28 research outputs found
Genealogy and Implementation of Green Finance in Asia and Indonesia
Green finance continues to be developed in the ways with the international community’s agreed-realized sustainable development program. Therefore, through this article, we aim to trace genealogy and implementation of green finance in Asia, especially Indonesia, focused on: (a) providing a conceptual and practical explanation of green finance in Asia and Indonesia; (b) describing mechanisms and challenges faced by Asia and Indonesia in implementing green finance programs; and (c) examining strategic policies in Asia and Indonesia to enhance the involvement of institutional investors and private investments in green projects. The research method used in this study is library research. Through library research, relevant references were searched, studied, analyzed, and reflected upon as research findings. The literature sources include textbooks, journals, and other sources related to green finance. The research findings indicate that: (a) The signing of the Paris Agreement in 2015 impacted 196 countries legally bound and committed to including green development as a strategic policy of their respective countries; (b) The lack of clear mechanisms to realize green finance programs is a major challenge for countries in Asia and Indonesia; (c) To date, there are still few countries with binding policies for involving investors in green projects.
Keywords: sustainable development, green finance, green investmen
Program-program pemberdayaan di Indonesia diwujudkan dalam berbagai aspek yang menyentuh pelayanan dasar.Rendahnya kapasitas kelompok ibu-ibu Tim Penggerak PKK di Kelurahan Deli Tua Timur Kecamatan Deli Tua Kabupaten Deli Serdang dalam mengatasi permasalahan sampah domestik, khususnya sampah organik. Rendahnya kemampuan dalam mengolah sampah organik ini menjadi briket arang organik,sehingga menjadi peluang usaha yang dapat dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan penghasilan keluarga. Metode yang digunakan dalam bentuk pelatihan pengolahan briket, diskusi kelompok, pengorganisasian dan kegiatan aksi dalam pengolahan limbah organik secara berkelanjutan.Pelatihan dilakukan dengan melakukan presentasi terhadap warga komunitas secara interaktif dan partisipatif terkait peningkatan kapasitas (capacity building) dalam pengolahan briket dari sampah domestik yang dilakukan oleh Tim Pelaksana. Setelah itu diberikan bantuan teknologi tepat guna setelah kelompok benar-benar siap untuk memanfaatkan dan mengelolanya dengan baik. Kegiatan pelatihan pengolahan briket menjadi alternatif pengembangan wirausaha sosial dalam peningkatan ekonomi keluarga sekaligus meminimalisasi permasalahan sampah organik.
Kata Kunci: Sampah Organik, Potensi Aset Sumberdaya, Pemberdayaan Kelompok Tim
Penggerak PKK, Pengolahan Briket
Empowerment programs in Indonesia are manifested in various aspects that touch basic services. The low capacity of the PKK activating team in Deli Tua Timur Village, Deli Tua District, Deli Serdang Regency, in overcoming the problem of domestic waste, especially organic waste. The low ability to process organic waste into organic charcoal briquettes is a business opportunity that can be developed to increase family income. The method used is in the form of briquette processing training, group discussions, organizing and action activities in managing organic waste in a sustainable manner. The training was carried out by making presentations to community members in an interactive and participatory manner related to capacity building in the processing of briquettes from domestic waste carried out by the Implementation Team. After that, appropriate technology assistance is given after the group is really ready to utilize and manage it properly. The briquette processing training activity is an alternative for social entrepreneurship development in improving the family economy while minimizing the problem of organic waste.
