15 research outputs found

    So Similar and Yet So Different: Reasons for Online Purchasing, a Comparative Research in Colombia and Mexico Using Nonparametric Association Tests

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    [EN] The reasons for buying online have occupied the literature of consumer behavior on the Internet for quite some time. Different theories seek to understand the relationships between different variables of purchasing behavior using this channel. However, the literature has not been sufficiently focused on making comparative analysis between countries, especially between emerging and Latin American countries. For this reason, a comparative study that seeks to understand differences between the reasons to purchase online by country. In 2017, we did survey 552 students, professors and administrative staff in two universities: one in Bogotá, Colombia, and one in Puebla, México using a convenience sampling. We designed a semi-structured questionnaire of 7 items, mostly categorical. Using nonparametric association tests, we discovered that in five of the six questions that are carried out there are significant statistical differences for the two countries such as why they buy in internet, payment methods, shipment, and why they would not buy in the internet . The implications for marketing for those companies interested in penetrating or improving their participation in these markets, is that they should be aware of their differences and use, depending on the country, adapted strategies.Rentería-García, JC.; Sabogal-Salamanca, M.; Mayett-Moreno, Y. (2019). So Similar and Yet So Different: Reasons for Online Purchasing, a Comparative Research in Colombia and Mexico Using Nonparametric Association Tests. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 6(2):92-133. https://doi.org/10.4995/muse.2019.11048SWORD9213362Agresti, A. & Liu, I. M. (1999). Modeling a categorical variable allowing arbitrarily many category choices. 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    Producción y comercialización de malanga (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Shott) en Actopan, Veracruz, México: Perspectiva de cadena de valor

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    Objective: To analyze the production and marketing of taro in Actopan, Veracruz,Mexico, with a value chain approach.Design/methodology/approach: Official databases were assessed and 28questionnaires were applied to producers and seven to representatives of packingcompanies, with a value chain approach.Results: fifty percent of producers interviewed are of small-scale (0.5-3 ha) withaverage annual yields of 50 t ha -1 . The main problems faced are: high prices foragricultural inputs, low market prices, pests and diseases. The commercialization ofthe product is done through retail and wholesale gatherers in the region. There areno purchase-sale contracts, the agreements are verbal. The packing companies are 2in charge of carrying out the process of clean assembly, selection, disinfection,labeling, packaging and distribution. Ninety percent of the fresh taro market is for theUnited States.Limitations on study/implications: Taro producers lack a government agency torepresent them, for example the product-system; therefore, the information onproduction, costs and wholesale prices is limited and dispersed.Findings/conclusions: The production and commercialization of taro is of greateconomic and social importance. It generates economic income and temporary jobsthroughout the year. It has relatively low production costs and high performance. Ingeneral, it benefits economic agents in the value chain. However, the lack oforganization of producers does not allow them to use economies of higher scale,access to preferential markets and high prices paid to the producers.Objetivo: Analizar la producción y comercialización de malanga en Actopan, Veracruz, México, con enfoque de cadena de valor.Diseño/metodología/aproximación: Se consultaron bases de datos oficiales y se aplicaron 28 cuestionarios a productores y siete a representantes de empresas empacadoras, con enfoque de cadena de valor.Resultados: El 50% de productores entrevistados son de pequeña escala (0.5-3.0 ha) con rendimientos promedio anual de 50 t ha -1 . Los principales problemas que estos productores enfrentan son: altos precios de insumos agrícolas; bajos precios de mercado del producto; plagas y enfermedades. La comercialización del producto se realiza a través de acopiadores minoristas y mayoristas de la región; no existen contratos de compra y venta, los acuerdos son de palabra. Las empresas 3 empacadoras se encargan de realizar el proceso de maquila: limpia, selección, desinfección, etiquetado, empaque y distribución. El 90% del mercado de la malanga en fresco es para Estados Unidos.Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Los productores de malanga carecen de un organismo gubernamental que los represente, entonces, la información de producción, costos y precios al mayoreo es limitada y dispersa.Hallazgos/conclusiones: La producción y comercialización de malanga es de gran importancia económica y social, genera ingresos económicos y empleos temporales durante todo el año; tiene costos de producción relativamente bajos y alto rendimiento. En general beneficia a los agentes económicos de la cadena de valor. Sin embargo, la falta de organización de los productores no les permite utilizareconomías de escala, acceso a mercados preferentes y altos precios pagados al productor

