19 research outputs found

    Image Compression Based on Deep Learning: A Review

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    Image compression is an essential technology for encoding and improving various forms of images in the digital era. The inventors have extended the principle of deep learning to the different states of neural networks as one of the most exciting machine learning methods to show that it is the most versatile way to analyze, classify, and compress images. Many neural networks are required for image compressions, such as deep neural networks, artificial neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and convolution neural networks. Therefore, this review paper discussed how to apply the rule of deep learning to various neural networks to obtain better compression in the image with high accuracy and minimize loss and superior visibility of the image. Therefore, deep learning and its application to different types of images in a justified manner with distinct analysis to obtain these things need deep learning

    A Comprehensive Study of Kernel (Issues and Concepts) in Different Operating Systems

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    Various operating systems (OS) with numerous functions and features have appeared over time. As a result, they know how each OS has been implemented guides users' decisions on configuring the OS on their machines. Consequently, a comparative study of different operating systems is needed to provide specifics on the same and variance in novel types of OS to address their flaws. This paper's center of attention is the visual operating system based on the OS features and their limitations and strengths by contrasting iOS, Android, Mac, Windows, and Linux operating systems. Linux, Android, and Windows 10 are more stable, more compatible, and more reliable operating systems. Linux, Android, and Windows are popular enough to become user-friendly, unlike other OSs, and make more application programs. The firewalls in Mac OS X and Windows 10 are built-in. The most popular platforms are Android and Windows, specifically the novelist versions. It is because they are low-cost, dependable, compatible, safe, and easy to use. Furthermore, modern developments in issues resulting from the advent of emerging technology and the growth of the cell phone introduced many features such as high-speed processors, massive memory, multitasking, high-resolution displays, functional telecommunication hardware, and so on

    IoT and ICT based Smart Water Management, Monitoring and Controlling System: A Review

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    Water is a basic human need in all economic operations. Farmland, renewable energy, the industrial industry, and mining are all critical economic areas. Water supplies are under severe strain. With the population increase, the requirement for water from competing economic sectors is increased. So, there is not enough water left to meet human needs and maintain environmental flows that maintain the integrity of our ecosystems. Underground water is becoming depleted in many sectors, making now and future generations near the point of being deprived of protection from the increasing climate variability. Therefore, the critical role that information technology methods and internet communication technologies (ICT) play in water resources managing to limit the excessive waste of fresh water and to control and monitor water pollution. In this paper, we have to review research that uses the internet of things (IoT) as a communication technology that controls the preservation of the available amount of water and not wastes it by homeowners and farmers. In contrast, they use water, and we have also reviewed some researches that preserve water quality and reduce its pollution

    A State of Art Survey of Nano Technology: Implementation, Challenges, and Future Trends

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    Nanotechnology is a field of study that aims to make our lives easier, safer, and more environmentally friendly. With current upgrades and alterations to available networking and communication paradigms, incorporating Wireless Nano Sensor Networks (WNSN) with various products, sensors, and devices would introduce new network paradigms. The Internet of Nano Things is a term for this concept (IoNT), To achieve seamless interconnection between Nano networks and existing communication networks and the Internet, many topologies and communication paradigms must be developed while technological hurdles are addressed. The amount of data accessible limits how much research and decision-making can be done. This research visualizes a wide range of nanotechnology applications. The goal of this project was to show in more than way this research method may be used to information recommendation services. The routing protocol is critical in WNSN and IoNT because of the many nanoscale constraints. While ensuring the flow of data and information, this routing protocol must take into account the specific features of nanoscale communication.This research aims to provide insight into the WNSN (Wireless Nano Sensor Networks) and IoNT (The Internet of Nano Things) paradigms, as well as a detailed assessment of a large number of current routing protocols that are tailored to the characteristics and features of nano communication. Big data applications with their features and characteristics in general also use cloud computing. This paper explains different hands based on neural networks and implemented on FPGAs (which is Field-Programmable Gate Array) and other genetic algorithms and neural networks. Many more approaches and models compare

    Web Server Performance Improvement Using Dynamic Load Balancing Techniques: A Review

