3 research outputs found

    Bir olgu sunumu: Olağandışı over lokalizasyonu ve müller kanalı anomalili hastada başarılı gebelik

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    In this article we aimed to describe the clinical findings in a patient with subhepatic right ovary and müllerian duct anomalies who was successfully treated with in vitro fertilization (IVF) due to male factor infertility. Ovarian maldescent is a rare condition, and ovary localization can be seen up to the subhepatic region. This unusual ovarian localization suggests ovarian maldescent can be anywhere between the liver and pelvic brim When required, transabdominal ultrasound-guided oocyte retrieval and IVF can be performed successfully.Sağ over lokalizasyonu subhepatik alanda izlenen ve Müller kanal anomalileri bulunan bu olguda male faktör sebebiyle ıvf uygulanmıştır. İnmemiş over lokalizasyonu nadir görülmekle birlikte , görüldüğünde sıklıkla pelvis giriminde olmaktadır. Bu olguda literaütrde ilk defa bu kadar yüksek seviyede yani subhepatik bölgede yerleşmiş bir over lokalizasyonu belirtilmiştir. Male faktör sebebiyle IVF uygulanan hastaya abdominal oosit toplama işlemi yapılmış, inmemiş over olgularında overin pelvik giriminden subhepatik alana kadar herhangi bir alanda olabileceği fikri savunulmuştur

    The relationship of seminal leptin levels with semen parameters and dna fragmentation

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    Amaç: Bu çalışmamızda insan semen leptin düzeylerini ve semen parametreleri ile ilişkisinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Materyal ve Metod: YNormal ve oligoastenoteratospermik 30 hastalık gruplar oluşturuldu. Hastaların semen örneklerinde leptin ve DNA fragmantasyon düzeyleri incelendi, ayrıca sperm sayısını ve motilite oranlarını içeren semen parametreleri de- ğerlendirildi. Bulgular: İnfertil hastalarda sperm sayısı ve motilite oranları normal gruba göre anlamlı olarak azalmıştır: 6,40±4,29 (x106/ mL), % 38,63±14,92 (p<0,0001). DNA fragmantasyon oranları normal grupta % 21,00±8,23 olarak gözlenirken infertil erkeklerde % 38,43±14,23 oranıyla anlamlı olarak yüksek bulunmuş, semen leptin oraları ise normal grupta 347,58±111,13 ng/mL olarak gözlenirken, infertil grupta 267,63±56,36 ng/mL düzeyi ile anlamlı olarak azaldığı gözlenmiştir. İnfertil gruplar kendi içinde incelendiği zaman ise semen leptin düzeyi ile yaş, volüm, sperm sayısı ve motilitesi arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olacak bir ilişki saptanmamıştır. Sonuç: Çalışmamızda, oligoastenoteratozoospermik erkek infertilitesinde serum leptin seviyelerinin azalmış olduğunu, ama sperm motilitesi ile anlamlı bir ilikinin bulunmadı gözlemlenmiştir. Leptinin semende tanısal bir kriter olarak kullanılabilmesi için daha geni kapsamlı çalışmaların yapılması gerektiği düşünülmektedir.Objective: The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between human seminal leptin levels and semen parameters.Material and Methods: Study groups include 30 males with oligoasthenoteratozoospermia and 30 males who have normal semen parameters. Leptin and DNA fragmentation levels were investigated in both groups, along with a variety of semen parameters including sperm count and motility.Results: In comparison with the normal males, sperm count and motility have decreased significantly in infertile patients: 6,40&plusmn;4,29(x106/mL), %, 38,63&plusmn;14,92 (p&lt;0,0001). DNA fragmentation levels were found as 21,00&plusmn;8,23 % and 38,43&plusmn;14,23 %, in normal and patient groups respectively. Seminal leptin levels were 347,58&plusmn;111,13 ng/mL in the normal group, while there was a significant decrease to 267,63&plusmn;56,36 ng/mL in the infertile group. Among infertile patient groups, no significant difference was observed regarding the relationship between seminal leptin levels and age, volume, sperm count and motility.Conclusion: In our study it was demonstrated that, serum leptin levels decrease in oligoasthenoteratozoospermic infertile males, while there is not a significant relation with the motility of sperm. In order to use seminal leptin levels as a diagnostic tool more extensive studies are needed

    Leptin in sperm analysis can be a new indicator

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    WOS: 000461000600006PubMed ID: 30482507Purpose Radiotherapy, chemotherapy, various tumors and invasive surgery can result in ejaculatory dysfunction and testicular insufficiency. Sperm cryopreservation is the only method which can provide a baby for couples. Cryopreservation freezes tissues and cells, allowing them to be stored for future use by stopping all biological activities. Cryopreservation can cause some harmful changes in the structure and function of the sperm. Leptin molecule plays many roles in most biological processes including the satiety and cell renewal, proliferation, angiogenesis, modulation of energy expenditure and regulation of the neuroendocrine system. Leptin was also reported to be associated with spermatogenesis in several studies. Methods This study aims to use leptin molecule as a parameter for sperm motility and DNA fragmentation before and after the cryopreservation. In this study, semen samples were taken from 30 normospermic male volunteers. Each semen sample was examined for the same parameters before and after the cryopreservation. Samples were analyzed before and after cryopreservation in terms of sperm motility by morphological sperm analysis with spermac stain dye, DNA fragmentation by TUNEL assay, ultrastructural analysis with transmission electron microscopy (TEM), seminal leptin levels by ELISA method and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels by colorimetric method. Results Decreased sperm motility, distribution of sperm morphology and increased DNA fragmentation were determined after cryopreservation. Similarly, seminal ROS and leptin levels were also increased significantly. There was a negative correlation between seminal leptin and sperm motility. Additionally, there was a positive correlation between seminal leptin and DNA fragmentation. Conclusion According to these results, leptin molecule can be used as a marker for sperm motility and DNA fragmentation before and after cryopreservation. We think that the results of this study can contribute to further studies in the clinical aspect.Research Fund of Medipol University-Istanbul/Turkey [BAP 86770134-604/13]This study was supported by the Research Fund of Medipol University (BAP 86770134-604/13)-Istanbul/Turkey as Msc. thesis. We thank Dr. M. Serif Aydin for contributions in the laboratory