1 research outputs found

    Arterial hypertension as a sequel to COVID-19. Clinical case report

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    The COVID-19 disease has caused one of the most important health crises in history. In these terms, this clinical case is reported, which is related to a health worker with no medical history or cardiovascular risk factors. This patient was infected, presenting sequelae of arterial hypertension that required pharmacological treatment. It was showed the need to continue the pathophysiological study of the consequences generated by this pathology, especially regarding arterial hypertension and the potential to establish a critical condition and cardiovascular dysfunction.La enfermedad COVID-19 ha ocasionado una de las crisis sanitarias m谩s importantes de la historia. A prop贸sito, se reporta el caso cl铆nico de un trabajador de la salud sin antecedentes cl铆nicos ni factores de riesgo cardiovascular que result贸 contagiado, presentando secuela de hipertensi贸n arterial que requiri贸 tratamiento farmacol贸gico. Existe la necesidad de continuar el estudio fisiopatol贸gico de las consecuencias que genera esta patolog铆a, en especial de la relativa a la hipertensi贸n arterial y la potencialidad de establecer una condici贸n cr铆tica y disfunci贸n cardiovascular