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    Today, web services rapidly increased and are accessed by many users, leading to massive traffic on the Internet. Hence, the web server suffers from this problem, and it becomes challenging to manage the total traffic with growing users. It will be overloaded and show response time and bottleneck, so this massive traffic must be shared among several servers. Therefore, the load balancing technologies and server clusters are potent methods for dealing with server bottlenecks. Load balancing techniques distribute the load among servers in the cluster so that it balances all web servers. The motivation of this paper is to give an overview of the several load balancing techniques used to enhance the efficiency of web servers in terms of response time, throughput, and resource utilization. Different algorithms are addressed by researchers and get good results like the pending job, and IP hash algorithms achieve better performance

    A State of Art Survey for Intelligent Energy Monitoring Systems

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    In this study, the significance and necessities of surveillance systems have been investigated in several areas - both in the use of neural networks, street lighting systems, factories, and laboratories - for the monitoring systems, especially concerning the design of artificial intelligence programs. The importance of these initiatives and how they can affect any sector and industry reach an essential point from here. Here we reach an important point. An algorithm and an extraordinary approach have been used in every field to develop an intelligent programmer. Something has been mentioned here: the ability to access these intelligent programs in all areas of life. We concentrate on a variety of fields of use and design of monitoring systems in this review article

    SQL Injection Attacks Prevention System Technology: Review

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    The vulnerabilities in most web applications enable hackers to gain access to confidential and private information. Structured query injection poses a significant threat to web applications and is one of the most common and widely used information theft mechanisms. Where hackers benefit from errors in the design of systems or existing gaps by not filtering the user's input for some special characters and symbols contained within the structural query sentences or the quality of the information is not checked, whether it is text or numerical, which causes unpredictability of the outcome of its implementation. In this paper, we review PHP techniques and other techniques for protecting SQL from the injection, methods for detecting SQL attacks, types of SQL injection, causes of SQL injection via getting and Post, and prevention technology for SQL vulnerabilities

    Reliable Communications for Vehicular Networks

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    Vehicular communications, referring to information exchange among vehicles, and infrastructures. It has attracted a lot of attentions recently due to its great potential to support intelligent transportation, various safety applications, and on-road infotainment. The aim of technologies such as Vehicle-to-Vehicl (V2V) and Vehicle to-Every-thibg (V2X) Vehicle-to very-thing is to include models of connectivity that can be used in various application contexts by vehicles. However, the routing reliability of these ever-changing networks needs to be paid special attention. The link reliability is defined as the probability that a direct communication link between two vehicles will stay continuously available over a specified period. Furthermore, the link reliability value is accurately calculated using the location, direction and velocity information of vehicles along the road

    Paralinguistic Speech Processing: An Overview

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    Clients can adequately control PCs and create reports by speaking with the guide of innovation, discourse acknowledgment empowers records to be delivered all the more effectively in light of the fact that the program normally produces words as fast as they expressed, which is typically a lot faster than a human can compose. Discourse acknowledgment is an innovation that consequently finds the words and expressions that best match the contribution of human discourse. The most normal use of discourse acknowledgment is correspondence, where discourse acknowledgment can be utilized to create letters/messages and different reports. Point of discourse handling: - to comprehend discourse as a mechanism of correspondence, to reflect discourse for transmission and propagation; - to inspect discourse for robotized data discovery and extraction-to find some physiological highlights of the speaker. In discourse combination, there are two significant capacities. The first is the interpretation of voice to message. The second is for the content to be converted into human voice

    A Comprehensive Study of Malware Detection in Android Operating Systems

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    Android is now the world's (or one of the world’s) most popular operating system. More and more malware assaults are taking place in Android applications. Many security detection techniques based on Android Apps are now available. The open environmental feature of the Android environment has given Android an extensive appeal in recent years. The growing number of mobile devices are incorporated in many aspects of our everyday lives. This  paper gives a detailed comparison that summarizes and analyses various detection techniques. This work examines the current status of Android malware detection methods, with an emphasis on Machine Learning-based classifiers for detecting malicious software on Android devices. Android has a huge number of apps that may be downloaded and used for free. Consequently, Android phones are more susceptible to malware. As a result, additional research has been done in order to develop effective malware detection methods. To begin, several of the currently available Android malware detection approaches are carefully examined and classified based on their detection methodologies. This study examines a wide range of machine-learning-based methods to detecting Android malware covering both types dynamic and static