    Evaluación de productos de control biológico de plagas por cañeros según su identificación social

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    Innovation adoption is relevant for rural development. This research validated a self-perception scale for social identification with 61 sugarcane growers in Veracruz, Mexico during 2019, and its relationship with brand familiarity, willingness to use/test and willingness to buy biological pest control products. The scale allowed to identify farmers in traditional, in transition and technified. No significant differences were found in the self-perception scale regarding willingness to use/test or pay for the evaluated biological pest control products contrary to familiarity. It can be concluded that the scale allows to identify farmers according to their self-perception level of technification, where the self-perceived as technified are more willing to accept more innovations.La aceptación de los productores de innovaciones es relevante para el desarrollo del medio rural. Esta investigación validó una Escala de Auto-percepción de Identificación Social (EA-IS) con 61 productores cañeros de Veracruz, México  en 2019 , y su relación con familiaridad de marcas, disposición a usar/probar y a comprar productos de control biológico. La EA-IS permitió identificar a productores tradicionales, en desarrollo y tecnificados. No hubo diferencias significativas en la EA-IS según la disposición a usar/probar/pagar por estos productos pero si para familiaridad. En conclusión, la EA-IS permite diferenciar productores según su auto-percepción de niveles de tecnificación, siendo los que se perciben como tecnificados los que aceptan más las innovaciones

    Beyond Food Security: Challenges in Food Safety Policies and Governance along a Heterogeneous Agri-Food Chain and Its Effects on Health Measures and Sustainable Development in Mexico

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    This work describes the relevance of food policies and governance to reach food safety issues along a heterogeneous food chain, in the context of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) food security definition. Using personal interviews with agents in the food chain, and secondary data from 2014⁻2018, this exploratory research demonstrated that: (a) Mexican food policies regarding food safety are oriented to the exports markets and/or high income producers-consumers; (b) this has split the agri-food chain in two: one serving international and/or high income consumers, and another serving domestic markets; (c) the agri-food chain that serves domestic markets experiences regulatory budget shortfalls, lacks coordination in food regulations across its agents, and brings about alternate informal markets that put peoples’ health and financial stability at risk, especially those lower-income consumers. Only 0.7% of producers, 12.5% of supermarkets and 42.8% of restaurants have some type of food safety certifications. This is worsened by the way public resources have been distributed, focused, prioritized, and planned. If the differences between big, medium and small producers continue to increase, it will increase regional and individual inequality, leading to two different countries: one developed and one developing, challenging its sustainable development

    Desarrollo de productos turísticos rurales sustentables. Propuesta y validación de expertos respecto a tres variables

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    El turismo rural sustentable representa una alternativa para el desarrollo económico, social y ecológico de las comunidades rurales, para lo cual es necesario desarrollar productos y servicios turísticos apropiados. El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en identificar desde la validación de expertos, variables clave para el desarrollo de productos turísticos rurales sustentables. Se desarrolló una investigación exploratoria y descriptiva dividida en tres fases. La primera de ellas se apoyó en la identificación de variables a partir en la revisión de literatura identificándose tres categorías: motivación para viajes a destinos turísticos rurales, recursos e imagen del destino rural sustentable. En la segunda fase de la investigación ocho expertos agregaron nuevas variables, integrándose éstas a las obtenidas en la etapa previa. Finalmente, en la tercera fase se aplicó el método Fuzzy Delphi evaluándose y validándose las variables obtenidas a través de seis expertos. Los resultados validaron la mayor parte de las variables identificadas teórica y empíricamente, considerándose en primer lugar en motivación el contacto con la naturaleza, en la categoría de recursos predominaron los naturales y en imagen rural, la necesidad de comunicar la relevancia de la comunidad y sus recursos

    Desarrollo de productos turísticos rurales sustentables. Propuesta y validación de expertos respecto a tres variables.

