32 research outputs found

    Rainbow matchings in properly-coloured multigraphs

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    Aharoni and Berger conjectured that in any bipartite multigraph that is properly edge-coloured by nn colours with at least n+1n + 1 edges of each colour there must be a matching that uses each colour exactly once. In this paper we consider the same question without the bipartiteness assumption. We show that in any multigraph with edge multiplicities o(n)o(n) that is properly edge-coloured by nn colours with at least n+o(n)n + o(n) edges of each colour there must be a matching of size nβˆ’O(1)n-O(1) that uses each colour at most once.Comment: 7 page

    Sparse halves in dense triangle-free graphs

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    Erd\H{o}s conjectured that every triangle-free graph GG on nn vertices contains a set of ⌊n/2βŒ‹\lfloor n/2 \rfloor vertices that spans at most n2/50n^2 /50 edges. Krivelevich proved the conjecture for graphs with minimum degree at least 25n\frac{2}{5}n. Keevash and Sudakov improved this result to graphs with average degree at least 25n\frac{2}{5}n. We strengthen these results by showing that the conjecture holds for graphs with minimum degree at least 514n\frac{5}{14}n and for graphs with average degree at least (25βˆ’Ξ΅)n(\frac{2}{5} - \varepsilon)n for some absolute Ξ΅>0\varepsilon >0. Moreover, we show that the conjecture is true for graphs which are close to the Petersen graph in edit distance.Comment: 23 page

    On the number of symbols that forces a transversal

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    Akbari and Alipour conjectured that any Latin array of order nn with at least n2/2n^2/2 symbols contains a transversal. We confirm this conjecture for large nn, and moreover, we show that n399/200n^{399/200} symbols suffice.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    On The Random Tur\'an number of linear cycles

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    Given two rr-uniform hypergraphs GG and HH the Tur\'an number ex(G,H)\rm{ex}(G, H) is the maximum number of edges in an HH-free subgraph of GG. We study the typical value of ex(G,H)\rm{ex}(G, H) when G=Gn,p(r)G=G_{n,p}^{(r)}, the Erd\H{o}s-R\'enyi random rr-uniform hypergraph, and H=C2β„“(r)H=C_{2\ell}^{(r)}, the rr-uniform linear cycle of length 2β„“2\ell. The case of graphs (r=2r=2) is a longstanding open problem that has been investigated by many researchers. We determine the order of magnitude of ex(Gn,p(r),C2β„“(r))\rm{ex}\left(G_{n,p}^{(r)}, C_{2\ell}^{(r)}\right) for all rβ‰₯4r\geq 4 and all β„“β‰₯2\ell\geq 2 up to polylogarithmic factors for all values of p=p(n)p=p(n). Our proof is based on the container method and uses a balanced supersaturation result for linear even cycles which improves upon previous such results by Ferber-Mckinley-Samotij and Balogh-Narayanan-Skokan.Comment: 16 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2007.1032