376 research outputs found

    Women on the Steering Wheel: Identifying the Potentials of Women in Improving the Protection of Indonesian Women Migrant Workers

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    This paper is based on a research that looked into the potentials of women as stakeholders in improving the protection of Indonesian women migrant workers abroad. It was designed based on the assumptions that an identification of the potentials of women at various levels and in various institutions may positively contribute to the efforts of finding solutions for the problems faced by women migrant workers and that rather than being seen merely as victims, women should be seen as actors who can actively participate in addressing the problems. This paper analyzes efforts made by a number of Indonesian women who are publicly recognized for their works in promoting the protection of Indonesian women migrant workers, both as state and non-state actors in the context of policy making. The focus is on how these women perceive the extend to which their efforts have been able to influence the policy making process. The discussion also includes how the women responded to the challenges and opportunities that they encounter as part of their learning process. The data for this paper was gathered through interviews with six prominent woman figures who are known for their work on the issue of women migrant workers. While confirming that as actors outside the government these women have made efforts to influence the policy making process, this paper showcases that the actual impact of their efforts is highly determined by the policy environment

    Ddos Attack Detection Simulation and Handling Mechanism

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    In this study we discuss how to handle DDoS attack that coming from the attacker by using detection method and handling mechanism. Detection perform by comparing number of packets and number of flow. Whereas handling mechanism perform by limiting or drop the packets that detected as a DDoS attack. The study begins with simulation on real network, which aims to get the real traffic data. Then, dump traffic data obtained from the simulation used for detection method on our prototype system called DASHM (DDoS Attack Simulation and Handling Mechanism). From the result of experiment that has been conducted, the proposed method successfully detect DDoS attack and handle the incoming packet sent by attacker

    Strategies of minimising technostress among library professionals in Ahmadu Bello University Library Zaria

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    This study sought to determine the strategies for minimizing technostress among library professionals. To achieve these two objectives were raised. Data were collected by means of questionnaire. One hundred and eighty-one (181) copies of questionnaire were administered, out of which one hundred and twenty nine (129) were duly completed and returned. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics. The study discovered that the major cause of technostress in libraries include; inexperience with computers, performance anxiety, information overload, fast pace of change, policies, increasing demand, and overwork/insufficient training. To minimize the causes of technostress in libraries, the study recommended training, workshops, continuing education, and knowledge sharing with colleagues.Keywords: library, professionals and technostres

    Strategi Pembelajaran Role Playing Pada Siswa Kelas III Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPS Di SD Negeri Grogol 2 Kecamatan Karangtengah Tahun Pelajaran 2011/2012

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi sekolah yang kurang kondusif dan sarana prasarana yang kurang memadahi, serta kurangnya guru dalam memanfaatkan media pembelajaran dan menyampaikan materi pembelajaran secara konvesional. Model pembelajaran Role Playing merupakan cara penguasaan bahan belajar melalui pengetahuan imajinasi dan penghayatan siswa, dengan memerankan sebagai tokoh hidup atau benda mati. Permasalahan dalam pelaksanan tindakan kelas ini adalah apakah dengan pembelajaran Role Playing pada materi jenis-jenis pekerjaan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari pada kelas III dapat mencapai ketuntasan belajar, apakah dengan pembelajaran role playing dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Tujuan dari penelitian tindakan kelas ini untuk mencapai ketuntasan belajar siswa tentang jenis-jenis pekerjaan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, serta meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pelajaran IPS. Subyek dalam penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah siswa kelas III semester II SD Negeri Grogol 2 kecamatan karangtengah tahun pelajaran 2011/2012 yang terdiri dari dua puluh siswa yang terdiri atas siswa laki-laki sepuluh dan sepuluh siswa perempuan. Hasil penelitian tindakan kelas ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan nilai rata-rata kelas dari 51.95 menjadi 67.45 Dengan presentase ketuntasan belajar klasikal pada siklus I 65% siklus II 85%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, saran yang dapat diberikan yaitu, agar guru terlatih dalam menggunakan model pembelajaran role playing yang diharapkan mampu menarik minat dan antusiasme siswa dalam belajar

    Program Employee Relations dalam Memotivasi Karyawan pada Pingu's English School Pekanbaru

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    Employees is one part of the internal public company that is a key element in achieving the goal. During this time many companies that focus on the relationship with outsiders, but ignore the relationship with its employees. Employee relations is a form of cooperation between all parties in the company. If the employee relations goes well, then the enthusiasm and motivation will increase. One company that realizes the importance of this is Pingu's English School Pekanbaru. Some of the activities undertaken to establish a good relationship is another gymnastics on Wednesday morning, lunch on Friday, as well as a cinema if the films box office. This study bertujan to find out more about employee relations program that run Pingus English School in motivating employees.This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The results of the research associated with the theory of S-O-R (Stimulus-Organism-reponse). Stimulus in penelilitian is a program of employee relations, acceptance by employees, then cause a response in the form of motivation. As for the informant is the Board Of Directors, Public Relations, Customer Cervice Coord, Customer Cervice, Teacher Coordinator, Full-time teacher and Operational Coord. Data collected by interview. The results of the interview, then analyzed using a model of interactive data analysis Miles and Huberman. The results of the analysis of its validity is checked using the technique of extension of participation, which confirms the parties are considered competent, as well as with triangulation techniques, comparing observations with interviews.The results showed that Pingu's English School run fourth employee relations program. Employee communication program in the form of appraisal activities, regular meetings, training, cultural openness, and special activities to establish kinship. Appraisal or award programs into activities that are most motivating to employees. Program employee attitude surveys carried out by the performance assessment activities formally and informally. Both are equally build motivation, because employees feel watched so always act according to the standard of performance. Employee counseling program consists of consultancy service activities, brainstorming, coaching, and visit sick employees. Coaching be the most motivating activity, because employees feel the company gives attention to improving the skills and Performance. Profit sharing consists of salary, bonus, vacation, recreation and career. It is very motivating is wages and bonuses, for the purpose of working is earnin
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