150 research outputs found

    ミナミヌカエビ(タエビ)Neocaridina denticulata De HAANの発生および成長について

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    1) Neocaridina denticulata DE HAAN is not most popular fresh water shrimp in the south-west of Japan, but owing to the diffusion of the insecticides in the paddy-field after the war, it is going to be annihilated. On the one hand the demand to this shrimp has increased as it is the most desirable live-bait in the coastal sea. We has studied about the behavior of this shrimp since the autumn of 1958 to know the way of its propagation and in this paper we report about the development and growth of this shrimp. 2) We collected this shrimp from the pools among the mountains in the neighbouring of Sasebo city. 3) Our shrimp has many variations in body color but the many are semitransparent grey green, the blackish brown comparatively and the reddish sometimes. 4) The differences of both sexes in the adult of this shrimp are following, (1) the size distribution of females is larger than males, (2) at the Ist pleopod of this shrimp the exopodite is normal slender form and the endopodite is very large and pear-shaped in male, but in female the endopodite is smaller and more slender than the exopodite and is not seen the special form such as male, (3) at the 2nd pleopod the endopodite and exopodite are almost same size in female but in male the exopodite is larger and the other is very smaller, and the endopodite is attached to the enlarged and thickened appendix masculina which has many setae. 5) Our shrimp has the special number in the dorsal and ventral teeth at rostrum, in the spines of the both sides at the dorsal face of telson and in the spines at the terminal margin of telson as the tables show. 6) After hibernation the male molts at the middle of April and the female spawns the eggs and holds this eggs in his pleopods, and the hatching is performed in the period from the middle decade of May to the last decade of June, this is the first hatching season in this year. 7) The egg of this shrimp is larger than the other, and the number of eggs in this species is very few in comparison with the other and there is a positive correlation between the body length and the number of eggs. After the spawning the eggs adhere in the pleopods by the elastic fibroid egg handle. 8) The shape of the young shrimp after the hatching is almost the same to the parent except the telson and uropods as the PLATE Ⅷ shows. This shrimp does not metamorphose. 9) The figures of the body, antennas, mandible, maxillas, maxillipeds, pereiopods. pleopods, telson and uropods are shown at PLATES in the each larval stages. 10) In the shrimp after the 5th molting (after about 10 days from the hatching), there. is no yolk in the carapace and the color of the excrement changes so it is seemed that the shrimp after the 5th molting begins to take the food. Its growth from this. stage is rapidly. 11) In the young shrimp which grows up about 11mm in body length after a month from the hatching, the characteristic of the sex already appears and the both sexes can be distinguished by Ist and 2nd pleopods, it is guessed that the gonad matures in both. sexes since this time. 12) The shrimp which grows up about 16 mm in body length after two monthes front the hatching molts the eggs which has held between the pleopods, namely this is the second hatching season in this year and it is the period from the first decade of August to the middle decade of September. The molting and development of this larval shrimp which had hatched out in this hatching season is same to that in the first hatching season. And the parent shrimp in the first hatching season does not perform the spawning and hatching. 13) The growth curve of this shrimp is indicated in Fig. 6. 14) This shrimp has been alive more than two years at least. 15) This shrimp is very delicate to the chemicals such as insecticides, but is not so delicate for the change of natural environments such as the water temperature and its growth is rapidly and the period which reaches to the sexual maturity is short and its food at the breeding is the rice-bram and so on which is very easy to receive, So the propagation of this shrimp is not difficult

    Validation of radiographic response evaluation criteria of preoperative chemotherapy for bone and soft tissue sarcomas: Japanese Orthopaedic Association Committee on Musculoskeletal Tumors Cooperative Study

