362 research outputs found

    New approach of Department of Neurosurgery, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Tokushima University

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    Well-balanced development of clinical medicine, research and education is important in Neurosurgical department of University. In this article, we introduce the importance of intraoperative neuroradiological assessment in safe and secure surgical treatment of brain arteriovenous malformations. In addition, we show the usefulness of multimodal treatment against skull base tumors. And research projects of our department are shown

    Power law relationship between cell cycle duration and cell volume in the early embryonic development of Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Cell size is a critical factor for cell cycle regulation. In Xenopus embryos after midblastula transition, the cell cycle duration elongates in a power law relationship with the cell radius squared. This correlation has been explained by the model that cell surface area is a candidate to determine cell cycle duration. However, it remains unknown whether this second power law is conserved in other animal embryos. Here, we found that the relationship between cell cycle duration and cell size in Caenorhabditis elegans embryos exhibited a power law distribution. Interestingly, the powers of the time-size relationship could be grouped into at least three classes: highly size-correlated, moderately size-correlated, and potentially a size-noncorrelated class according to C. elegans founder cell lineages (1.2, 0.81, and Xenopus and C. elegans, while the absolute powers in C. elegans were different from that in Xenopus. Furthermore, we found that the volume ratio between the nucleus and cell exhibited a power law relationship in the size-correlated classes. The power of the volume relationship was closest to that of the time-size relationship in the highly size-correlated class. This correlation raised the possibility that the time-size relationship, at least in the highly size-correlated class, is explained by the volume ratio of nuclear size and cell size. Thus, our quantitative measurements shed a light on the possibility that early embryonic C. elegans cell cycle duration is coordinated with cell size as a result of geometric constraints between intracellular structures

    Single-Molecule Analysis of Epidermal Growth Factor Signaling that Leads to Ultrasensitive Calcium Response

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    AbstractQuantitative relationships between inputs and outputs of signaling systems are fundamental information for the understanding of the mechanism of signal transduction. Here we report the correlation between the number of epidermal growth factor (EGF) bindings and the response probability of intracellular calcium elevation. Binding of EGF molecules and changes of intracellular calcium concentration were measured for identical HeLa human epithelial cells. It was found that 300 molecules of EGF were enough to induce calcium response in half of the cells. This number is quite small compared to the number of EGF receptors (EGFR) expressed on the cell surface (50,000). There was a sigmoidal correlation between the response probability and the number of EGF bindings, meaning an ultrasensitive reaction. Analysis of the cluster size distribution of EGF demonstrated that dimerization of EGFR contributes to this switch-like ultrasensitive response. Single-molecule analysis revealed that EGF bound faster to clusters of EGFR than to monomers. This property should be important for effective formation of signaling dimers of EGFR under very small numbers of EGF bindings and suggests that the expression of excess amounts of EGFR on the cell surface is required to prepare predimers of EGFR with a large association rate constant to EGF

    Immunoreactivity profiling of Anti-Chinese hamster ovarian host cell protein antibodies by isobaric labeled affinity purification-mass spectrometry reveals low-recovery proteins

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    We evaluated the immunoreactivity profiles of eight commercial anti-host cell protein (anti-HCP) antibodies from different host animals and their antigens used for immunization by an isobaric labeled affinity purification-mass spectrometry (AP-MS) method. As a result, 34 proteins with high abundance but low recovery from harvest cell culture fluid were identified. Since they are likely to be underestimated in biopharmaceutical quality assessment, the features common to these proteins were investigated. Compared to other immunoprecipitated HCP proteins, proteins exhibiting lower molecular weight (ΔMW = -14600), lower isoelectric point (ΔpI = -0.86), and lower hydrophobicity (ΔGRAVY = -0.13) were enriched. This AP-MS method provides important information for HCP control strategies using immunological methods and is expected to contribute to the development of safe biopharmaceutics

