2,178 research outputs found
Using Chain Massage Game to Support Young Learners’ VAK Learning Style
The research examined the use of a chain massage game to accommodate the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning style of the young learners. It discovered how the teacher prepared and implemented the chain massage games, and how it accommodated and profited the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic students learning style. This research was a qualitative study and used observation and interview as the data collection techniques. The result showed that the teacher prepared and applied the chain massage game very well, could control all the students, and did all the steps she planned in applying the game in the class, and the students learned English excitedly. Furthermore, it was revealed that there were four advantages of using chain massage game. The first advantage is that playing the game fosters interaction between the teacher and students, as well as between students and their classmates. Second, instruction becomes more student-centered. Third, engaging students in the teaching-learning process through the chain message game is successful, especially at the elementary level. The fourth advantage is that the chain massage game enables students to practice new vocabulary
Taking TOEFL test is one of the graduation requirements for non-English learners. Nevertheless, some of the learners still face difficulties in answering the test, especially on the listening section as it is regarded as the most difficult one for non-English learners. Because of that reason, the learners need to join strategy training program in order to learn the appropriate strategy to answer TOEFL listening questions. Thus, this research was carried out to investigate the strategies trained by the instructor of the TOEFL listening section in teaching non-English University learners, the way the strategies trained and the effects of those strategies on the learners’ listening ability as an attempt to help the learners to cope with their difficulties. By employing largely a descriptive qualitative research, this study was conducted at one language center in Bandung, West Java, involving the instructor of the listening TOEFL section and 25 learners enrolling in his class. The data were collected through observation, interview, questionnaire and pre-test post test result. An eight-meeting observation was carried out in two months. The interviews were addressed to both the instructor and four of his learners. The questionnaire was distributed to all of the learners. And the result of pre-test and post-test were measured by using t-test. The results of this research show that there are 22 strategies trained by the instructor which are effective in helping learners to choose the right answers in the TOEFL listening section. Among the 22 strategies, 17 strategies were found in part A, and 5 others were found in part B and part C. There are three stages conducted by the instructor in applying strategy training; pre-teaching, whilst-teaching and post-teaching. The results further reveal that the strategies improve the learners’ listening ability and their TOEFL score, especially in the listening section; familiar with the strategies of TOEFL listening and can apply it; familiar with english text; and enjoy english more which encourages them to use English for communication.
Mengikuti tes TOEFL adalah salah satu persyaratan bagi mahasiswa non-bahasa Inggris. Namun begitu, sebahagian mahasiswa masih menghadapi kesulitan dalam menjawab soal-soal pada tes tersebut, khususnya pada sesi menyimak yang diketahui sebagai sesi tersulit bagi mahasiswa non-bahasa Inggris. Karena alasan tersebut, mahasiswa perlu mengikuti program strategi training untuk mempelajari strategi dalam menjawab pertanyaan pada sesi menyimak. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini ini dilakukan untuk menginvestigasi strategi yang di ajarkan oleh instruktur TOEFL dalam mengajarkan mahasiswa non-bahasa Inggris, cara strategi tersebut di ajarkan, dan efek dari strategi tersebut pada kemampuan menyimak mahasiswa. Dengan melaksanakan peneliatian kualitatif, penelitian ini dilaksanakan disalah satu Balai Bahasa di Bandung, Jawa Barat, melibatkan instruktur dari TOEFL dan 25 orang mahasiswa yang mengikuti kelasnya. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara, angket, dan hasil pre tes dan post test. Delapan pertemuan diobservasi selama dua bulan. Wawancaea diajukan kepada instruktur dan empat orang mahasiswa. Angket diberikan kepada semua mahasiswa. Dan hasil pre test dan post tes dihitung dengan menggunakan t-tes. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan ada 22 strategi yang diajarkan yang efektif dalam membantu mahasiswa dalma menjawab pertanyaan menyimak TOEFL, ada 17 strategi untuk sesi A dan 5 strategi untuk sesi B dan C. Ada tiga tahap pengajaran yang dilakukan oleh instruktur, pre-teaching, whislt-teaching dan post-teaching. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi yang di ajarkan meningkatkan kemampuan menyimah mahasiswa, mereka menjadi familiar dengan strategi dalam menjawab pertanyaan menyimak TOEFL, dan mereka juga menyukai bahasa Inggris sehingga mendorong mereka dalam menggunakan bahasa inggris lebih sering
Kereta api merupakan transportasi yang menghasilkan tingkat kebisingan yang tinggi. Personel kabin sebagai orang yang pekerjaannya mengendarai kereta api akan selalu terpapar kebisingan serta memiliki peluang lebih besar mengalami stres kerja akibat kebisingan yang akan berpengaruh pada performa kerjanya sehingga dapat membahayakan penumpang maupun terjadinya kecelakaan kereta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dampak tingkat kebisingan dengan stres kerja personel kabin KA Kaligung Loko CC 201 DAOP IV Semarang. Tingkat kebisingan diukur menggunakan Noise Dosimeter dan stres kerja diukur menggunakan kuesioner DASS 21. Hubungan antar variabel dianalisis menggunakan program SPSS dengan metode chi square.
