6 research outputs found

    Polar Antiferromagnets Produced with Orbital-Order

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    Polar magnetic states are realized in pseudocubic manganite thin films fabricated on high-index substrates, in which a Jahn-Teller (JT) distortion remains an active variable. Several types of orbital-orders were found to develop large optical second harmonic generation, signaling broken-inversion-symmetry distinct from their bulk forms and films on (100) substrates. The observed symmetry-lifting and first-principles calculation both indicate that the modified JT q2 mode drives Mn-site off-centering upon orbital order, leading to the possible cooperation of "Mn-site polarization" and magnetism.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Enhanced dielectric response by disordered nanoscale/mesoscopic insulators

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    Enhancement of the dielectric response of insulators by disorder is theoretically proposed, where the quantum interference of electronic waves through the nanoscale/mesoscopic system and its change due to external perturbations control the polarization. In the disordered case with all the states being localized, the resonant tunneling, which is topologically protected, plays a crucial role, and enhances the dielectric response by a factor 30~40 compared with the pure case. Realization of this idea with accessible materials/structures is also discussed.Comment: 4 pages including 3 figures; minor revision; a high-resolution figure available at http://appi.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~sonoda/papers.htm


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    University of Tokyo (東京大学

    Phase-field modeling for pH-dependent general and pitting corrosion of iron

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    Abstract This study proposes a new phase-field (PF) model to simulate the pH-dependent corrosion of iron. The model is formulated based on Bockris’s iron dissolution mechanism to describe the pH dependence of the corrosion rate. We also propose a simulation methodology to incorporate the thermodynamic database of the electrolyte solutions into the PF model. We show the applications of the proposed PF model for simulating two corrosion problems: general corrosion and pitting corrosion in pure iron immersed in an acid solution. The simulation results of general corrosion demonstrate that the incorporation of the anodic and cathodic current densities calculated by a Corrosion Analyzer software allows the PF model to simulate the migration of the corroded iron surface, the variation of ion concentrations in the electrolyte, and the electrostatic potential at various pH levels and temperatures. The simulation of the pitting corrosion indicates that the proposed PF model successfully captures the anisotropic propagation of a pit that is affected by the local pH of the electrolyte solution and the aggregation of Cl− ions in the pit