6 research outputs found

    Improvement of line image reproduction in the system of prepress engineer work

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    In order to optimise the process of prepress engineer work, it is necessary to provide a high-quality display of the line image, which ensures the most accurate transfer of the geometric dimensions of individual elements. The purpose of the article was to determine the degree of influence of the binarization threshold on the resolution value of raster line images. The experiments were based on the use of general scientific methods of analysis, generalisation, classification, deduction. To assess the quality of line image reproduction in this paper, photoforms were employed using a line test object which was designed as an accurate photograph with the use of an optical density distribution profile. The paper examines the influence of various parameters of raster structures on the playback quality of reproductions. The specifics of using a photo output device as the main link, which ensures the reproduction quality of image details, have been determined. The geometry of the raster structure when using rotation angles with rational tangents has been analysed. Features of the Accurate Screening technology have been systematised. The difference between “rational” and “irrational” rasterization methods has been considered. The main aspects of the use of line details in the reproduction process have been considered. The proposed method for assessing the quality of a line image reproduction with an uneven edge has been called the “signal-to-noise ratio” method, and it has been concluded that the scanning stage affects the quality of image reproduction to a greater extent than the photo output. The practical result of the work is the development of recommendations that can find practical application in reproduction processes. The developed binarization algorithms allow processing of images with significant zonal brightness unevenness, with monotonous brightness areas, and highly noisy image

    Methodology for developing an information site with Workflow support for publishing articles

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    The Workflow system is an effective solution to the task of optimizing information flow in the electronic publishing system, which can reduce the number of errors and optimize the process of publishing articles. The purpose of this article was to create a methodology for developing an information site for web publishing. To achieve the goal of the research, scientific methods of generalization, classification, deduction and analysis were used. A problem-solving tree has also been created. The ultimate goal of overcoming this problem is the development of an information site with Workflow support. The study outlines the general structure of sections and subdivisions of the information site. In the context of this article, a methodology was developed to support the process of publishing articles on an information site based on the use of a modern content management system. For this purpose, the key criteria for a basic decision-making model for choosing a content management system were proposed and a rating of free content management systems was given. As a result of the analysis of the proposed criteria, it was concluded that the Joomla tool environment should be used to support web publishing processes. The paper compares the components of the Workflow organization on the information site. An algorithm for selecting a component for organizing the Workflow has been created. In order to create a site with Workflow support for publishing articles, the stages of development were planned, a list of criteria, based on which the development should be carried out, was proposed and a structural diagram for creating such site was given. The limitations of the created methodology for the development of an information site, which may arise in the process of practical implementation and adoption of relevant management decisions, are considered. The practical result of the work is recommendations for web developers to create an information site with Workflow support for publishing article

    Chlorine-binding structures: role and organization in different proteins

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    The review focuses on chloride-binding structures in the proteins of bacteria, plants, viruses and animals. The structure and amino acid composition of the chloride-binding site and its role in the functioning of structural, regulatory, transport, receptor, channel proteins, transcription factors and enzymes are considered. Data on the important role of chloride-binding structures and chloride anions in the polymerization of fibrin are presented

    Methodology for developing an intelligent user interface for educational publications in the e-learning system

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    The article analyzes special features and principles of constructing the user interface and substantiates the authors methodical approach to the development of the intellectual user interface of educational publications in the e-learning system. Besides, the “user interface” concept is analyzed and types of user interfaces are considered. For representatives of each representative system, the article gives a list of typical ways of perceiving environmental information that should be considered in developing the user interface of educational publications. The main features of procedurally-oriented and object-oriented types of user interface are considered and their main parameters are presented. The implementation of an innovative component in the development interface of educational publications in the e-learning system is proposed to be implemented by adding the properties of adaptability to the user interface. Provisions are determined that define the user interface concept, on the basis of which the principles of constructing adaptive interfaces are formed. The basic principles of visual design of mental maps of electronic educational publications for the e-learning system are offered. The main features provided by the mental map are presented in the form of a visual diagram. The didactic interface of the developed e-learning edition is considered and the scheme of the user and publication interaction is given. The focus group method evaluates the user interface quality of the created e-learning publicatio

    Specifics of the integration of distributed information in the process of publishing information provision

