6,153 research outputs found

    Accelerating adiabatic quantum transfer for three-level Λ\Lambda-type structure systems via picture transformation

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    In this paper, we investigate the quantum transfer for the system with three-level Λ\Lambda-type structure, and construct a shortcut to the adiabatic passage via picture transformation to speed up the evolution. We can design the pulses directly without any additional couplings. Moreover, by choosing suitable control parameters, the Rabi frequencies of pulses can be expressed by the linear superpositions of Gaussian functions, which could be easily realized in experiments. Compared with the previous works using the stimulated Raman adiabatic passage, the quantum transfer can be significantly accelerated with the present scheme.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, has been accepted by Annals of Physic

    Optimal shortcut approach based on an easily obtained intermediate Hamiltonian

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    We present a general approach to speed up the adiabatic process without adding the traditional counterdiabatic driving (CD) Hamiltonian. The strategy is to design an easy-to-get intermediate Hamiltonian to connect the original Hamiltonian and final transitionless Hamiltonian. With final transitionless Hamiltonian, the same target can be achieved as in the adiabatic process governed by the original Hamiltonian, but in a shorter time. We apply the present approach to a three-level system, and the result shows that the final transitionless Hamiltonian usually has the same structure as the original Hamiltonian but with different time-dependent coefficients, allowing speedup to be achieved in a much easier way compared to previous methods.Comment: 12 pages,8 figures, has been accepted for publication as a Regular Article in Physical Review

    Coherent control in quantum open systems: An approach for accelerating dissipation-based quantum state generation

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    In this paper, we propose an approach to accelerate the dissipation dynamics for quantum state generation with Lyapunov control. The strategy is to add target-state-related coherent control fields into the dissipation process to intuitively improve the evolution speed. By applying the current approach, without losing the advantages of dissipation dynamics, the target stationary states can be generated in a much shorter time as compared to that via traditional dissipation dynamics. As a result, the current approach containing the advantages of coherent unitary dynamics and dissipation dynamics allows for significant improvement in quantum state generation.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, has been accepted as a regular article in Physical Review A and revised according to some suggestion

    Arbitrary quantum state engineering in three-state systems via Counterdiabatic driving

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    A scheme for arbitrary quantum state engineering (QSE) in three-state systems is proposed. Firstly, starting from a set of complete orthogonal time-dependent basis with undetermined coefficients, a time-dependent Hamiltonian is derived via Counterdiabatic driving for the purpose of guiding the system to attain an arbitrary target state at a predefined time. Then, on request of the assumed target states, two single-mode driving protocols and a multi-mode driving protocol are proposed as examples to discuss the validity of the QSE scheme. The result of comparison between single-mode driving and multi-mode driving shows that multi-mode driving seems to have a wider rang of application prospect because it can drive the system to an arbitrary target state from an arbitrary initial state also at a predefined time even without the use of microwave fields for the transition between the two ground states. Moreover, for the purpose of discussion in the scheme's feasibility in practice, a polynomial ansatz as the simplest exampleis used to fix the pulses. The result shows that the pulses designed to implement the protocols are not hard to be realized in practice. At the end, QSE in higher-dimensional systems is also discussed in brief as a generalization example of the scheme.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, has been accepted by Scientific Report

    Method for constructing shortcuts to adiabaticity by a substitute of counterdiabatic driving terms

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    We propose an efficientmethod to construct shortcuts to adiabaticity through designing a substitute Hamiltonian to try to avoid the defect in which the speed-up protocol' Hamiltonian may involve terms which are difficult to realize in practice. We show that as long as the counterdiabatic coupling terms-even only some of them-have been nullified by the additional Hamiltonian, the corresponding shortcuts to the adiabatic process could be constructed and the adiabatic process would be sped up. As an application example, we apply this method to the popular Landau-Zener model for the realization of fast population inversion. The results show that in both Hermitian and non-Hermitian systems, we can design different additional Hamiltonians to replace the traditional counterdiabatic driving Hamiltonian to speed up the process. This method provides many choices for designing additional terms of the Hamiltonian such that one can choose a realizable model in practice.Comment: 11pages, 6 figures, has been accepted for publication as a Regular Article in Physicial Review

