19 research outputs found
Posible interrupción de la autovía GC-2 (Gran Canaria) por deslizamientos y desprendimientos rocosos: análisis de estabilidad del acantilado de el Rincón
En este trabajo se han identificado los deslizamientos y desprendimientos que se pueden desarrollar en el acantilado de El Rincón (Gran Canaria) y sus repercusiones sobre la Autovía GC-2, en la base del acantilado. El análisis de estabilidad realizado para las condiciones actuales indica que la ladera es estable. El análisis a largo plazo considera el sustrato saturado en agua y se limita a los dos bloques rocosos más susceptibles de experimentar deslizamiento: uno a media ladera y otro en coronación. El deslizamiento del bloque de coronación parece más probable ya que sólo requiere la saturación de los piroclastos y está favorecido por la progresiva apertura de la grieta subvertical. Por último, la evaluación de los desprendimientos rocosos que afectan al acantilado indica que los bloques no alcanzarían la calzada de la autovía GC-2; sino que se acumularían en los conos de deyección presentes al pie de la ladera
Carbonatos en suelos de la zona oriental de Gran Canaria
The study of three soil profiles in the aridic-xeric zone of Las Palmas island showed that: petrocalcic horizons are formed in pyroclastic episodes; these horizons are generally thick; the xeric zone frequently have polycyclic profiles and their carbonates have complex mineralogy; underlain basaltic rocks are scantly altered, and their joints are frequently filled by carbonates. These facts suggest that the development of these profiles is mostly
Pleistocene, and the diffuse carbonates accumulation in depth obstructs the assessment of carbonatation processes
Surface fitting in geomorphology - examples for regular-shaped volcanic landforms
In nature, several types of landforms have simple shapes: as they evolve they tend to take on an ideal, simple geometric form such as a cone, an ellipsoid or a paraboloid. Volcanic landforms are possibly the best examples of this ?ideal? geometry, since they develop as regular surface features due to the point-like (circular) or fissure-like (linear) manifestation of volcanic activity. In this paper, we present a geomorphometric method of fitting the ?ideal? surface onto the real surface of regular-shaped volcanoes through a number of case studies (Mt. Mayon, Mt. Somma, Mt. Semeru, and Mt. Cameroon). Volcanoes with circular, as well as elliptical, symmetry are addressed. For the best surface fit, we use the minimization library MINUIT which is made freely available by the CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research). This library enables us to handle all the available surface data (every point of the digital elevation model) in a one-step, half-automated way regardless of the size of the dataset, and to consider simultaneously all the relevant parameters of the selected problem, such as the position of the center of the edifice, apex height, and cone slope, thanks to the highly performing adopted procedure. Fitting the geometric surface, along with calculating the related error, demonstrates the twofold advantage of the method. Firstly, we can determine quantitatively to what extent a given volcanic landform is regular, i.e. how much it follows an expected regular shape. Deviations from the ideal shape due to degradation (e.g. sector collapse and normal erosion) can be used in erosion rate calculations. Secondly, if we have a degraded volcanic landform, whose geometry is not clear, this method of surface fitting reconstructs the original shape with the maximum precision. Obviously, in addition to volcanic landforms, this method is also capable of constraining the shapes of other regular surface features such as aeolian, glacial or periglacial landforms
Implicaciones geotécnicas de las sucesivas reactivaciones del deslizamiento de Pajonales-Rosiana (depresión de Tirajana, Gran Canaria)
Análisis geológico geotécnico de inestabilidades de ladera en terrenos volcánicos. En este trabajo se identifican los factores que han contribuido al desarrollo y reactivación del deslizamiento de Pajonales-Rosiana. Para ello, se ha reconstruido la paleotopografía previa al deslizamiento, se ha establecido un modelo geológico de la ladera en función de la observación directa y datos de los mapas geológicos, y se ha generado un modelo geotécnico con datos bibliográficos y datos propios obtenidos en ensayos de laboratorio. Las superficies de rotura del deslizamiento de Pajonales-Rosiana se han desarrollado a través de tobas piroclásticas e ignimbritas que, al ser meteorizadas, desarrollan niveles limo-arcillosos con ángulos de fricción bajos, alta plasticidad y comportamiento expansivo. Por otra parte, la presencia de agua constituyó un factor desencadenante del deslizamiento, ya que para que se produzca la inestabilidad es necesaria la saturación total de las ignimbritas del Grupo Mogán y la saturación parcial de las lavas y piroclastos del Grupo Roque Nublo