Responden yang diambil merupakan masinis KA Kaligung Loko CC 201 sebanyak 30 orang dan sebagai pembanding diambil 30 orang pekerja Stasiun Poncol sebagai variabel kontrol. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara kenaikan tingkat stres kerja dengan kebisingan (sig. ,000). Berdasarkan sampling kebisingan dengan metode case control selama 3 hari pada kabin masinis KA Kaligung Loko CC 201 menghasilkan nilai kebisingan diatas ambang batas selama 4 jam 47 menit sebesar 87 dBA yaitu masing masing 88 dBA, 93 dBA, dan 90 dBA. Tingkat kebisingan stasiun sebagai kontrol adalah 74,78 dBA dan hasil tersebut berada dibawah nilai ambang batas kebisingan selama 8 jam yaitu 85 dBA. Sementara rata rata kenaikan stres kerja pada personel kabin adalah 3,6 point. Sedangkan rata rata penurunan stres kerja pada pekerja stasiun adalah 3.3 point. Dari 30 orang personel kabin terdapat 26 responden mengalami kenaikan tingkat stres kerja, 3 orang responden mengalami penurunan tingkat stres kerja dan 1 orang responden memiliki tingkat stres yang tetap.
Kata kunci :Personel Kabin, Tingkat Kebisingan, Stres Kerj
Pengembangan Media Jam Materi Mengenal Satuan Waktu Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Untuk Siswa Kelas II SDN 17 Pekanbaru
Tujuan yang ingin di capai peneliti yakni agar memahami proses pengembangan media pembelajaran jam materi mengenal satuan waktu pada pembelajaran matematika dan hasil validitas dari media yang telah dikembangkan. Desain penelitian ini memakai R&D, yakni research and development. R&D dipakai memakai model pengembangan ADDIE disederhanakan mulai tahap analisis (analysis), desain (design), pengembangan (development). Tahapan model ADDIE disederhanakan karena terbatasnya waktu dalam penelitian. Instrumen pengumpulan data dipakai adalah lembar validasi para ahli. Teknik pengumpulan data yakni lembar validasi, observasi dan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Hasil penelitian ini yakni 1) Materi Jam dinyatakan layak didasari hasil validasi angket validator materi dimana memeroleh persentas 92%; 2) Media jam satuan waktu dinyataakan valid didasarkan hasil validasi ahli materi akan skor 96%
Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Scrapbook dalam Pembelajaran Tematik Bagi Guru-guru di SDN 57 Kota Bengkulu
The purpose of this service is to equip teachers with the ability to design media in order to improve the learning process and learning outcomes to achieve the specified KKM value. Teachers must be able to design efficient and effective media for each material being taught, for example designing scrapbook media. Not all teachers have the knowledge and skills to make scrapbook media. Therefore, it is necessary to assist in the manufacture of scrapbook media. The place chosen for the service is SDN 57 Kota Bengkulu. The teachers at SDN 57 Kota Bengkulu do not yet have knowledge in making scrapbook media. During the activity, the teachers were very enthusiastic about participating in the pre-test, question-and-answer, material presentation, and making media scrapbooks. In the practice of making scrapbook media, the Bengkulu folklore scrapbook media "Puyuh yang Cerdik" is produced. The choice of using scrapbook media as a medium in learning is very appropriate, because the concrete scrapbook media is in accordance with the child's thinking stage, namely concrete thinking. Keywords: Media, Scrapbook, Development and Creativit
Water-saving Rice Production Technologies in Krishna Western Delta Command of Andhra Pradesh – An Economic Analysis
The economic analysis of water-saving rice production technologies, viz. system of rice intensification (SRI), semi-dry and rotational irrigation vis-à-vis farmers’ practice has been carried out based on the study executed in Modukuru pilot area of Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh. Among the three water-saving rice production technologies analyzed, the total cost of cultivation has been recorded highest in SRI (Rs 58645/ha), followed by rotational (Rs 47140/ha) and semi-dry (Rs 39321/ha). But, the per hectare yield has been found highest in SRI (6.85 t), followed by semi-dry (6.66 t) and rotational (6.2 t), inferring that all the three technologies have recorded higher yields over farmers’ practice of 5.5 t/ha. However, the net returns and B-C ratio are maximum in semi-dry (Rs 43,484/ha; 1.11), followed by rotational (Rs 30,085; 0.64) and SRI (Rs 26,466/ha; 0.45) methods. Similarly, the water-use efficiency has been found highest in SRI (8.53 kg/ ha-mm), followed by semi-dry (8.02 kg/ha-mm) and rotational (7.33 kg/ ha-mm) methods, while the water-use efficiency benefit (Rs/ha-mm) has been recorded maximum in semi-dry (52.39), followed by SRI (42.08) and rotational (35.56) methods. With the initiation of Andhra Pradesh Water Management Project, Bapatla, the area under semi-dry rice cultivation has been found increasing over a period of four years, from 0.6 ha in 2004-2005 to 22 ha in 2007 -2008.Agricultural and Food Policy,
