343 research outputs found


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    The olive weevil [Dyscerus perforatus (ROELOFS); Coleopetera; Curculionidae] is a native species in Japan and now the most serious pest of the olive trees. Originally, this weevil seemed to colonise Ligustrum japonicum Thumb. and L. obtusifolium Sieb. et Zucc, both of which belong to the same oleacea family as olive. However, when olive trees were introduced to Japan in 1908, the weevils immediately attacked the plants and soon preferred them to the former hosts. Unlike in the former hosts, where the weevils live in a low population density, it is extraordinary high in the case of olive trees and the subsequent assault becomes seriously damaging for the host plant. During the course of our study on the relationship between olive trees and olive weevils, we came to be interested in the possible chemical constituents that are responsible for host selection and attraction of the olive weevil to this plant. Previously, we reported that a secoiridoid gluconside, oleuropein, and some lignans, (-)-olivil and (+)-l-acetoxypinoresinol, from the olive tree stimulated the feeding habit of the weevil. In this study, we found a steroidal glucoside as another feeding stimulant component in the olive tree. Here, we describe the isolation, characterization and activity of this feeding stimulant.オリーブアナアキゾウムシは,モクセイ科のオリーブに多数寄生し甚大な被害を与えるため,オリーブ栽培上の深刻な問題となっている.我々は,これまでオリーブのメタノール抽出物から,オリーブアナアキゾウムシの摂食刺激成分として,雌雄に活性を示すセコイリドイド配糖体1種と,雌に特異的に活性を持つ2種のリグナン類を得た.さらに今回,同じメタノール抽出物から,活性物質としてステロイド配糖体であるβ-sitosteryl-D-glucosideを得た.この成分は雌雄に対してほぼ同等の摂食刺激活性を示した

    Successful Treatment of Cisplatin Overdose with Plasma Exchange

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    Accidental cisplatin overdose has been occurring with an increasing frequency due to expanding usage of the agent. However, the optimal strategy to treat such patients remains to be established. Here, we report a case of large cisplatin overdose, successfully managed by plasma exchange, intravenous hydration, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) administration, and other supportive care. A 67-year-old man with esophageal carcinoma received a large cisplatin overdose of 240 mg/m2, when he received adjuvant therapy following subtotal esophagectomy. On day 4, he experienced frank cisplatin toxicities and emergency plasma exchange was initiated. With 7 cycles of plasma exchange, the cisplatin concentration decreased from 2,350 to 110 ng/mL. Severe bone marrow suppression with high fever ensued on day 10, which was successfully treated with G-CSF and antibiotics. Despite moderate hearing sense reduction, he recovered without significant complications. Immediate plasma exchange with hydration and other care was efficacious in quickly lowering cisplatin concentrations

    Outcomes of Patients with Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum Reaching Adulthood

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    Background: There is limited information on outcomes of adult patients with pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum (PA-IVS) due to the low incidence of disease and the large variation of surgical histories. Methods: Among 58 patients with repaired PA-IVS, a total of 32 patients aged ≥16 years and who were followed at our institution between January 2003 and December 2018 were reviewed. Surgical history, clinical outcomes, and laboratory, echocardiographic and electrocardiographic data were obtained by chart review. Results: Follow-up was from the age of 16 years and the median age at the latest follow-up was 23.7 years. Twenty-four patients had undergone biventricular repair (BVR), 3 had undergone one-and-a half ventricular repair (1.5VR), and 5 had undergone univentricular repair. Over a median follow-up period of 7.7 years (interquartile range: 4.1–11.0 years), 1 BVR patient died suddenly and 7 patients had heart failure. Arrhythmias were present in 5 patients. Ten patients underwent surgical re-interventions, including 4 BVR take-downs with conversion to 1.5VR and 3 Fontan conversions. Overall survival, heart failure-free, arrhythmia-free, and surgical re-intervention-free rates at 5 years and 10 years from the age of 16 years were 96.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], 77.2–99.4) and 96.2% (95% CI, 77.2– 99.4), 81.4% (95% CI, 62.1–92.1) and 74.6% (95%CI, 52.3–88.7), 88.7% (95% CI, 70.1–96.3) and 75.9% (95% CI, 51.7–90.2), and 80.7% (95% CI, 60.8–91.8) and 70.8% (95% CI, 49.7–85.7), respectively. Conclusion: Adults with PA-IVS have preserved long-term survival regardless of the early operative strategy, while they are at risk for heart failure, arrhythmia, and surgical re-intervention. Thus, detailed and continued follow-up is mandatory for all PA-IVS patients from childhood to adulthood


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    This study described swimmers’ leg motions and the three-dimensional flow field around their legs during undulatory underwater swimming (UUS). We used the particle image velocimetry (PIV) method and a three-dimensional motion capture system. Seven male swimmers participated and we acquired EMG data of one male swimmer during UUS after the previous experiment. After the downward kick motion that includes the legs’ lateral rotation and the ankles’ dorsal flexion, water’s backward momentum was observed. During the upward kick motion, backward flow velocity decreased, but flow occurred in a vertical, upward direction. This suggested that UUS could demonstrate great propulsion power by generating jet flow through the downward kick motion that might be assisted by upstream flow from the upward kick motion

    Real-Time Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Microwave Coagulation Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Color Doppler Imaging

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    Percutaneous microwave coagulation therapy (PMCT) is a new technique for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, it is difficult to distinguish those lesions in which necrosis has been induced from the viable residual lesions during the procedure, because the margin of the tumor becomes unclear during PMCT. We determined the area of necrotic lesions during the procedure using color Doppler imaging. PMCT was performed on 10 patients (17 lesions) with recurrent HCC. The electrode of the microwave delivery system was moved around the tumor and the surrounding area until color mosaic images disappeared from the entire area of the tumor. The areas in which necrotic tissue was indicated by color Doppler imaging were later confirmed by other modalities such as angiography or contrast-enhanced computed tomography. This leads us to believe that real-time, effective evaluation of PMCT is possible with color Doppler imaging.</p