Amplificación del efecto destructivo de los desprendimientos rocosos por deslizamiento sobre suelos volcánicos (Tenerife y Madeira)
This work provides geomorphological and geotechnical observations on the amplification of the destructive behaviour of rock falls developed in rocky slopes with a soil rich in organic matter, which are both exposed to high rainfall regimes. The determinant factor of this process would be related to the low geotechnical quality that the organic matter gives to the soil, which experience a sudden
change in its fabric related to the dynamic load, similar to those observed in the quick clays in the fjords of Norway
Cuantificación de las erosión en un talud de Taganana mediante fotogrametría terrestre (Tenerife)
This paper provides an assessment of the potential of terrestrial photogrammetry to calculate erosion associated with surface runoff on hillsides near roads during recent periods. To do this we choose a road embankment located in a valley with hills which have developed abundant grooves erosion. The accuracy of the surveying tool is evident in the evaluation of small hillsides, but is impractical for
the study of large hillsides with significant slopes, in which are unknown initial parameters of the topography
Inventory of Geological Sites of Interest in the Canary Islands
En el marco de proyecto de investigación LIGCANARIAS (2018-2021) se ha realizado el Inventario de Lugares de Interés Geológico de las Islas Canarias, que forma parte del Inventario Español de Lugares de Interés Geológico (IELIG) para el dominio de este archipiélago. El inventario ha empleado la metodología del IELIG adaptada a un dominio geológico eminentemente volcánico, partiendo de los contextos geológicos regionales. Consta de 300 LIG: 53 en Gran Canaria, 47 en Tenerife, 54 en Lanzarote y Archipiélago Chinijo, 40 en Fuerteventura, 29 en La Palma, 23 en La Gomera y 21 en El Hierro. La principal novedad con respecto a los inventarios en otros dominios geológicos es la identificación de 33 LIG submarinos.Within the framework of the LIGCANARIAS research project (2018-2021), the Inventory of Geological Sites of Interest of the Canary Islands has been carried out, which is part of the Spanish Inventory of Places of Geological Interest (IELIG) for the domain of this archipelago. The inventory has used the IELIG methodology adapted to an eminently volcanic geological domain, based on regional geological frameworks. It consists of 300 geosites: 53 in Gran Canaria, 47 in Tenerife, 54 in Lanzarote and Chinijo Archipelago, 40 in Fuerteventura, 29 in La Palma, 23 in La Gomera and 21 in El Hierro. The main novelty with respect to the inventories in other geological domains is the identification of 33
submarine geosites.Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEAgencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Informaciónpu
Morfogénesis erosiva del relieve en Gran Canaria (Islas Canarias)
El relieve de un territorio volcánico está condicionado por la sucesión de fases magmáticas y erosivas. Una dilatada historia de fases que se alternan a lo largo del tiempo favorece la generación de relieves muy variados que se superponen en un espacio muy reducido y que dificultan evaluar los efectos morfogénicos que han tenido los procesos erosivos durante los periodos de relativa inactividad eruptiva. Este es el caso de Gran Canaria
Las terrazas del río Miño en el tramo Chantada-As neves (límite de Galicia-Portugal)
Geomorphologic mapping is specially difficult in areas with scarce deposits of uncertain chronology and with multiage and multiorigin forms. This is the case of Galicia. This paper is an attempt to reconstruct the geomorphologic history of Galicia during the Cenozoic in an area especially relevant because of its geodynamic situation. It has been made an exhaustive inventory of the erosive and accumulation terrace levels in a specific section of the Miño, the main river course of the region. Here it is presented the terrace levels list between Chantada and As Neves, their relation to the three etched surfaces R800, R600 and R400, wich are the most relevant because of their areal extent. It is also analyzed their relationship with the longitudinal profile of the river. Using the only existing criteria, i.e., topographic continuity and altitude, it is proposed an evolutionary model substantially determined by the river incision associated with the Paleogene collision among the Euro-Asian and the Iberian Plates. This process geomorphologically begun after the generation of R600 surface which is equivalent in Galicia to the Peninsular Fundamental Surface