461 research outputs found

    Charge screening and carrier transport in AA-stacked bilayer graphene: tuning via a perpendicular electric field

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    The static dielectric function in AA-stacked bilayer graphene (BLG), subjected to an electric field applied perpendicular to layers, is calculated analytically within the random phase approximation (RPA). This result is used to calculate the screened Coulomb interaction and the electrical conductivity. The screened Coulomb interaction, which here can be tuned by the perpendicular electric field, shows a power-law decay as 1/(γ2+V2)1/(\gamma^{2}+V^2) at long-distance limit where VV and γ\gamma are the electrical potential and the inter-layer hopping energy respectively, indicating that the Coulomb interaction is suppressed at high perpendicular electric fields. Furthermore, Our results for the effect of the short-range and the long-range (Coulomb) scattering on the electrical conductivity show that the shot-range scattering yields a constant electrical conductivity which is not affected by the perpendicular electric filed. While the electrical conductivity limited by the Coulomb scattering is enhanced by the perpendicular electric field and increases linearly in V2V^2 at small VV with a finite value at V=0V=0, indicating that we can tune the electrical conductivity in AA-stacked BLG by applying a perpendicular electric field.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Comment on "Dielectric screening and plasmons in AA-stacked bilayer graphene"

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    In this comment we show that some equations and results of the paper titled "Dielectric screening and plasmons in AA-stacked bilayer graphene" are not correct. Furthermore, we present our results which seems to be more correct.Comment: 2 pages, Comment on Phys. Rev. B 88, 115420 (2013) by R. Roldan and L. Bre

    Photo-induced spin and valley-dependent Seebeck effect in the low-buckled Dirac materials

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    Employing the Landauer-Buttiker formula we investigate the spin and valley dependence of Seebeck effect in low-buckled Dirac materials (LBDMs), whose band structure are modulated by local application of a gate voltage and off-resonant circularly polarized light. We calculate the charge, spin and valley Seebeck coefficients of an irradiated LBDM as functions of electronic doping, light intensity and the amount of the electric field in the linear regime. Our calculation reveal that all Seebeck coefficients always shows an odd features with respect to the chemical potential. Moreover, we show that, due to the strong spin-orbit coupling in the LBDMs, the induced thermovoltage in the irradiated LBDMs is spin polarized, and can also become valley polarized if the gate voltage is applied too. It is also found that the valley (spin) polarization of the induced thermovoltage could be inverted by reversing the circular polarization of light or reversing the direction the electric field (only by reversing the circular polarization of light).Comment: 25 pages, 8 figures and 1 tabl

    Local moment formation in bilayer graphene

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    The local properties of bilayer graphene (BLG) due to the spatial inhomogeneity of its sublattices are of interest. We apply Anderson impurity model to consider the local moment formation on a magnetic impurity which could be adsorbed on different sublattices of BLG. We find different features for the impurity magnetization when it is adsorbed A and B sublattices. The impurity adsorbed on A sublattice can magnetize even when the impurity level is above the Fermi level and the on-site coulomb energy is very small. But when the impurity is adsorbed on B sublattice the magnetization is possible for limited values of the impurity level and the on-site coulomb energy. This is due to different local density of the low energy states at A and B sublattices which originates from their spatial inhomogeneity. Also we show that electrical controlling the magnetization of adatoms besides it's inhomogeneity in BLG allow for possibility of using BLG in spintronic devices with higher potential than graphene.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics (cond-mat.mes-hall), Strongly Correlated Electrons (cond-mat.str-el

    RKKY interaction in bilayer graphene

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    We study the RKKY interaction between two magnetic impurities located on same layer (intralayer case) or on different layers (interlayer case) in undoped bilayer graphene in the four-bands model, by directly calculating the Green functions in the eigenvalues and eigenvectors representation. Our results show that both intra- and interlayer RKKY interactions between two magnetic impurities located on same (opposite) sublattice are always ferromagnetic (antiferromagnetic). Furthermore we find unusual long-distance decay of the RKKY interaction in BLG. The intralyer RKKY interactions between two magnetic impurities located on same sublattice, JAnAn(R)J^{A_{n}A_{n}}(\mathbf{R}) and JBnBn(R)J^{B_{n}B_{n}}(\mathbf{R)}, decay closely as 1/R61/R^{6} and 1/R21/R^{2} at large impurity distances respectively, but when they are located on opposite sublattices the RKKY interactions exhibit 1/R41/R^{4} decays approximately. In the interlayer case, the RKKY interactions between two magnetic impurities located on same sublattice show a decay close to 1/R41/R^{4} at large impurity distances, but if two magnetic impurities be on opposite sublattices the RKKY interactions, JA1B2(R)J^{A_{1}B_{2}}(\mathbf{R}) and JB1A2(R)J^{B_{1}A_{2}}(\mathbf{R)}, decay closely as 1/R61/R^{6} and 1/R21/R^{2} respectively. Both intra- and interlayer RKKY interactions have anisotropic oscillatory factors which for intralayer case is equal to that for single layer graphene. Our results at weak and strong interlayer coupling limits reduce to the RKKY interaction of SLG and that of BLG in the two-bands approximation respectively.Comment: 28 pages, 7 figure