Keywords: Organic Waste, Potential Resource Assets, Empowerment of PKK Team Groups, Briquette Processin
Pemberdayaan Pengurus Bumdes dalam Pengembangan Wisata Berbasis Sumber Daya Alam di Desa Buluh Duri Kecamatan Sipispis Kabupaten Serdang Bedagai
Pengembangan wisata arung jeram Desa Buluh Duri melalui pemberdayaan BUMDes masih terkendala dalam berbagai aspek. Aspek tersebut meliputi: peningkatan pelayanan terhadap wisatawan yang mengedepankan kenyamanan, keramahtamahan, kebersihan, aneka makanan halal dengan citarasa yang enak dan terjangkau, ketersediaan infrastruktur yang memadai, menjaga kebersihan lingkungan dari timbulan sampah organik dan non organik. Kondisi ini ditindaklanjuti dengan melakukan program pengabdian masyarakat. Kegiatan ini dilakukan untuk merubah pola pikir komunitas dalam memberikan pengembangan kepariwisataan berbasis sumberdaya alam. Kelompok mitra (BUMDes Buduma) mampu menjadi pendorong masyarakat melalui peningkatan kapasitas pengurus BUMDes sebagai pengembang kawasan wisata secara berkelanjutan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat kemitraan mono tahun reguler ini adalah memberdayakan pengurus BUMDes Buduma melalui pelatihan perubahan mindset pelayanan wisata, pelatihan berpikir kreatif dan inovatif dan pelatihan pengelolaan kawasan wisata arung jeram yang berbasis sumberdaya alam dalam menciptakan desa wisata yang bersih dan menjadi sumber pendapatan masyarakat desa. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan dalam kegiatan ini: Sosialisasi dan Pelatihan Pengembangan Kepariwisataan Berbasis Sumberdaya Alam (perubahan mindset tentang pelayanan wisata, tata cara keramahtamahan, kenyamanan, penyediaan kuliner yang enak, halal dan bersih, pengelolaan sampah), Pengorganisasian Secara Partisipatoris, Monitoring dan Evaluasi.
Pengurus BUMDes harus memiliki kemampuan memahami potensi desa, menyusun tata kelola yang baik dimulai dari rencana sumberdaya yang dibutuhkan, jenis usaha yang dikembangkan, proses pelaksanaan secara partisipatif, transparan dan akuntabel. Kondisi eksisting BUMDes Lubuk Kertang masih perlu pembenahan dari pemahaman potensi desa, tata kelola, pemilihan dan pengembangan jenis usaha yang dikelola BUMDes secara berkelanjutan.Metode dalam kegiatan ini adalah melalui sosialisasi kegiatan pelatihan penguatan ekonomi BUMDes Lubuk Kertang Melalui Pemetaan potensi desa secara partisipatif, pelatihan penguatan ekonomi BUMDes Lubuk Kertang melalui pemetaan potensi desa secara partisipatif, penguatan tata Kelola melalui pengembangan unit usaha BUMDes Lubuk Kertang, serta monitoring dan evaluasi. Hasil dari program kemitraan kepada masyarakat ini adalah kelompok mitra dapat meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengelola BUMDes dengan memilih dan mengembangkan jenis-jenis usaha yang ada berdasarkan potensi sumberdaya lokal desa melalui pemetaan potensi desa secara partisipatif dalam melakukan tata kelola BUMDes yang baik dan benar, sehingga mampu bersinergi dengan Pemerintah Desa Lubuk Kertang dan masyarakat sebagai pelaku wirausaha desa.
Kata Kunci: Peningkatan Kemampuan, Tata Kelola, Potensi Desa, Pemilihan dan
Pengembangan Unit Usaha
Administrators must have the ability to understand the potential of the village, formulate good governance starting from the resource plan needed, the type of business developed, the implementation process in a participatory, transparent and accountable manner. The existing condition of BUMDes Lubuk Kertang still needs improvement from the understanding of village potential, governance, selection and development of types of businesses managed by BUMDes in a sustainable manner. The method in this activity is through the dissemination of training activities for economic strengthening of the Lubuk Kertang BUMDes through participatory mapping of village potentials, training on strengthening the economy of the Lubuk Kertang BUMDes through participatory mapping of village potential, strengthening governance through the development of the Lubuk Kertang BUMDes business unit, and monitoring and evaluation. The result of this partnership program with the community is that partner groups can improve their ability to manage BUMDes by selecting and developing existing types of businesses based on the potential of village local resources through participatory mapping of village potentials in carrying out good and correct BUMDes governance, so that they can work together. with the Lubuk Kertang Village Government and the community as village entrepreneurs.
