15 research outputs found

    Children\u27s Life and Schools in Bangladesh--Toward the Construction of an Educational and Anthropological Model

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    This paper aims at developing an integrated approach to the analysis of children\u27s life and education, using data derived from preliminary fieldwork in Bangladesh in 1994. The Compulsory Primary Education Scheme became effective in January, 1992,with the "Food for Education Program" also started in selected thanas (counties) in order to enhance school attendance of children from the poor social strata who, otherwise, tended to remain illiterate. The conditions of primary and secondary education under the influence of this scheme were reported, along with characteristics of the Bengali family living arrangement, the poverty of landless peasants in rural areas, and the population explosion. The relationships of Islamic ideology to education, to the concept of the child, and to ideas about women were also discussed. An educational anthropological model was constructed for the analyses of possible correlates which might affect children\u27s experience in socialization settings. This model, which emphasizes macro-micro links, had three components at the macro level : life maintenance system, cultural meaning systems, and population increase & assistance from overseas. The relationships of these components with socialization were discussed with special reference to the life and education of children and youth in Bangladesh

    The Management of Study Abroad Programs in American Campuses : With Discussions on US-Japan Differences in Approaches to International Education

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    Study abroad programs have expanded rapidly in the 1980s on American university campuses. This paper illustrates the rationales and the management of study abroad programs of US campuses. A study abroad office of American universities compiles study abroad catalogs, advises students in selecting an appropriate program, provides pre-departure orientation and follow-up services during the period of students\u27being overseas. It belongs to either the Division of Academic or Student Affairs depending upon a university\u27s policy of how to view international education in their curriculum for undergraduates. Professionalization of international educators is ongoing, though far from complete. Study abroad professionals are found to be much more service-oriented than research-oriented. Ideology underlying the development of study abroad both in United States and in Japan is found to be quite different. Japanese universities invest human resources and funds much more in receiving foreign students rather than sending their own students abroad, whereas American universities are concerned more with sending their own students abroad. The American focus reflects the view that an international dimension is considered to be a necessity for general education. The underdevelopment of study abroad in Japanese universities may be explained by their organizational characteristics of faculty (Gakubu)-centered management which tends to suppress the development of rcampus-wide curricula and services

    Health and Sanitary Condition in a Rural Area of Bangladesh : Preliminary Study in View of School Health and Promotion

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    In Bangladesh, it seems still time to expand primary education to every children in the country. We would like to know how the health and sanitary knowledge of pupils influences their development of school education afterwards. As a preliminary study, we investigated health and sanitary condition of Bangladesh, health administration and health education in primary schools. Though population is still increasing, there has been some improvement in health indices such as rate of natural increase, child birth rate, and crude mortality rate. In villages, people use tube wells and ring latrines, which means the wide acceptance of modern sanitary methods. It seems people are finding personal hygiene and health aspects such as personal health cards in schools

    Interplay between I308 and Y310 residues in the third repeat of microtubule-binding domain is essential for tau filament formation

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    AbstractInvestigation of the mechanism of tau polymerization is indispensable for finding inhibitory conditions or identifying compounds preventing the formation of paired helical filament or oligomers. Tau contains a microtubule-binding domain consisting of three or four repeats in its C-terminal half. It has been considered that the key event in tau polymerization is the formation of a β-sheet structure arising from a short hexapeptide 306VQIVYK311 in the third repeat of tau. In this paper, we report for the first time that the C–H⋯π interaction between Ile308 and Tyr310 is the elemental structural scaffold essential for forming a dry “steric zipper” structure in tau amyloid fibrils

    What Kind of Students Are They? : The Case of Students Interested in Global Studies

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate characteristics of undergraduate students who have an\r\ninterest in global studies, and the relationship between their level of interest and related factors such as\r\nmotivation of programs of global education and career support; ideal self image; multicultural attitude;\r\ncareer aspirations; the image of Muslim, Korean, and Japanese society and so on. An analysis was\r\nundertaken of questionnaires completed by 498 respondents, freshmen in the undergraduate school of\r\nOchanomizu University. The total respondents were divided into 3 groups, those with a high level of\r\ninterest in global studies (n=141), those with a middle level of interest (n=224), and those with low-level\r\ninterest (n=126). The results of the analysis are as follows: 1) Students with high interest tend to have\r\naspiration to attend programs of global education; 2) In terms of ideal self image, they have a tendency\r\nto place emphasis on specialty, curiosity, social contribution, intercultural exchange, appeal to society,\r\nsocial power, and so on; 3) As for multicultural attitude, they tend to put a stress upon respects for\r\nother cultures, a sense of community, importance of language and culture learning, withholding\r\njudgment, active listening, collaboration; 4) They tend to have aspiration to get a job of international\r\norganization; 5) Regarding Muslim society, they have positive images as a whole. In conclusion, it is\r\nrecognized that students with a high level of interest in global studies tend to have expectations for\r\nhigh quality education, and clear images for their career