Indirect written feedback is crucial to be conducted since errors are unavoidable in the process of writing. However, many studies have been undertaken in university contexts. Thus, this qualitative case study was carried out to examine a teacher's indirect written feedback practices in senior high school context. The data were obtained from observations, document analysis, and semi-structured interviews through purposive sampling. The findings revealed that coded feedback was mainly used, supplemented by uncoded feedback and commentary. These imply that the coding system is effective in guiding the students to be problem solvers and independent writers. However, the teacher's inconsistency in giving codes emerged because of the use of a large number of codes. Thus, it is suggested to reduce the number of codes and provide sufficient activity to increase students' understanding of the codes. The results of the study are significant to help teachers adjust appropriate methods to teach writing. The results also give long-term benefits for the development of students' writing ability. For further research, it is important to analyze the effect of indirect written feedback strategies on the students' revisions as well as students' preferences on these strategies
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan terhadap kinerja keuangan antara sebelum dan saat pandemi pada perusahaan Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant COVID-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder yaitu laporan keuangan periode triwulan II tahun 2018 hingga triwulan III tahun 2021. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah adalah deskriptif kuntitatif, dengan alat statistik Uji beda Paired Sample T-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rasio CR tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara sebelum dan saat pandemi covid-19. Sedangkan ROA dan DER memiliki perbedaan yang signifikan antara sebelum dan saat pandemi Covid-19, perusahaan mengalami pertumbuhan negatif saat adanya pandemi Covid-19
Circular Ribbon Antenna Array Design For Imaging Application
Our goal is to develop THz module on chip to visualize bone grinding atthe early stage so that arthritis can be visualized and treated early. A criticalcomponent of such module is antenna. A compact 4 by 4 beamformingantenna array for biomedical application is presented in this paper. Weare proposing a novel antenna which is in the form of a circular ribbonshape with a gold patch. Gold material for the patch is used to enhance itsconductivity and to cut down backward radiation. Differential port pin usedto increase the bandwidth. Au-posts are finally used for output connection.The proposed antenna operates over the frequency band from 201 GHz tomore than 228 GHz. Directivity and gain of the proposed antenna are 13dB and 7 dB respectively. This makes it applicable for imaging systemsbecause of the frequency band for biomedical imaging. Index Terms—Beamforming antenna, antenna array, Advanced design system (ADS),Biomedical imaging
Wireless Power Transfer for 6G Network Using Monolithic Components on GaN
A novel architecture for Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) module usingmonolithic components on GaN is presented in this paper. The design ofsuch a WPT module receives DC power from solar panels, consists ofphotonic power converter (PPC), beamforming antenna, low pass filter,input matching network, rectifier, output matching network and logic circuit(off-chip) which are all integrated on a GaN chip. Our WPT componentsshow excellent simulated performance, for example, our novel beamforming antenna and multiple port wideband antenna have a gain of 8.7 dBand 7.3 dB respectively. We have added a band pass filter to the rectifieroutput which gives two benefits to the circuit. The first one is filteringcircuit will remove unwanted harmonics before collecting DC power andsecond is filter will boost the efficiency of rectifier by optimizing the loadimpedance. Our proposed rectifier has RF-DC conversion efficiency of74% and 67% with beam-forming antenna and multiple port wide bandantenna respectively. Our WPT module is designed to charge a rechargeablebattery (3 V and 1 mA) of a radio module which will be used between twoantennas in future 5G networks. We believe our proposed WPT modulearchitecture is unique and it is applicable to both microwave and millimeterwave systems such as 6G
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