Keywords: Capacity Building, Village Potential, Selection and Development Business Uni
The Influences of Organizational Culture, Job Satisfaction and Motivation on Employee Performances at PT Sumatra Sistem Integrasi Medan
Good and professional management is important for a company or organization in achieving the goals. The application of good values in organizational culture is needed in increasing cooperation between employees in the company. Satisfaction is an achievement of a good work environment that is in line with expectations. Good cooperation between employees and in accordance with expectations, it will provide a strong enthusiasm to work and provide the best performance. This study aims to analyze the influences of organizational culture, job satisfaction and motivation on employee performances at PT Sumatra Sistem Integrasi Medan. The populations in this study are the employees of PT Sumatra Sistem Integrasi Medan with a sample as much as 113 respondents. The sampling technique is simple random sampling and using a questionnaire as a research instrument. This research used multiple linear regression analysis methods to find out the influences of organizational culture, job satisfaction and motivation on employees performances at PT Sumatra Sistem Integrasi Medan. Based on the data, hypotesis were then tested using F-test and T-test. The results showed that organizational culture, job satisfaction and motivation partially and simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on employee performance. These results indicate that the better the organizational culture, the higher job satisfaction and motivation will improve employee performance
Pengaruh Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Terhadap Kinerja Melalui Kompetensi Bidan: Studi Kuantitatif
Kinerja individu sangat mempengaruhi hasil dalam sebuah tugas yang kerjakan. Namun untuk mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal maka diperlukan pencapaian kompetensi yang baik melalui keikutsertaan dalam program pendidikan dan pelatihan/diklat. Kompetensi yang rendah diduga dipengaruhi oleh pendidikan dan pelatihan/diklat yang kurang efektif, salah satunya disebabkan karena kurangnya pelaksanaan kegiatan Diklat itu sendiri. Tujuan umum dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan dan pelatihan/diklat terhadap kinerja melalui kompetensi bidan di UPTD Puskesmas Kecamatan Gunungsitoli.Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode kausalitas yang tujuan untuk melihat sebab akibat antara variable dan desain yang digunakan adalah cross sectional. Adapun populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh bidan di wilayah kerja UPTD Puskesmas Kecamatan Gunungsitoli berjumlah 96 orang dan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dimana pemilihan sampel berdasarkan kriteria yang ditentukan oleh peneliti yaitu bidan ASN yang pernah mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan/diklat berjumlah 55 orang. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner yang telah dilakukan uji validasi dan hasil dari pengumpulan data penelitian di analisis menggunakan uji analisis path. Sesuai dengan hasil uji yang didapatkan nilai P-value yaitu 0,000 yang artinya lebih kecil dari 0,05. Dari hasil uji tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pendidikan dan pelatihan sangat berpengaruh terhadap kinerja, dimana bidan yang sudah mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan memiliki kinerja yang baik daripada bidan yang belum mengikuti pendidikan dan pelatihan dilihat dari segi manajemen dan pelayanan. Dalam penelitian ini kompetensi berpengaruh besar dalam penilaian kinerja, dimana kompetensi digunakan sebagai alat ukur yang dapat menentukan baik tidaknya suatu kinerja. Hal ini juga terjawab dari hasil penelitian dimana nilai kompetensi dengan P-value 0,000 yang artinya lebih kecil dari 0,05. Dari hasil tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa bidan yang memiliki kompetensi memiliki kinerja yang baik dan sebaliknya jika bidan tidak memiliki kompetensi maka kinerjanya kurang baik. Dari Hasil penelitian yang sudah dilakukan maka dapat disimpulkan adanya pengaruh pendidikan dan pelatihan/diklat terhadap kinerja melalui kompetensi bidan. Untuk selanjutnya hasil penelitian ini dapat menjadi dasar bagi puskesmas dalam mengembangkan kompetensi dan kinerja staf dan pegawai yang bekerja di wilayah kerja UPTD Puskesmas Kecamatan Gunungsitoli baik bidan ASN maupun bidan tenaga sukarela dengan tujuan adanya peningkatan mutu dan kinerja
This research aims to find out the influence of motivation, competence, and incentive variables
toward employee performance. Population of this research is all employees of PT. Sianjur Resort,