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    AbstractBackgroundThe radiographic evaluation of the response to preoperative chemotherapy for bone and soft tissue sarcomas is based mostly on the change in primary tumor size before and after chemotherapy, as is done for many solid cancers. Its prognostic correlation, however, has hardly been validated.MethodsWe conducted a retrospective validation study of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association (JOA) radiographic response evaluation criteria of preoperative chemotherapy for bone and soft tissue sarcomas as a JOA Committee on Musculoskeletal Tumors cooperative study. A total of 125 consecutive patients with high-grade bone (n = 77) and soft tissue (n = 48) sarcomas treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and definitive surgery in 25 tertiary referral hospitals were selected for the study. We investigated the correlation between the tumor size-based radiographic response evaluation criteria of preoperative chemotherapy for bone and soft tissue sarcomas provided by the JOA Committee on Musculoskeletal Tumors (hereafter called the JOA criteria) and the patients’ overall survival using the Kaplan-Meier method and the log-rank test.ResultsThe JOA criteria correlated relatively well with survival for malignant bone tumors (mostly comprising osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma) but not for soft tissue sarcomas, suggesting that the tumor size-based radiographic evaluation criteria for the response to preoperative chemotherapy in patients with soft tissue sarcomas is invalid.ConclusionsThe JOA criteria, based on the change in primary tumor size, is valid for malignant bone tumors but invalid for soft tissue sarcomas. Other new evaluation modalities of the response to preoperative chemotherapy using innovative functional imaging techniques are needed for soft tissue sarcomas

    Cryosurgical Hemorrhoidectomy: Technique and Method

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    The key to gain successful results with cryosurgical hemorrhoidectomy is based on the prevention of prolapse of the edematous tissue after freezing. To prevent the edema, it is important to pull out the hemorrhoid as much as possible during freezing, to freeze only on the rectal side of the anal verge, to avoid freezing the anal verge, and to freeze the hemorrhoids in two or three separate stages when they are large such as the fourth-degree. The anal discomfort and discharge in these patients are related to prolapse of frozen tissue. Cryosurgery is an effective method of treatment for hemorrhoids if care is taken to use the proper techniques

    Lymphangioma of the Small Intestine : A Case Report

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    Lymphangiomas of the small intestine are rare tumors arising from masses of dilated lymphatic vessels in the submucosa. There are 11 cases of lymphangioma of the small intestine in the Japanese literature. We report a case of lymphangioma of the jejunum seen in a 76-year-old female and discuss with clinical feature


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    宿便成結腸穿孔は比較的稀な疾患である.今回我々は本症例の1例を経験した.症例は66歳,女性.腹痛を主訴に来院した.来院時腹部所見は板上硬で左下腹部に強度の圧通を認め,腸音は減弱していた.単純X線写真にて両側横隔膜下に遊離ガス像を認め,下部消化器管穿孔,汎発生腹膜炎の診断にて緊急手術を施行した.手術所見では下行結腸から直腸内に硬便が充満していた.S字結腸に穿孔部を認め,その近傍に腸管内から脱出した便塊を認めた.手術はハルトマン手術を施行した.切除標本では穿孔部は楕円形であり,手術所見,病理組織学的所見とあわせて宿便性結腸穿孔と診断した.術後は経過良好であった.手術から12ヶ月後,人工肛門閉鎖,下行結腸直腸吻合術を施行した.Stercoral colonic perforation is a relatively rare entity. This paper presents such a case in a 66-year-old woman. The patient was visited the hospital because of abdominal pain. Her abdomen was board-like, there was severe tenderness in the left lower quadrant, and bowel sounds were hypoactive. The abdominal x-ray film showed free air beneath the bilateral diaphragm. Lower gastrointestinal perforation and generalized peritonitis were diagnosed and an emergency operation performed. At laparotomy, the intestine from the descending colon to the rectum was filled with hard stool. A perforation was present in the sigmoid colon and, in the vicinity of the perforation, the stool mass had fallen away from the inside of the intestine. A Hartmann procedure was employed. On the resected material, the perforation was oval in shape. From operative and histopathological findings, a definite diagnosis of stercoral colonic perforation was made. The postoperative course was uneventiful. Twelve months after the operation, closure of an artificial anus and an anastomosis between the descending colon and the rectum were performed