13 research outputs found

    Boolean Matching for Complex PLBs in LUT-based FPGAs with Application to Architecture Evaluation

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    In this paper, we developed Boolean matching techniques for complex programmable logic blocks (PLBs) in LUT-based FPGAs. A complex PLB can not only be used as a K-input LUT, but also can implement some wide functions of more than K variables. We apply previous and develop new functional decomposition methods to match wide functions to PLBs. We can determine exactly whether a given wide function can be implemented with a XC4000 CLB or other three PLB architectures (including the XC5200 CLB). We evaluate functional capabilities of the four PLB architectures on implementing wide functions in MCNC benchmarks. Experiments show that the XC4000 CLB can be used to implement up to 98% of 6-cuts and 88% of 7-cuts in MCNC benchmarks, while two of the other three PLB architectures have a smaller cost in terms of logic capability per silicon area. Our results are useful for designing future logic unit architectures in LUT based FPGAs

    Partially-Dependent Functional Decomposition with Applications in FPGA Synthesis and Mapping

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    In this paper, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of partially-dependent functional decomposition and develop new algorithms to compute such decompositions. We apply our method to the synthesis and mapping for Xilinx XC4000 FPGA's which contain non-uniform sizes of LUT's in its architecture. We develop a new mapping algorithm named PDDMAP which uses CLB's to cover nodes on critical paths for depth minimization and uses LUT's to cover non-critical nodes for area minimization. On average, PDDMAP is able to reduce the depth by 13% with only 1% of increase in area comparing to the results by FlowMap followed by a CLB generation procedure match_4k. We also develop a postmapping procedure named PDDSYN which resynthesizes mapping solutions to reduce the mapping area. On average, PDDSYN is able to improve PDDMAP mapping solutions by 5% in depth and 7% in CLB count, and achieves 8% smaller depth and 11% fewer CLB count comparing to FlowSyn followed by match_4k

    Structural Gate Decomposition for Depth-Optimal Technology Mapping in LUT-based FPGA Design

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    In this paper, we study the problem of decomposing gates in fanin-unbounded or K-bounded networks such that the K-input LUT mapping solutions computed by a depthoptimal mapper have minimum depth. We show (1) any decomposition leads to a smaller or equal mapping depth regardless the decomposition algorithm used, and (2) the problem is NP-hard for unbounded networks when K 3 and remains NP-hard for K-bounded networks when K 5. We propose a gate decomposition algorithm, named DOGMA, which combines level-driven node packing technique (Chortle-d) and the network flow based optimal labeling technique (FlowMap). Experimental results show that networks decomposed by DOGMA allow depthoptimal technology mappers to improve the mapping solutions by up to 11% in depth and up to 35% in area comparing to the mapping results of networks decomposed by other existing decomposition algorithms. 1. Introduction The lookup-table (LUT) based FPGAs have been a popular technology for VLSI ASIC design and s..

    Simultaneous Depth and Area Minimization in LUT-based FPGA Mapping

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    ... FlowMap algorithm, named CutMap, which combines depth and area minimization during the mapping process by computing min-cost min-height K-feasible cuts for critical nodes for depth minimization and computing min-cost Kfeasible cuts for non-critical nodes for area minimization. CutMap guarantees depth-optimal mapping solutions in polynomial time as the FlowMap algorithm but uses considerably fewer K-LUTs. We have implemented CutMap and tested it on the MCNC logic synthesis benchmarks. For depth-optimal mapping solutions, CutMap uses 15% fewer K-LUTs than FlowMap. We also tested CutMap followed by the depth relaxation routines in FlowMap_r algorithm, which achieves area minimization by depth relaxation. CutMap followed FlowMap_r performs better than FlowMap_r

    Structural Gate Decomposition for Depth-Optimal Technology Mapping in LUT-Based FPGA Designs

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    In this paper we study structural gate decomposition in general, simple gate networks for depth-optimal technology mapping using K-input Lookup-Tables (K-LUTs). We show that (1) structural gate decomposition in any K-bounded network results in an optimal mapping depth smaller than or equal to that of the original network, regardless of the decomposition method used; and (2) the problem of structural gate decomposition for depth-optimal technology mapping is NP-hard for K-unbounded networks when K # 3 and remains NP-hard for K-bounded networks when K # 5. Based on these results, we propose two new structural gate decomposition algorithms, named DOGMA and DOGMA-m, which combine the level-driven nodepacking technique (used in Chortle-d) and the network flow-based labeling technique (used in FlowMap) for depth-optimal technology mapping. Experimental results show that (1) among five structural gate decomposition algorithms, DOGMA-m results in the best mapping solutions; and (2) compared with speed_up (an algebraic algorithm) and TOS (a Boolean approach), DOGMA-m completes decomposition of all tested benchmarks in a short time while speed_up and TOS fail in several cases. However, speed_up results in the smallest depth and area in the following technology mapping step

    CONG AND HWANG UCLA CSD TR-950001 Abstract Simultaneous Depth and Area Minimization in LUT-based FPGA Mapping

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    In this paper, we present an improvement of the FlowMap algorithm, named CutMap, which combines depth and area minimization in the mapping process by computing min-cost min-height K-feasible cuts for nodes which are on critical paths for depth minimization and computing min-cost K-feasible cuts for nodes which are not on any critical path for area minimization. CutMap guarantees depth-optimal mapping solutions in polynomial time as the FlowMap algorithm but uses considerably fewer LUTs. We have implemented CutMap and tested it on the MCNC logic synthesis benchmarks. For depth-optimal mapping solutions, CutMap uses 20 % fewer K-LUTs than FlowMap without post-processing, and uses 13 % fewer K-LUTs than FlowMap when post-processing operations for area minimization are applied to both solutions. When targeting for Xilinx X3000 FPGA family, CutMap uses 11 % fewer CLBs than FlowMap. We also tested CutMap followed by the depth relaxation routines in FlowMap_r algorithm, which achieves area minimization by depth relaxation. CutMap followed FlowMap_r performs better than FlowMap_r. 1 CONG AND HWANG UCLA CSD TR-95000