4 research outputs found

    Elevated CRP and TNF-α Levels are Associated with Blunted Neural Oscillations Serving Fluid Intelligence

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    INTRODUCTION: Inflammatory processes help protect the body from potential threats such as bacterial or viral invasions. However, when such inflammatory processes become chronically engaged, synaptic impairments and neuronal cell death may occur. In particular, persistently high levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) have been linked to deficits in cognition and several psychiatric disorders. Higher-order cognitive processes such as fluid intelligence (Gf) are thought to be particularly vulnerable to persistent inflammation. Herein, we investigated the relationship between elevated CRP and TNF-α and the neural oscillatory dynamics serving Gf. METHODS: Seventy adults between the ages of 20-66 years (Mean = 45.17 years, SD = 16.29, 21.4% female) completed an abstract reasoning task that probes Gf during magnetoencephalography (MEG) and provided a blood sample for inflammatory marker analysis. MEG data were imaged in the time-frequency domain, and whole-brain regressions were conducted using each individual\u27s plasma CRP and TNF-α concentrations per oscillatory response, controlling for age, BMI, and education. RESULTS: CRP and TNF-α levels were significantly associated with region-specific neural oscillatory responses. In particular, elevated CRP concentrations were associated with altered gamma activity in the right inferior frontal gyrus and right cerebellum. In contrast, elevated TNF-α levels scaled with alpha/beta oscillations in the left anterior cingulate and left middle temporal, and gamma activity in the left intraparietal sulcus. DISCUSSION: Elevated inflammatory markers such as CRP and TNF-α were associated with aberrant neural oscillations in regions important for Gf. Linking inflammatory markers with regional neural oscillations may hold promise in identifying mechanisms of cognitive and psychiatric disorders

    Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of Frontal/Occipital Cortices Modulates Neural Correlates of Cognition in Healthy Young Adults

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    An exponential rise in the use of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to modify the human brain and behavior has been observed over the last 20 years, with studies often yielding mixed outcomes. Such heterogeneity is partially attributed to the lack of a concise understanding of the underlying mechanisms. Though considered to exert modulatory effects by changing neuronal membrane polarization and synaptic efficacy, the interactive effects of offline tDCS and the neural underpinnings of cognition, both at the regional and network-level, are yet to be fully understood. Using High-Definition tDCS (HD-tDCS), Magnetoencephalography (MEG), a range of well-established cognitive paradigms, and advanced analytical techniques, this work attempts to bridge critical gaps in the field. Specifically, by employing unique stimulation protocols such as varying combinations of stimulated regions, polarity, and tasks that differed considerably in their cognitive demands, we examined variable possible outcomes of HD-tDCS in healthy young adults. First, we identified the lateralized modulatory effects of anodal stimulation of higher-order regions, dorsolateral prefrontal cortices (DLPFC), on basic visuospatial processing (Chapter 1). Next, with the same stimulation protocols, we observed changes in fronto-parietal integration which provided important insights into the endogenous network-level dynamics, during a logical reasoning task (Chapter 2). Finally, we extended our approach with a polarity-based montage and probed the differential effects of anodal/cathodal occipital HD-tDCS on neural responses serving attentional reorientation which accorded well with the anodal excitation and cathodal inhibition dichotomy, in the visual cortices (Chapter 3). Overall, the findings of these studies provide important mechanistic insights into how the neuromodulatory effects of HD-tDCS are strongly influenced by the stimulation protocols and show a clear division between lower and higher-order cognitive constructs. Amidst several claims of tDCS-induced cognitive enhancement in the literature, our work cautions against those and further sets the ground for new studies aiming for standardization and optimization of the stimulation protocols. The resulting enhanced comprehension of tDCS-driven frequency-specific modulations of neural responses underlying different cognitive processes can lead to frequency targeted stimulation such as transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) and facilitate the development of therapeutic interventions for clinical indications

    Altered age-related alpha and gamma prefrontal-occipital connectivity serving distinct cognitive interference variants

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    The presence of conflicting stimuli adversely affects behavioral outcomes, which could either be at the level of stimulus (Flanker), response (Simon), or both (Multisource). Briefly, flanker interference involves conflicting stimuli requiring selective attention, Simon interference is caused by an incongruity between the spatial location of the task-relevant stimulus and prepotent motor mapping, and multisource is combination of both. Irrespective of the variant, interference resolution necessitates cognitive control to filter irrelevant information and allocate neural resources to task-related goals. Though previously studied in healthy young adults, the direct quantification of changes in oscillatory activity serving such cognitive control and associated inter-regional interactions in healthy aging are poorly understood. Herein, we used an adapted version of the multisource interference task and magnetoencephalography to investigate age-related alterations in the neural dynamics governing both divergent and convergent cognitive interference in 78 healthy participants (age range: 20-66 years). We identified weaker alpha connectivity between bilateral visual and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortices (DLPFC) and left dorsomedial prefrontal cortices (dmPFC), as well as weaker gamma connectivity between bilateral occipital regions and the right dmPFC during flanker interference with advancing age. Further, an age-related decrease in gamma power was observed in the left cerebellum and parietal region for Simon and differential interference effects (i.e., flanker-Simon), respectively. Moreover, the superadditivity model showed decreased gamma power in the right temporoparietal junction (TPJ) with increasing age. Overall, our findings suggest age-related declines in the engagement of top-down attentional control secondary to reduced alpha and gamma coupling between prefrontal and occipital cortices

    Developmental alterations in the neural oscillatory dynamics underlying attentional reorienting

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    The neural and cognitive processes underlying the flexible allocation of attention undergo a protracted developmental course with changes occurring throughout adolescence. Despite documented age-related improvements in attentional reorienting throughout childhood and adolescence, the neural correlates underlying such changes in reorienting remain unclear. Herein, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to examine neural dynamics during a Posner attention-reorienting task in 80 healthy youth (6–14 years old). The MEG data were examined in the time-frequency domain and significant oscillatory responses were imaged in anatomical space. During the reorienting of attention, youth recruited a distributed network of regions in the fronto-parietal network, along with higher-order visual regions within the theta (3–7 Hz) and alpha-beta (10–24 Hz) spectral windows. Beyond the expected developmental improvements in behavioral performance, we found stronger theta oscillatory activity as a function of age across a network of prefrontal brain regions irrespective of condition, as well as more limited age- and validity-related effects for alpha-beta responses. Distinct brain-behavior associations between theta oscillations and attention-related symptomology were also uncovered across a network of brain regions. Taken together, these data are the first to demonstrate developmental effects in the spectrally-specific neural oscillations serving the flexible allocation of attention