47 research outputs found

    The relationship between career strategies and career success

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    This study examined the relationship between career strategies and career success. The three dimensions that measured career strategies were enhancing promotability, strengthening external contacts, and improving image with superiors. Meanwhile, the dimension that measured career success was subjective career success. Data were gathered through questionnaires administered to employees at a manufacturing organisation (n=185). Correlation and regression analyses were used to examine the relationship between career strategies and career success. The results indicated that there were no relationship between career strategies and career success. Only two of the career strategy dimensions were positively correlated with career success, namely strengthening external contacts and improving image with superiors. The multi-regression results suggested that improving image with superiors was the most important factor in influencing individual’s career success. The findings were discussed and recommendations for future research were also addressed

    Leadership Succession and Strategic Change in Nigerian Commercial Banks

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    The relationship between leadership succession and strategic change is generally examined. However, more needs to be covered in the area. The paper proposed to provide a framework that will examine the relationship between leadership succession and strategic change in the Nigerian Banking sector. The model will help to a better understanding of the direct relationship between leadership succession and strategic change, hence, regulatory agencies, shareholders and board members, as well as management team will benefit from the study outcome

    Individual performance, leadership succession, organizational climate and moderating effect of trust: Data screening and preliminary analysis

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    The main objective of this paper is to present individual performance, leadership succession, organizational climate and moderating effect of trust, data screening processes in the Nigerian commercial banks.Data of the study were collected through research assistant employed, in which 600 questionnaire were sent to employees of the commercial banks.Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20.Thus, response rate and non-respond biased were ascertained, data cleaning, detection of missing data, treatment of univariate and multivariate outliers and descriptive statistics and correlation. The result revealed that the data is suitable for further analysis

    Leadership Succession and Individual Performance in Nigerian Commercial Banks

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    Leadership succession can play a very important role in ensuring better performance of individuals in an organization. However, in Nigerian context especially in the banking sector this issue receives less attention from past researchers. Thus, this is a dire need to explore this issue in the future. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between leadership succession and individual performance in the Nigerian banking industry. The paper proposed to provide a framework that will examine the relationship between leadership succession and individual performance in the Nigerian Banking sector. Keywords: Leadership succession, individual performance, commercial banks, Nigeria

    Career planning as predictor of insurance agents' career satisfaction

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    The career planning role in influencing individual's career satisfaction were well documented.However, the influence of individual career planning in financial institutions, particularly employees in insurance industries has less been examined. Using the career planning model as a guide, this study examined the relationship between individual career planning behaviors with career satisfaction. Questionnaire survey were utilized to examine the influence of career planning (awareness of self and environment, and goal setting) on Malaysian insurance agents' career satisfaction. Data were obtained from 531 insurance agents located in the northern states of Peninsular Malaysia. The result indicated that awareness of self and environment were positively related to career satisfaction.However, goal setting were found to correlate negatively with career satisfaction. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings were also discussed

    The influence of career planning towards insurance agents' strategy for career satisfaction

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    This research reports on the influence of career planning and career strategy on insurance agents' career satisfaction.A total of 531 full-time insurance agents located in the Northern states of Peninsular Malaysia participated in this research. Using hierarchical multiple regression,researchers found that awareness of self and environment were positively related to career strategy and career satisfaction.Goal-setting had a positive relationship with career strategy and a negative influence on career satisfaction.The results further indicated that career strategy partially mediates the relationship between awareness of self and environment and career satisfaction. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings were also discussed

    The Relationship between Career Strategies and Career Success

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    This study examines the relationship between career strategies and career success. The three dimensions that measured career strategies were enhancing promotability, strengthening external contacts, and improving image with superiors. Meanwhile, the dimension that measured career success was subjective career success. Data were gathered through the distribution of questionnaires to employees at a manufacturing organization (n=185). Correlation and regression analysis were used to examine the relationship between career strategies and career success. The results indicated that there were no relationships between overall career strategies and career success. However, in terms of career strategies dimensions, only two were positively correlated with career success, namely, strengthening external pengaruh contacts and improving image with superiors. The multi-regression results suggest that improving image with superiors was the most important factor in influencing individual’s career success. The findings were discussed and recommendations for future research were also put forward.

    The influence of human resource management practices and career strategy on career satisfaction of insurance agents

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    This paper examined individual perceptions of organizational human resource management(HRM) practices and career strategies that influence career satisfaction. This study also proposed that career strategy would mediate the relationship between HRM practices and career satisfaction. Data was gathered through questionnaires from insurance agents (n =531) located in the Northern States of Peninsular Malaysia.Hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that HRM practices (training and development, and compensation) and career strategy were positively correlated to career satisfaction.Results also provided partial support for the mediating role of career strategy on the relationship between HRM practices (training and development, and compensation) and career satisfaction. The findings of this study have the potential to provide ideas to the examined insurance companies in order for them to assert more efforts to improve the availability and effectiveness of their training and development programs, and design more attractive compensation packages for their employees

    The relationship between HRM practices and career success

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    The main purpose of this paper is to highlight the relationship between individual’s perception on the organizational HRM practices and career success. The three dimensions that measured perception on organizational HRM practices were compensation, performance appraisal, and training and development.While, the dimension that measured career success were subjective career success. In order to examine the relationship, a quantitative method was employed and questionnaires were used as an instrument.The sample of the study consists of 30 insurance agents representing two insurance agencies. Correlation analysis was used to examine the relationship between perception on HRM practices and career success.The results indicated that insurance agents’ perception on organizational HRM practices are significant predictor of their career success. The research and practical implications were also addressed

    Organizational justice in human resource management

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    Organisation justice is conceptualized as a multidimensional construct.Organizational justice can affect not only the long term viability of an organization but also to a large extent determine the economic well being of a nation and its competitiveness in the global front.It is therefore have a great impact to the organizations especially in term of relationship between employer and employee.Treating employees unfairly could create negative attitudes (e.g. unlikely to accept job order, poorer performance,intentionally breaking the rules and regulations, etc.) among employees toward the management of an organization. Hence, lot of studies were made in order to increase fairness in the workplace which is a key factor for manager in reaching organizational goals that led to the successful of a nation as a whole