22 research outputs found

    Analogues of the Ramanujan--Mordell Theorem

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    The Ramanujan--Mordell Theorem for sums of an even number of squares is extended to other quadratic forms and quadratic polynomials

    Ramanujan type congruences for quotients of level 7 Klein forms

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    Klein forms are used to construct generators for the graded algebra of modular forms of level 7. Dissection formulas for the series imply Ramanujan type congruences modulo powers of 7 for a family of generating functions that subsume the counting function for 7-core partitions. The broad class of arithmetic functions considered here enumerate colored partitions by weights determined by parts modulo 7. The method is a prototype for similar analysis of modular forms of level 7 and at other prime levels. As an example of the utility of the dissection method, the paper concludes with a derivation of novel congruences for the number of representations by x^2+xy+2y^2 in exactly k ways