97 research outputs found

    A Concise Review of Autoimmune Liver Diseases

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    Innate immune cells in liver inflammation

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    Innate immune system is the first line of defence against invading pathogens that is critical for the overall survival of the host. Human liver is characterised by a dual blood supply, with 80% of blood entering through the portal vein carrying nutrients and bacterial endotoxin from the gastrointestinal tract. The liver is thus constantly exposed to antigenic loads. Therefore, pathogenic microorganism must be efficiently eliminated whilst harmless antigens derived from the gastrointestinal tract need to be tolerized in the liver. In order to achieve this, the liver innate immune system is equipped with multiple cellular components; monocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, natural killer cells, and dendritic cells which coordinate to exert tolerogenic environment at the same time detect, respond, and eliminate invading pathogens, infected or transformed self to mount immunity. This paper will discuss the innate immune cells that take part in human liver inflammation, and their roles in both resolution of inflammation and tissue repair

    HBV core promoter mutations and AKT upregulate S-phase kinase-associated protein 2 to promote postoperative hepatocellular carcinoma progression

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    Mutations in the hepatitis B virus (HBV) core promoter (CP) have been shown to be associated with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The CP region overlaps HBV X gene, which activates AKT to regulate hepatocyte survival. However, the cooperation between these two cascades in HCC progression remains poorly understood. Here, we assayed virological factors and AKT expression in liver tissues from 56 HCC patients with better prognoses (BHCC, ≥5-year survival) and 58 with poor prognoses (PHCC, <5-year survival) after partial liver resection. Results showed double mutation A1762T/G1764A (TA) combined with other mutation(s) (TACO) in HBV genome and phosphorylated AKT (pAKT) were more common in PHCC than BHCC. TACO and pAKT levels correlated with proliferation and microvascularization but inversely correlated with apoptosis in HCC samples. These were more pronounced when TACO and pAKT co-expressed. Levels of p21 and p27 were decreased in TACO or pAKT overexpressing HCC due to SKP2 upregulation. Levels of E2F1 and both mRNA and protein of SKP2 were increased in TACO expressing HCC. Levels of 4EBP1/2 decreased and SKP2 mRNA level remained constant in pAKT-overexpressing HCC. Therefore, TACO and AKT are two independent predictors of postoperative survival in HCC. Their co-target, SKP2 may be a diagnostic or therapeutic marker


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    Single-gene association between GATA-2 and autoimmune hepatitis:a novel genetic insight highlighting immunologic pathways to disease

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    AbstractBackground & AimsAutoimmune hepatitis (AIH), an immune-mediated liver disease, originates as a consequence of interacting genetic and environmental risk factors. Treatment remains non-specific and prone to side effects. Deficiencies in regulatory T cell (Treg) function are hypothesized to contribute to the pathogenesis of AIH.MethodsWe describe an adult patient who presented with AIH in the context of monocytopenia. The patient was characterized by GATA2 gene sequencing, flow cytometry of peripheral blood for leucocyte subsets, ELISA for serum Flt-3 ligand, and immunohistochemistry of liver biopsy tissue.ResultsSequencing confirmed a GATA2 mutation. Peripheral Treg were absent in the context of a preserved total T cell count. Immunostaining for the Treg transcription factor FOXP3 was reduced in liver tissue as compared to a control AIH specimen. There were marked deficiencies in multiple antigen-presenting cell subsets and Flt-3 ligand was elevated. These findings are consistent with previous reports of GATA2 dysfunction.ConclusionsThe association of a GATA2 mutation with AIH is previously unrecognized. GATA2 encodes a hematopoietic cell transcription factor, and mutations may manifest as monocytopenia, dendritic and B cell deficiencies, myelodysplasia, and immunodeficiency. Tregs may be depleted as in this case. Our findings provide support for the role of Tregs in AIH, complement reports of other deficiencies in T cell regulation causing AIH-like syndromes, and support the rationale of attempting to modulate the Treg axis for the therapeutic benefit of AIH patients

    Beyond FOXP3:a 20-year journey unravelling human regulatory T-cell heterogeneity

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    The initial idea of a distinct group of T-cells responsible for suppressing immune responses was first postulated half a century ago. However, it is only in the last three decades that we have identified what we now term regulatory T-cells (Tregs), and subsequently elucidated and crystallized our understanding of them. Human Tregs have emerged as essential to immune tolerance and the prevention of autoimmune diseases and are typically contemporaneously characterized by their CD3+CD4+CD25high CD127lowFOXP3+ phenotype. It is important to note that FOXP3+ Tregs exhibit substantial diversity in their origin, phenotypic characteristics, and function. Identifying reliable markers is crucial to the accurate identification, quantification, and assessment of Tregs in health and disease, as well as the enrichment and expansion of viable cells for adoptive cell therapy. In our comprehensive review, we address the contributions of various markers identified in the last two decades since the master transcriptional factor FOXP3 was identified in establishing and enriching purity, lineage stability, tissue homing and suppressive proficiency in CD4+ Tregs. Additionally, our review delves into recent breakthroughs in innovative Treg-based therapies, underscoring the significance of distinct markers in their therapeutic utilization. Understanding Treg subsets holds the key to effectively harnessing human Tregs for immunotherapeutic approaches