166 research outputs found

    Comparison of "With-Face" and "No-Face" in lecture videos for flipped classroom

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    広島大学では,学部新入生必修科目「大学教育入門」を開講している.その全15回のうち1回の「アカデミック・プレゼンテーション」の章で,反転授業をおこなっている.本研究では,事前学習動画で人物が映っていて説明しているものと,スライド映像に音声をつけているだけのもの2種類を用意し,新入生を約半分に分けて提供した.その視聴行動や小テストの得点にどういう影響を与えたかを比較した."Introduction to University Education” is provided as a compulsory course for the freshmen in Hiroshima university. In the course one of the chapters \Academic Presentation” is given as a flipped classroom. We have prepared two types of the online lecture; the one is with the lecturer on screen and the other without it. In this paper we study how the lecturer on screen affects the watching behavior of the lecture video and the grade of the small test

    Comparison of Learning Effectiveness on Academic Presentation with and without Face-to-Face Teaching by Checklist

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    広島大学では,学部新入生必修科目「大学教育入門」を開講している.2019年度まで,全15回のうち1回「アカデミック・プレゼンテーション」の授業を反転授業として実施していた.コロナ禍の影響もあり2020年度と2021年度はオンライン授業のみとなり、対面授業は行わなかった.課題として学生が提出したスライドのデザインをチェックリストに基づいて採点し,反転授業とオンライン授業の結果を比較検討した.動画の視聴をしたグループのほうがしなかったグループより採点結果が良かった.また,対面授業を行なった2019年度よりも対面授業を行なっていない2021年度の方が採点結果が良かった.”Introduction to University Education” is a compulsory course for fresh undergraduate students at Hiroshima University. Until the 2019 academic year, one of the 15 classes, ”Academic Presentation,” was offered as a flipped classroom. Due to the Corona disaster, only online classes were offered in FY2020 and FY2021, and no face-to-face classes were held. In this study, slide designs submitted by students as assignments were graded based on a checklist, and the results of the flipped class and the online class were compared. The group that watched the video scored better than the group that did not. And, the score result was better in fiscal 2021 in fiscal 2019 and fiscal 2021

    Practice of Flipped Classroom in "Introduction to University Education": An Analysis of Access Log for Lecture Videos and Online Tests

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    広島大学では,学部新入生向け「大学教育入門」という必修の科目がある.オムニバス形式で回ごとに内容が違う科目だが,その第9章「アカデミック・プレゼンテーション」の回で反転授業をおこなった.本研究では,講義動画の視聴行動および視聴行動と成績との関係を分析した.大学ICT推進協議会 2018年度 年次大会 発表番号 : MB1-

    A simplified quantification method of complex-release activity using peroxidase as immune complex antigen.

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    The complement-mediated solubilization of precipitable immune complexes (complex-release activity) in serum specimens was determined by a simplified method using peroxidase as an immune complex antigen. The results correlated well with the hemolytic activity via the classical complement pathway and that via the alternative complement pathway. This simplified method proved to be reliable and useful.</p

    A Case of High-Grade Neuroendocrine Carcinoma That Improved with Bevacizumab plus Modified FOLFOX6 as the Fourth-Line Chemotherapy

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    High-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma differs from usual neuroendocrine carcinoma, and its prognosis is dismal. In this case report, a case of high-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma that improved with bevacizumab plus modified FOLFOX6 as the fourth-line chemotherapy is presented. A 29-year-old male with a huge liver tumor was diagnosed with high-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma originating from the liver. Multiple liver and bone metastases were found one month after surgery. He was treated with three chemotherapy regimens used for the management of small-cell lung cancer with extensive disease. However, none of them could be maintained because of tumor progression. He was then treated with bevacizumab plus modified FOLFOX6 as the fourth-line regimen. Dramatic tumor shrinkage was obtained, and a partial response was achieved. This case suggests that high-grade neuroendocrine carcinoma can be treated with bevacizumab in combination with cytotoxic chemotherapy

    Retinol Supplements Antiviral Action of Interferon in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis C: A Prospective Pilot Study

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    Sustained virologic response with peg-interferon and ribavirin combination therapy for 48 weeks is still inadequate. Our study examined whether short-term administration of retinol clinically influences the anti-viral activity of interferon early during interferon and ribavirin combination therapy. The control group received 6 MIU of interferon α-2b every day for two weeks and then 3 times a week for 22 weeks intramuscularly plus 600 mg or 800 mg per day of ribavirin orally for 24 weeks. The retinol group, in addition to above treatment, received retinol 30,000 units per day orally for 3 weeks from one week before the start of interferon α-2b plus ribavirin combination therapy. The hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA negativity rate at 1 week after the end of interferon α-2b and ribavirin combination therapy was 46.7% (28/60) for the retinol group and 31.7% (19/60) for the control group, which was significantly higher for the retinol group. The level of serum HCV RNA in the retinol group was significantly lower at 1 week after beginning treatment as compared to the control group (p<0.01). Furthermore, serum 2,5'AS protein at 1 week after beginning treatment was significantly higher in the retinol group (p = 0.0002). The results suggest that retinol supplement increases the antiviral effect of interferon α-2b plus ribavirin only during the administration of IFN α-2b, ribavirin and retinol in patients with chronic hepatitis C