noise may lead to almost noiseless information transfer, even for intermediate values of the noise correlations. Since many model systems described in mathematical neuroscience and biophysics operate in the high noise regime and weak-signal conditions, we believe, that the described results are of potential interest also to researchers in these areas.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Overall time evolution in phase-ordering kinetics

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    The phenomenology from the time of the quench to the asymptotic behavior in the phase-ordering kinetics of a system with conserved order parameter is investigated in the Bray-Humayun model and in the Cahn-Hilliard-Cook model. From the comparison of the structure factor in the two models the generic pattern of the overall time evolution, based on the sequence ``early linear - intermediate mean field - late asymptotic regime'' is extracted. It is found that the time duration of each of these regimes is strongly dependent on the wave vector and on the parameters of the quench, such as the amplitude of the initial fluctuations and the final equilibrium temperature. The rich and complex crossover phenomenology arising as these parameters are varied can be accounted for in a simple way through the structure of the solution of the Bray-Humayun model.Comment: RevTeX, 14 pages, 18 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Universality and Scaling for the Structure Factor in Dynamic Order-Disorder Transitions

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    The universal form for the average scattering intensity from systems undergoing order-disorder transitions is found by numerical integration of the Langevin dynamics. The result is nearly identical for simulations involving two different forms of the local contribution to the free energy, supporting the idea that the Model A dynamical universality class includes a wide range of local free-energy forms. An absolute comparison with no adjustable parameters is made to the forms predicted by the theories of Ohta-Jasnow-Kawasaki and Mazenko. The numerical results are well described by the former theory, except in the cross-over region between scattering dominated by domain geometry and scattering determined by Porod's law.Comment: 10 pages incl. 3 figures, Revtex. Submitted to PR

    Double Spin Asymmetries A_NN and A_SS at sqrt{s}=200 GeV in Polarized Proton-Proton Elastic Scattering at RHIC

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    We present the first measurements of the double spin asymmetries A_NN and A_SS at sqrt{s}=200 GeV, obtained by the pp2pp experiment using polarized proton beams at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The data were collected in the four momentum transfer t range 0.01<|t|<0.03 (GeV/c)^2. The measured asymmetries, which are consistent with zero, allow us to estimate upper limits on the double helicity-flip amplitudes phi_2 and phi_4 at small t as well as on the difference Delta(sigma_T) between the total cross sections for transversely polarized protons with antiparallel or parallel spin orientations.Comment: 13 pages with 3 figures. Final version accepted by Phys. Lett.

    Band alignment and interlayer hybridisation in transition metal dichalcogenide/hexagonal boron nitride heterostructures

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    In van der Waals heterostructures, the relative alignment of bands between layers, and the resulting band hybridisation, are key factors in determining a range of electronic properties. This work examines these effects for heterostructures of transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) and hexagonal boron nitride (hBN), an ubiquitous combination given the role of hBN as an encapsulating material. By comparing results of density functional calculations with experimental angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) results, we explore the hybridisation between the valence states of the TMD and hBN layers, and show that it introduces avoided crossings between the TMD and hBN bands, with umklapp processes opening `ghost' avoided crossings in individual bands. Comparison between DFT and ARPES spectra for the MoSe2_2/hBN heterostructure shows that the valence bands of MoSe2_2 and hBN are significantly further separated in energy in experiment as compared to DFT. We then show that a novel scissor operator can be applied to the hBN valence states in the DFT calculations, to correct the band alignment and enable quantitative comparison to ARPES, explaining avoided crossings and other features of band visibility in the ARPES spectra

    Electrostatic and electrokinetic contributions to the elastic moduli of a driven membrane

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    We discuss the electrostatic contribution to the elastic moduli of a cell or artificial membrane placed in an electrolyte and driven by a DC electric field. The field drives ion currents across the membrane, through specific channels, pumps or natural pores. In steady state, charges accumulate in the Debye layers close to the membrane, modifying the membrane elastic moduli. We first study a model of a membrane of zero thickness, later generalizing this treatment to allow for a finite thickness and finite dielectric constant. Our results clarify and extend the results presented in [D. Lacoste, M. Cosentino Lagomarsino, and J. F. Joanny, Europhys. Lett., {\bf 77}, 18006 (2007)], by providing a physical explanation for a destabilizing term proportional to \kps^3 in the fluctuation spectrum, which we relate to a nonlinear (E2E^2) electro-kinetic effect called induced-charge electro-osmosis (ICEO). Recent studies of ICEO have focused on electrodes and polarizable particles, where an applied bulk field is perturbed by capacitive charging of the double layer and drives flow along the field axis toward surface protrusions; in contrast, we predict "reverse" ICEO flows around driven membranes, due to curvature-induced tangential fields within a non-equilibrium double layer, which hydrodynamically enhance protrusions. We also consider the effect of incorporating the dynamics of a spatially dependent concentration field for the ion channels.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures. Under review for EPJ

    Localization transition of random copolymers at interfaces

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    We consider adsorption of random copolymer chains onto an interface within the model of Garel et al. Europhysics Letters 8, 9 (1989). By using the replica method the adsorption of the copolymer at the interface is mapped onto the problem of finding the ground state of a quantum mechanical Hamiltonian. To study this ground state we introduce a novel variational principle for the Green's function, which generalizes the well-known Rayleigh-Ritz method of Quantum Mechanics to nonstationary states. Minimization with an appropriate trial Green's function enables us to find the phase diagram for the localization-delocalization transition for an ideal random copolymer at the interface.Comment: 5 page