    Precise quantum control via unsharp measurements and feedback operations

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    In this paper, we propose a scheme to eliminate the influence of noises on system dynamics, by means of a sequential unsharp measurements and unitary feedback operations. The unsharp measurements are carried out periodically during system evolution, while the feedback operations are well designed based on the eigenstates of the density matrices of the exact (noiseless) dynamical states and its corresponding post-measurement states. For illustrative examples, we show that the dynamical trajectory errors caused by both static and non-static noises are successfully eliminated in typical two-level and multi-level systems, i.e., the high-fidelity quantum dynamics can be maintained. Furthermore, we discuss the influence of noise strength and measurement strength on the degree of precise quantum control. Crucially, the measurement-feedback scheme is quite universal in that it can be applied to precise quantum control for any dimension systems. Thus, it naturally finds extensive applications in quantum information processing.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Improving the stimulated Raman adiabatic passage via dissipative quantum dynamics

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    We propose a method to improve the stimulated Raman adiabatic passage (STIRAP) via dissipative quantum dynamics, taking into account the dephasing effects. Fast and robust population transfer can be obtained with the scheme by the designed pulses and detuning, even though the initial state of the system is imperfect. With a concrete three-level system as an example, the influences of the imperfect initial state, variations in the control parameters, and various dissipation effects are discussed in detail. The numerical simulation shows that the scheme is insensitive to moderate fluctuations of experimental parameters and the relatively large dissipation effects of the excited state. Furthermore, the dominant dissipative factors, namely, the dephasing effects of the ground states and the imperfect initial state are no longer undesirable, in fact, they are the important resources to the scheme. Therefore, the scheme could provide more choices for the realization of the complete population transfer in the strong dissipative fieldsComment: 8 pages, 10 figures, has been accepted by Optics Expres

    Fast quantum state engineering via universal SU(2) transformation

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    We introduce a simple yet versatile protocol to inverse engineer the time-dependent Hamiltonian in two- and three level systems. In the protocol, by utilizing a universal SU(2) transformation, a given speedup goal can be obtained with large freedom to select the control parameters. As an illustration example, the protocol is applied to perform population transfer between nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. Numerical simulation shows that the speed of the present protocol is fast compared with that of the adiabatic process. Moreover, the protocol is also tolerant to decoherence and experimental parameter fluctuations. Therefore, the protocol may be useful for designing an experimental feasible Hamiltonian to engineer a quantum system.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, has been accepted by Physical Review

    Improving shortcuts to non-Hermitian adiabaticity for fast population transfer in open quantum systems

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    It is still a challenge to experimentally realize shortcuts to adiabaticity (STA) for a non-Hermitian quantum system since a non-Hermitian quantum system's counterdiabatic driving Hamiltonian contains some unrealizable auxiliary control fields. In this paper, we relax the strict condition in constructing STA and propose a method to redesign a realizable supplementary Hamiltonian to construct non-Hermitian STA. The redesigned supplementary Hamiltonian can be eithersymmetric or asymmetric. For the sake of clearness, we apply this method to an Allen-Eberly model as an example to verify the validity of the optimized non-Hermitian STA. The numerical simulation demonstrates that a ultrafast population inversion could be realized in a two-level non-Hermitian system.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, has been accepted by Annalen Der Physi

    Invariant-based inverse engineering for fluctuation transfer between membranes in an optomechanical cavity system

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    In this paper, by invariant-based inverse engineering, we design classical driving fields to transfer quantum fluctuations between two suspended membranes in an optomechanical cavity system. The transfer can be quickly attained through a non-adiabatic evolution path determined by a so-called dynamical invariant. Such an evolution path allows one to optimize the occupancies of the unstable "intermediate" states thus the influence of cavity decays can be suppressed. Numerical simulation demonstrates that a perfect fluctuation transfer between two membranes can be rapidly achieved in one step, and the transfer is robust to both the amplitude noises and cavity decays.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, has been accepted by Physical Review