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    El turismo rural sustentable representa una alternativa para el desarrollo económico, social y ecológico de las comunidades rurales, para lo cual es necesario desarrollar productos y servicios turísticos apropiados. El objetivo de esta investigación consistió en identificar desde la validación de expertos, variables clave para el desarrollo de productos turísticos rurales sustentables. Se desarrolló una investigación exploratoria y descriptiva dividida en tres fases. La primera de ellas se apoyó en la identificación de variables a partir de la revisión de literatura identificándose tres categorías: motivación para viajes a destinos turísticos rurales, recursos e imagen del destino rural sustentable. En la segunda fase de la investigación ocho expertos agregaron nuevas variables, integrándose éstas a las obtenidas en la etapa previa. Finalmente, en la tercera fase se aplicó el método Fuzzy Delphi evaluándose y validándose las variables obtenidas a través de seis expertos. Los resultados validaron la mayor parte de las variables identificadas teórica y empíricamente, considerándose en primer lugar en motivación el contacto con la naturaleza, en la categoría de recursos predominaron los naturales y en imagen rural, la necesidad de comunicar la relevancia de la comunidad y sus recursos

    Comparing Models with Positive Anticipated Emotions, Food Values, Attitudes and Subjective Norms as Influential Factors in Fast-Food Purchase Intention during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Two Channels: Restaurants and Mobile Apps

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    The purpose of this research is to determine if positive anticipated emotions, food values, attitudes and subjective norms influence food purchase intention in two different models: a fast food restaurant and a food delivery service via mobile apps. For this study, we utilized a non-experimental, causal, descriptive and cross-sectional design. From October 2020 to January 2021, self-administered online surveys were distributed to a convenience sample of 200 fast-food consumers at restaurants, and users of food delivery services via mobile apps Puebla City, Mexico. IBM–SPSS Statistics and the SmartPLS 3 Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling were used to test our hypotheses. The results underscored a difference in attitudes between the models. The attitude toward the brand positively and significantly influenced purchase intention via mobile apps, whereas attitude toward eating a hamburger positively and significantly influenced purchase intention of visiting a fast-food restaurant. In both models, positive anticipated emotions exhibited the closest relationships with purchase intention, attitude toward the brand and attitude toward eating a hamburger, whereas food values exerted an insignificant effect on attitudes and purchase intention. Future research should consider performing a face-to-face survey with a random sample while accounting for different demographics, regions and countries, as well as including other brands, food types and restaurants


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    The use of agricultural waste products in Mexico, and specifically in tropical regions is an area with great economic potential. In some tropical regions in Mexico it is necessary to generate new products with added value to increase regional development. In this work, two different solvents were evaluated (petroleum ether and ethyl ether) and two different size sample (3 and 6 g) using a factorial design 22 in order to optimize the extraction of fat from the mango. Additionally the chemical characterization of fat obtained was carried out. The results showed significant difference in the type of solvents used, ethyl ether showed better results; however in the size of sample no significant differences were appeared (= 0.01), extraction percent on average of samples were of 5.5%. Chemical characteristics of mango seed kernel oil were found to have a higher ratio of unsaturated fats (53.7%) than saturated fats (45.2%). Oleic acid had the highest proportion (45.6%). The oil obtained showed less than 0.2% moisture and free fatty acid concentration of 2%

    Factors influencing quality and beef consumption in Chiapas, México

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    In recent years, the competitiveness of the livestock sector has increased. This has led the marketers to purchase the beef from local suppliers, subsequently they are slaughtered on the private trail and marketed in their own butcher shop; the slaughter is carried out without taking care of good hygiene and sanitation practices within the process. In relation to local butchers, cattle are slaughtered on the municipal trail, even on clandestine trails where they do not have the minimum standards of quality and hygiene, so they resort to price competition to attract customers. The main objective for this study was to know the factors that determine the choice of the purchase of beef by the housewives of the city of Huehuetán, Chiapas, Mexico. This was achieved through an exploratory-descriptive research where 73 housewives were interviewed by convenience. The results showed that texture, price and service accessibility by employees are the most important factors in the choice of purchase. We recommend training employees in customer service and good handling practices