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    В статті подано аналіз специфічних рис використання міждисциплінарного підходу стосовно створення системи підтримки електронного навчання у вищій школі нового покоління. Розглянуто основні проблеми, які вирішуються в процесі міждисциплінарних досліджень. Наведено схему ключових компетенцій, які отримуюються студентами в процесі електронного навчання в умовах використання міждисциплінарного підходу.В статье представлен анализ специфических черт использования междисциплинарного подхода к созданию системы поддержки электронного обучения в высшей школе нового поколения. Рассмотрены основные проблемы, которые решаются в процессе междисциплинарных исследований. Приведена схема ключевых компетенций, которые получают студенты в процессе электронного обучения в условиях использования междисциплинарного подхода.The article resents an analysis of specific features using a multidisciplinary approach on establishing a support system for e-learning in higher education of the new generation. The main problem to be solved in the process of interdisciplinary research. This scheme of key competencies that otrymuyuyutsya students in the process of e-learning in the use of a multidisciplinary approach

    Method creation of electronic catalog equipment publishing-polygraphic manufactures based on use the softener agent

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    В статті подано набір загальних вимог до електронних каталогів у формі системи базових принципів і рекомендацій. Розглянуто основні аспекти, які слід передбачити при розробці каталогу на основі використання програмного агенту. Здійснено розробку методики створення електронного каталогу обладнання видавничо-поліграфічного виробництва на основі використання програмних агентів. Вирішення задачі розробки електронного каталогу обладнання поліграфічного виробництва здійснено на основі дерева цілей. Для визначення найбільш важливих критеріїв оцінювання ефективності електронного каталогу було залучено експертний підхід. Внаслідок проведеного експертного опитування було визначено, що найбільш важливими групами критеріїв оцінки ефективності електронних каталогів являються: юзабіліті; дизайнерська складова; контент. В роботі оцінено рівень технологічного забезпечення та рівень комерційної ефективності каталогу на основі оптимізаційного моделювання. Наводяться рекомендації керівництву видавництва стосовно оцінки ефективності електронного каталогу обладнання поліграфічного виробництва. Запропоновано оптимізаційну модель, яка дозволяє визначити позиціювання ефективності онлайн каталогу обладнання поліграфічного виробництва на основі використання програмних агентів. Отримані результати можуть бути використані в системі менеджменту якості поліграфічного виробництва.В статье представлены набор общих требований к электронным каталогам в форме системы базовых принципов и рекомендаций. Рассмотрены основные аспекты, которые следует предусмотреть при разработке каталога на основе использования программного агента. Осуществлена разработка методики создания электронного каталога оборудования издательско-полиграфического производства на основе использования программных агентов. Решение задачи разработки электронного каталога оборудования полиграфического производства осуществлено на основе дерева целей. Для определения наиболее важных критериев оценки эффективности электронного каталога был использован экспертный подход. Вследствие проведенного экспертного опроса было определено, что наиболее важными группами критериев оценки эффективности электронных каталога являются: юзабилити; дизайнерская составляющая; контент. В работе оценен уровень технологического обеспечения и уровень коммерческой эффективности каталога на основе оптимизационного моделирования. Приводятся рекомендации руководству издательства по оценке эффективности электронного каталога оборудования полиграфического производства. Предложена оптимизационная модель, которая позволяет определить позиционирование эффективности онлайн каталога оборудования полиграфического производства на основе использования программных агентов. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы в системе менеджмента качества полиграфического производства.The article provides a set of general requirements for electronic catalogs in the form of a system of basic principles and recommendations. The main aspects that should be considered when developing a directory based on the use of a software agent are considered. The methodology of creating an electronic catalog of equipment for publishing and printing production based on the use of software agents was developed. The solution of the task of developing the electronic catalog of printing equipment was carried out on the basis of the objective tree. To determine the most important criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the electronic catalog, an expert approach was involved. As a result of the expert survey, it was determined that the most important groups of criteria for assessing the effectiveness of the electronic catalog are: usability; designer component; content The work assesses the level of technological support and the level of commercial efficiency of the catalog on the basis of optimization modeling. The recommendations of the publishing house management regarding the evaluation of the effectiveness of the electronic catalog of equipment for printing production are given. An optimization model is proposed which allows to determine the ranking of the effectiveness of the online catalog of printing equipment on the basis of the use of software agents. The obtained results can be used in the system of quality management of printing production