    Continued-Maintenance Therapy for PCNSL

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    Background. PCNSL is mainly treated with HD-MTX-based chemotherapy with or without WBRT. However, As WBRT is associated with delayed neurotoxicity leading to dementia in the elderly, many institutes reported benefits of intensive chemotherapy or high-dose chemotherapy with ASCT. We investigated whether treatment with HD-MTX and rituximab, followed by continued-maintenance HD-MTX monotherapy (3.5g / m2), improves overall survival (OS). Methods. In this retrospective, single-center trial 52 immunocompetent patients with newly diagnosed PCNSL were included. All were treated between January 2005 and December 2017. The controls were 18 patients who, between 2005 and 2011, had received 3 cycles of HD-MTX and then adjuvant treatment with WBRT. In 2011 we started HD-MTX continued-maintenance therapy to treat 34 PCNSL patients. In the induction phase, these patients received HD-MTX every 14 days until a complete response (CR) was observed. When CR was obtained, maintenance therapy with HD-MTX (3.5g / m2) was delivered every three months. Results. In 3-year overall survival (OS) there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups [controls : 33.1% (95%, CI 12.4 - 55.7%) ; maintenance group : 74.9% (95%, CI 55.6 - 86.7%) (p < 0.02)]. Conclusion : The induction of HD-MTX based chemotherapy followed by continued-maintenance HD-MTX monotherapy improved OS compared with chemoradiotherapy consisting of HD-MTX followed by WBRT

    Navigation-Guided fence-post catheter

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    Background : Navigation system devices have been developed to allow precise resection of brain tumor. The fence-post catheter techniques that use a navigation system have been used in many neurosurgery centers. However, an exclusive catheter for the fence-post catheter techniques have not been made, and substituted silicon tube of the cerebral ventricle drainage or a Nelaton catheter is widely used. Objective : In this brief technical note, we describe a new fence-post catheter with steel tip device that was designed for more precise tissue resection and is useful in tumor resection. Methods : The newly designed fence-post catheter helps to visually gauge the accurate depth from the tumor bottom during tumor resection. Furthermore, the catheter tip has moderate weight and is made of a non-magnetic material. Results : Using our fence-post catheter, which has a metal part at the tip of the tube (length, 13 mm), operators can clearly notice that they are getting closer to base of the tumor by checking the metal part during the resection of deep tumors. Conclusion : Our newly developed fence-post tube enables easy confirmation of the distance to deep-tissue regions and improves the degree of safety during tumor removal

    GraphIX: Graph-based In silico XAI(explainable artificial intelligence) for drug repositioning from biopharmaceutical network

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    Drug repositioning holds great promise because it can reduce the time and cost of new drug development. While drug repositioning can omit various R&D processes, confirming pharmacological effects on biomolecules is essential for application to new diseases. Biomedical explainability in a drug repositioning model can support appropriate insights in subsequent in-depth studies. However, the validity of the XAI methodology is still under debate, and the effectiveness of XAI in drug repositioning prediction applications remains unclear. In this study, we propose GraphIX, an explainable drug repositioning framework using biological networks, and quantitatively evaluate its explainability. GraphIX first learns the network weights and node features using a graph neural network from known drug indication and knowledge graph that consists of three types of nodes (but not given node type information): disease, drug, and protein. Analysis of the post-learning features showed that node types that were not known to the model beforehand are distinguished through the learning process based on the graph structure. From the learned weights and features, GraphIX then predicts the disease-drug association and calculates the contribution values of the nodes located in the neighborhood of the predicted disease and drug. We hypothesized that the neighboring protein node to which the model gave a high contribution is important in understanding the actual pharmacological effects. Quantitative evaluation of the validity of protein nodes' contribution using a real-world database showed that the high contribution proteins shown by GraphIX are reasonable as a mechanism of drug action. GraphIX is a framework for evidence-based drug discovery that can present to users new disease-drug associations and identify the protein important for understanding its pharmacological effects from a large and complex knowledge base.Comment: add supplementary material

    Metastatic tumor to the orbital cavity

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    Metastatic tumors to the orbit of the eye, especially from primary carcinomas of the uterine cervix are very rare. A 64-year-old woman with a history of carcinoma of the uterine cervix presented with right eye pain and blepharoptosis for 2 weeks. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed a mass at the right orbital apex. Surgical extirpation was performed due to severe pain. Postoperative pathology demonstrated a poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. The origin was ultimately considered to be the carcinoma of the uterine cervix. In conclusion, this report describes a rare case of a metastatic tumor at the orbital apex derived from the cervix of the uterus