5,499 research outputs found

    Conformal Compensators and Manifest Type IIB S-Duality

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    Using the conformal compensator superfields of N=2 D=4 supergravity, the Type IIB S-duality transformations are expressed as a linear rotation which mixes the compensator and matter superfields. The classical superspace action for D=4 compactifications of Type IIB supergravity is manifestly invariant under this transformation. Furthermore, the introduction of conformal compensators allows a Fradkin-Tseytlin term to be added to the manifestly SL(2,Z)-covariant sigma model action of Townsend and Cederwall.Comment: Added references to Cecotti et al, Ferrara et al, and de Wit et a

    Anomalies and Graded Coisotropic Branes

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    We compute the anomaly of the axial U(1) current in the A-model on a Calabi-Yau manifold, in the presence of coisotropic branes discovered by Kapustin and Orlov. Our results relate the anomaly-free condition to a recently proposed definition of graded coisotropic branes in Calabi-Yau manifolds. More specifically, we find that a coisotropic brane is anomaly-free if and only if it is gradable. We also comment on a different grading for coisotropic submanifolds introduced recently by Oh.Comment: AMS Tex, 11 page

    S^1 \times S^2 as a bag membrane and its Einstein-Weyl geometry

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    In the hybrid skyrmion in which an Anti-de Sitter bag is imbedded into the skyrmion configuration a S^{1}\times S^{2} membrane is lying on the compactified spatial infinity of the bag [H. Rosu, Nuovo Cimento B 108, 313 (1993)]. The connection between the quark degrees of freedom and the mesonic ones is made through the membrane, in a way that should still be clarified from the standpoint of general relativity and topology. The S^1 \times S^2 membrane as a 3-dimensional manifold is at the same time a Weyl-Einstein space. We make here an excursion through the mathematical body of knowledge in the differential geometry and topology of these spaces which is expected to be useful for hadronic membranesComment: 9pp in latex, minor correction

    Calabi--Yau complete intersections in exceptional Grassmannians

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    We classify completely reducible equivariant vector bundles on Grassmannians of exceptional Lie groups which give Calabi--Yau 3-folds as complete intersections. In particular, we find a new family of Calabi--Yau 3-folds in an E6E_6-Grassmannian.Comment: 10 pages, minor revisio

    Quotients of E^n by A_{n+1} and Calabi-Yau manifolds

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    We give a simple construction, starting with any elliptic curve E, of an n-dimensional Calabi-Yau variety of Kummer type (for any n>1), by considering the quotient Y of the n-fold self-product of E by a natural action of the alternating group A_{n+1} (in n+1 variables). The vanishing of H^m(Y, O_Y) for 0<m<n follows from the non-existence of (non-zero) fixed points in certain representations of A_{n+1}. For n<4 we provide an explicit crepant resolution X in characteristics different from 2,3. The key point is that Y can be realized as a double cover of P^n branched along a hypersurface of degree 2(n+1).Comment: 9 page