Medan, Indonesia that is, 37 people. The sample is selected using total population sampling
method. The data is collected using questionnaires, while it is analyzed using multiple linear
regression analysis. The research results prove that motivation, competence, and incentive
simultaneously give significant influence toward employee performance. Motivation,
competence, and incentive partially give significant influence toward employee performance. It
is recommended that PT. Sianjur Resort pay more attention to aspects that can increase employee
performance such as giving incentive regularly and fairly so that there is no negative perception
among employees about discriminative behaviour by the employer in term of giving incentive. It
is also suggested that PT. Sianjur Resort’s employees increase their performance based on
motivation, competence, and incentive that have been given, such as increasing self-competence
without waiting for the command from the employer, so self-performance can be more increased
Compensation, employee performance, and mediating role of retention : a study of differential semantic scales
Compensation has a high effect on employee retention within a company because with satisfactory compensation, employees will feel that the company is caring about employee needs.
This study examines the effect of compensation on employee performance. The study was conducted in the hospitality industry in Medan City, North Sumatra, Indonesia. A total of 200 employees from 5 hotels in Medan City were taken as sample. Data were analyzed by using SMART PLS program.
The results show that compensation has a significant positive effect on performance; compensation has a significant positive effect on retention; retention has a significant positive effect on performance; retention mediates the effect of compensation on performance.
The result of the research is expected to give different perspective and novelty to the improvement of hotel employee performance in Medan City, North Sumatera.peer-reviewe
Rational, emotional and spiritual marketing strategies in Shariah banking in Medan, Indonesia
This study was aimed to discover the direct influences of rational, emotional, and spiritual marketing on satisfaction, trust, and loyalty of Shariah banking customers in Medan. This study was an associative research, which is a research connecting two variables or more to see the influence of one variable on another. This study was conducted by means of an exploratory approach. The population in this study was Shariah Banking customers in Medan. Total sample was 200 customers from 64 branches of Shariah banks across Medan. By using path analysis with SPSS 21 program, the results showed that there were direct and indirect influences of rational, emotional, and spiritual marketing on customer satisfaction, trust, and loyalty. Only emotional marketing variable had insignificant influence on the satisfaction of Shariah banking customers in Medan. This study was limited to impact of rational, emotional, spiritual marketing variables on satisfaction, trust, and loyalty of Shariah banking customers. Other variables which influence satisfaction, trust, and loyalty such as customer relationship management (CRM) and portfolio performance should be used, because they’re factors which influence consumer behavior. For Shariah banking in Medan, the research result was expected to give useful suggestions and inputs for Shariah banking in Medan in implementing marketing strategies, especially rational, emotional, and spiritual
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of Education and Training on the Performance of the Civil Servants at the North Sumatra Regional Police. This is a type of survey research with an associative quantitative approach, that is the research that aims to find out the link between two or more variables. The variables associated in this research are: education variables (X1), and training (X2); on the performance of the civil servants. The research population, who will be sampled, are the civil servants who were following the training in 2017. While the determination of the sample uses the total sampling method, thus there are 67 samples. The data collection method uses questionnaires, and the data analysis uses multiple linear regression analysis, both by using the F test simultaneously and the t-test partially. The results of the research shows that education and training simultaneously have a significant influence on the performance of the civil servants. A partial education has a significant influence on the performance of the civil servants. A partial training has a significant influence on the performance of the civil servants