66 research outputs found

    Phase gate and readout with an atom/molecule hybrid platform

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    We suggest a combined atomic/molecular system for quantum computation, which takes advantage of highly developed techniques to control atoms and recent experimental progress in manipulation of ultracold molecules. We show that two atoms of different species in a given site, {\it e.g.}, in an optical lattice, could be used for qubit encoding, initialization and readout, with one atom carrying the qubit, the other enabling a gate. In particular, we describe how a two-qubit phase gate can be realized by transferring a pair of atoms into the ground rovibrational state of a polar molecule with a large dipole moment, and allowing two molecules to interact via their dipole-dipole interaction. We also discuss how the reverse process of coherently transferring a molecule into a pair of atoms could be used as a readout tool for molecular quantum computers

    Collective Lamb Shift and Modified Linewidth of An Interacting Atomic Gas

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    Finding a comprehensive and general description of the collective Lamb shift and cooperative broadening in a radiatively interacting system is a long-standing open question. Both energy levels and linewidth of individual atoms are modified by the exchange of real and virtual photons making up the dipole-dipole interaction. We introduce a method to theoretically study weakly-driven, low-excited ensembles of two-level atoms, and obtain an analytic description of the collective Lamb shift and linewidth via a self-consistent formalism including infinite order of correlations which stem from only two-body interactions. We predict the dependency of these quantities, as measurables, on system parameters: the number density of the ensemble, the detuning of an external probe field, and the geometry of the sample.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Radiative atom-atom interactions in optically dense media: Quantum corrections to the Lorentz-Lorenz formula

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    Abstract: Generalized single-atom Maxwell-Bloch equations for optically dense media are derived taking into account non-cooperative radiative atom-atom interactions. Applying a Gaussian approximation and formally eliminating the degrees of freedom of the quantized radiation field and of all but a probe atom leads to an effective time-evolution operator for the probe atom. The mean coherent amplitude of the local field seen by the atom is shown to be given by the classical Lorentz-Lorenz relation. The second-order correlations of the field lead to terms that describe relaxation or pump processes and level shifts due to multiple scattering or reabsorption of spontaneously emitted photons. In the Markov limit a non-linear and nonlocal single-atom density matrix equation is derived. To illustrate the effects of the quantum corrections we discuss amplified spontaneous emission and radiation trapping in a dense ensemble of initially inverted two-level atoms and the effects of radiative interactions on intrinsic optical bistability in coherently driven systems

    Superglass formation in an atomic BEC with competing long-range interactions

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    The complex dynamical phases of quantum systems are dictated by atomic interactions that usually evoke an emergent periodic order. Here, we study a quantum many-body system with two competing and substantially different long-range interaction potentials where the dynamical instability towards density order can give way to a superglass phase, i. e., a superfluid disordered amorphous solid, which exhibits local density modulations but no long-range periodic order. We consider a two-dimensional BEC in the Rydberg-dressing regime coupled to an optical standing wave resonator. The dynamic pattern formation in this system is governed by the competition between the two involved interaction potentials: repulsive soft-core interactions arising due to Rydberg dressing and infinite-range sign changing interactions induced by the cavity photons. The superglass phase is found when the two interaction potentials introduce incommensurate length scales. The dynamic formation of this peculiar phase without any externally added disorder is driven by quantum fluctuations and can be attributed to frustration induced by the two competing interaction energies and length scales.Comment: new title, added reference
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