    Controllable intrinsic DC spin/valley Hall conductivity in ferromagnetic silicene: Exploring a fully spin/valley polarized transport

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    We study intrinsic DC spin and valley Hall conductivity in doped ferromagnetic silicene in the presence of an electric filed applied perpendicular to silicene sheet. By calculating its energy spectrum and wavefunction and by making use of Kubo formalism, we obtain a general relation for the transverse Hall conductivity which can be used to obtain spin- and valley-Hall conductivity. Our results, in the zero limit of the exchange field, reduces to the previous results. Furthermore we discuss electrically tunable spin and valley polarized transport in ferromagnetic silicene and obtain the necessary conditions for observing a fully spin or valley polarized transport.Comment: 22 pages, 8 figures; to appear in Superlattices and Microstructures journa

    Electronic properties of armchair AA-stacked bilayer graphene nanoribbons

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    We study analytically, based on the tight-binding model, the electronic band structure of armchair AA-stacked bilayer graphene nanoribbons (BLGNRs) in several regimes. We apply hard-wall boundary conditions to determine the discretion dominating on the Bloch wavefunctions in the confined direction. First we consider an ideal case, perfect nanoribbons without any edge deformation, and show that their electronic properties are strongly size-dependent. We find that the narrow armchair AA-stacked BLGNRs (similar to single-layer graphene nanoribbons) may be metallic or semiconducting depending on their width determined by the number of dimer lines across the ribbon width, while the wide ribbons are metallic. Then we show that, when the edge deformation effects are taken into account, all narrow armchair AA-stacked BLGNRs become semiconducting while the wide ribbons remain metallic. We also investigate effects of an electric filed applied perpendicular to the nanoribbon layers and show it can be used to tune the electronic properties of these nanoribbons leading to a semiconducting-to-metallic phase transition at a critical value of the electric field which depends on the nanoribbon width. Furthermore, in all regimes, we calculate the corresponding wavefunctions which can be used to investigate and predict various properties in these nanoribbons.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Strain engineering the charged-impurity-limited carrier mobility in phosphorene

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    We investigate, based on the tight-binding model and in the linear deformation regime, the strain dependence of the electronic band structure of phosphorene, exposed to a uniaxial strain in one of its principle directions, the normal, the armchair and the zigzag directions. We show that the electronic band structure of strained phosphorene, for experimentally accessible carrier densities and uniaxial strains, is well described by a strain-dependent decoupled electron-hole Hamiltonian. Then, employing the decoupled Hamiltonian, we consider the strain dependence of the charged-impurity-limited carrier mobility in phosphorene, for both types of carrier, arbitrary carrier density and in both armchair and zigzag directions. We show that a uniaxial tensile (compressive) strain in the normal direction enhances (weakens) the anisotropy of the carrier mobility, while a uniaxial strain in the zigzag direction acts inversely. Moreover applying a uniaxial strain in the armchair direction is shown to be ineffective on the anisotropy of the carrier mobility. These will be explained based on the effect of the strain on the carrier effective mass.Comment: 31 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in Superlattices and Microstructures journa

    Controllable photo-induced spin and valley filtering in silicene

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    We study ballistic transport of Dirac electrons through a strip in silicene, when the strip is exposed to off-resonant circularly polarized light and an electric field applied perpendicular to the silicene plane. We show that the conductance through the strip is spin- or/and valley-polarized. This can be explained by spin-valley coupling in silicene, and modification of its band structure through virtual absorption/emission processes and also by the perpendicular electric field. The spin- (valley-) polarization can be enhanced by tuning the light intensity and the value of the perpendicular electric field, leading to perfect spin (valley) filtering for certain of their values. Further, the spin (valley) polarization can be inverted by reversing the perpendicular electric field (by reversing the perpendicular electric field or reversing the circular polarization of the light irradiation). The conditions necessary for the fully valley polarization is determined.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Effects of doping and bias voltage on the screening in AAA-stacked trilayer graphene

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    We calculate the static polarization of AAA-stacked trilayer graphene (TLG) and study its screening properties within the random phase approximation (RPA) in all undoped, doped and biased regimes. We find that the static polarization of undoped AAA-stacked TLG is a combination of the doped and undoped single layer graphene static polarization. This leads to an enhancement of the dielectric background constant along a Thomas-Fermi screening with the Thomas-Fermi wave vector which is independent of carrier concentrations and a 1/r^3 power law decay for the long-distance behavior of the screened coulomb potential. We show that effects of a bias voltage can be taken into account by a renormalization of the interlayer hopping energy to a new bias-voltage-dependent value, indicating screening properties of biased AAA-stacked TLG can be tuned electrically. We also find that screening properties of doped AAA-stacked TLG, when μ\mu exceeds 2γ\sqrt{2}\gamma, are similar to that of doped SLG only depending on doping. While for μ<2γ\mu<\sqrt{2}\gamma, its screening properties are a combination of SLG and AA-stacked screening properties and they are determined by doping and the interlayer hopping energy.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur
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